Astral Resonance (5e Spell)

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Design Note: This page was created using the Epic Magic (10th+ Level Magic) Variant Rule.

Astral Resonance
10th-level Divination
Casting time: 1 action
Range: Self
Casters: 1

Astral Resonance is the pinnacle of magical divination, allowing the caster to transcend the boundaries of reality and tap into the vast cosmic knowledge of the multiverse. This spell is known only to the most accomplished and learned spellcasters who have dedicated their lives to unraveling the secrets of the cosmos.

Upon casting Astral Resonance, your physical form fades into a shimmering, ethereal state, as your consciousness ascends to the astral plane. Your body becomes incorporeal, immune to all forms of physical damage and effects, and you gain the ability to move through solid objects at your walking speed. In this astral form, you are intangible and invisible to creatures on the material plane, and you cannot interact with objects or creatures physically.

While in the astral form, you gain the following abilities:

Cosmic Sight: Your vision transcends the physical, allowing you to perceive the entire multiverse. You can see and hear events occurring on the material, ethereal, and astral planes within a range of 1 mile, as if you were physically present. You can focus on specific locations or creatures to gain detailed information about them.

Astral Projection: You can project your consciousness to any point in the multiverse, bypassing distance and barriers. You can teleport yourself and up to seven willing creatures to any plane of existence you are aware of, without the need for any plane-shifting spells or abilities. You must have specific knowledge of the destination, or you may risk ending up in an unintended location.

Cosmic Insights: While in your astral form, you can ask the DM a number of questions equal to your proficiency bonus about any topic or event occurring in the multiverse. The DM will provide you with cryptic, riddle-like answers that may require further interpretation.

Temporal Manipulation: You can temporarily slow or accelerate the flow of time on the material plane as an action. You can affect a radius of up to 100 feet, causing time to move at half speed or twice the speed for all creatures and objects within the area. This effect lasts for one minute, during which you can take no other actions.

Casting Astral Resonance is a profound experience that leaves the caster mentally and physically drained. Once the spell ends, whether by choice or due to concentration loss, you return to the material plane at your current location, and your body materializes. You suffer one level of exhaustion and cannot cast this spell again until you complete a long rest.

Astral Resonance is the ultimate expression of a mage's mastery over the cosmos, offering unparalleled knowledge and power to those who dare to venture beyond the boundaries of reality.

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