Equipment (Ashya Supplement)

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Armor Cost Armor Class (AC) Strength Stealth Weight
Light Armour
Padded 5 gp 11 + Dex Modifier - Disadvantage 10 lb.
Leather 10 gp 11 + Dex Modifier - - 8 lb.
Studded Leather 45 gp 12 + Dex Modifier - - 13 lb.
Medium Armour
Hide 10 gp 12 + Dex Modifier (max 2) - - 12 lb.
Chain Shirt 50 gp 13 + Dex Modifier (max 2) - - 20 lb.
Scale Mail 50 gp 14 + Dex Modifier (max 2) - Disadvantage 45 lb.
Breastplate 400 gp 14 + Dex Modifier (max 2) - - 20 lb.
Half Plate 750 gp 15 + Dex Modifier (max 2) - Disadvantage 40 lb.
Heavy Armour
Ring Mail 30 gp 14 - Disadvantage 40 lb.
Chain Mail 75 gp 16 Str 13 Disadvantage 55 lb.
Splint 200 gp 17 Str 15 Disadvantage 60 lb.
Plate 1,500 gp 18 Str 15 Disadvantage 65 lb.
Shield 10 gp +2 - - 6 lb.


Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Simple Melee Weapons
Club 1 sp 1d4 bludgeoning 6 lb. light
Brass Knuckle 5 sp 1d4 bludgeoning 1/2 lb. Finesse, light
Dagger 2 gp 1d4 piercing 1 lb. Finesse, light, thrown(range 20/60)
Greatclub 2 sp 1d8 bludgeoning 10 lb. Two-handed
Handaxe 5 gp 1d6 slashing 2 lb. light, thrown(20/60)
Javelin 5 sp 1d6 piercing 2 lb. thrown(20/60)
Light Hammer 2 sp 1d4 bludgeoning 2 lb. Light, thrown (range 20/60)
Mace 5 gp 1d6 bludgeoning 4 lb.
Quarterstaff 2 sp 1d6 bludgeoning 4 lb. Versatile (1d8)
Scythe 2 gp 1d4 slashing 2 lb. Finesse, Versatile (2d4)
Sickle 1 gp 1d4 slashing 2 lb. light
Spear 1 gp 1d6 piercing 3 lb. Finesse, Thrown (range 20/60), versatile (1d8)
Martial Melee Weapons
Battleaxe 10 gp 1d8 slashing 4 lb. Versatile (1d10)
Flail 10 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 2 lb. -
Glaive 20 gp 1d10 slashing 6 lb. Heavy, reach, two-handed
Greataxe 30 gp 1d12 slashing 7 lb. Heavy, two-handed
Greatsword 50 gp 2d6 slashing 6 lb. Heavy, two-handed
Halberd 20 gp 1d10 slashing 6 lb. Heavy, reach, two-handed
Katana 15 gp 1d8 slashing 3 lb. Finesse, Versatile (1d10)
Lance 10 gp 1d12 piercing 6 lb. Reach, special
Longsword 15 gp 1d8 slashing 3 lb. Versatile (1d10)
Maul 10 gp 2d6 bludgeoning 10 lb. Heavy, two-handed
Man Catcher 25 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 2 lb. Two-handed, reach, special
Morningstar 15 gp 1d8 piercing 4 lb. -
Pike 5 gp 1d10 piercing 18 lb. Heavy, reach, two-handed
Rapier 25 gp 1d8 piercing 2 lb. Finesse
Scimitar 25 gp 1d6 slashing 3 lb. Finesse, light
Shortsword 10 gp 1d6 slashing 2 lb. Finesse, light
War Pick 5 gp 1d8 piercing 2 lb. -
Warhammer 15 gp 1d8 bludgeoning 2 lb. Versatile (1d10)
War Scythe 15 gp 2d4 slashing 12 lb. Heavy, two-handed, reach
Whip 2 gp 1d4 slashing 3 lb. Finesse, reach
Simple Ranged Weapons
Bolas 1 gp 1d4 bludgeoning 2 lb. Special, thrown (range 20/60)
Crossbow, Light 25 gp 1d8 piercing 5 lb. Ammunition (range 80/320), loading, two-handed
Dart 5 cp 1d4 piercing 1/4 lb. Finesse, thrown (range 20/60)
Shuriken 1 sp 1d4 slashing 1/4 lb. Finesse, hidden, thrown (range 20/60)
Shortbow 25 gp 1d6 piercing 2 lb. Ammunition (range 80/320), two-handed
Sling 25 gp 1d4 piercing - Ammunition (range 30/120)
Martial Ranged Weapons
Blowgun 10 gp 1 piercing 1 lb. Ammunition (range 25/100), loading
Chakram 50 gp 1d6 slashing 1 lb. Finesse, light, thrown (range 20/60), returning
Crossbow, Hand 75 gp 1d6 piercing 3 lb. Ammunition (range 30/120), light, loading
Crossbow, Heavy 50 gp 1d10 piercing 18 lb. Ammunition (range 100/400), heavy, loading, two-handed
Greatbow 80 gp 1d10 piercing 5 lb. Ammunition (range 200/800), heavy, special, two-handed
Longbow 50 gp 1d8 piercing 5 lb. Ammunition (range 150/600), heavy, two-handed
Net 1 gp - 3 lb. Special, thrown (range 5/15)
Arrows (20) 1 gp - 1 lb. -
Blowgun Needles (50) 1 gp - 1 lb. -
Crossbow Bolts (20) 1 gp - 1 ½ lb. -
Sling Bullets (20) 4 cp - 1 ½ lb. -


Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Firearms Weapons
Pistol 200 gp 2d4 piercing 4 lb. Ammunition (range 25/100), loading, light
Rifle 500 gp 2d6 piercing 10 lb. Ammunition (range 80/300), loading, two-handed
Blunderbuss 750 gp 2d6 piercing 4 lb. Ammunition (range 20/30), heavy loading, scatter (radius 10), two-handed

Trade Goods[edit]

Cost Food and Spices Materials Livestock
1 cp 1 lb. of wheat, barley, or common grain
1 lb. of dried seeds
2 cp Two dozen eggs
1 lb. root vegetables
1 lb. of dried fruit
1 lb. of fungi
1 lb. of flour
1 lb. of coal
5 cp One salted fish
1 lb. of vegetables
1 lb. of cheese
1 lb. of salt
1 lb of clay
- - - -
1 sp 1 lb. of beef, mutton, or venison
1 lb. of dried beans
1 lb. of copper one chicken
2 sp 1 gallon of milk 1 lb. of tallow
1 lb. of wool
1 lb. of lead
3 sp 1 pint molasses
5 sp One fresh fish
1 pint of maple syrup
1 gallon of cream
1 lb. of butter
1 sq. yd. of cotton cloth
1 lb. of iron
- - - -
1 gp 1 pint of honey
1 lb. of ginger
1 lb. of garlic
1 rabbit pelt one goat
2 gp 1 lb. of cinnamon or pepper
1 lb. of nutmeg
1 lb. of sugar
1 lb. of tea
1 wolf or deer pelt
1 lb. of bronze
1 lb. of brass
1 lb. of steel
one sheep
3 gp 1 lb. of cloves one pig
5 gp One barrel of poor-quality ale (60 Gallons) 1 sq. yd. of linen
1 lb. of silver
1 lb. of wax
10 gp One barrel of medium-quality ale (60 Gallons) 1 elk or bear pelt
1 sq. yd. of silk
1 lb. of cotton
1 lb. of ivory
1 lb. of tin
one cow
15 gp One barrel of salmon (cleaned and salted)
One barrel of pork (salted)
1 lb. of saffron
one ox
20 gp One barrel of good-quality ale (60 Gallons)
One barrel of beef (salted)
50 gp One barrel of cheap wine 1 lb. of gold 1 slave
500 gp 1 lb. of platinum 1 exotic slave.

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