Ashya (5e Campaign Setting)

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Rating: Not-Rated / 5
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This is currently a WIP.


Campaign Setting Information[edit]

Players Guide

A quick look at how classes and subclasses fit into the world of Ashya.
• Will be updated as needed.
Various gear, trade goods, and equipment available to characters.
Magic - WIP
Information on how the practice of magic, spell usage, and rituals interacts and affect the world.
Races - WIP
A description of how the various races figure into the world of Ashya and what geological place they have assumed to fit in.
Feats - WIP
A list of additional feats for players to utilize.
Spells - WIP
A list of additional spells for players to utilize.

World of Ashya

Geography - WIP
The world of Ashya and the nations, cities, and people within it.
History - WIP
The generalized history of Ashya.
Society - WIP
A quick look into the common societal trends and laws of Ashya.
Cosmology - WIP
Ashya's Interactions and connections with the planes.
Pantheon - WIP
The pantheon of the gods in Ashya, which includes their symbols, their attributions, their practices of worship, and how/if they commonly interact with the world.

Dungeon Master's Guide

About - WIP
An optional page which goes gives a general explanation of the world.
Varient Rules - WIP
Rules for DMs to implement while playing a campaign in Ashya.
Adventures & Tables - WIP
Ideas for quests, dungeons, campaigns, and conflicts.
Help/Questions - WIP
An optional page for others to submit their ideas, advice, and anecdotes for the development of the setting.

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