Esoteric Alchemist (FMA Supplement)

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This creature was created as part of the Player Equivalent CR variant rule using the Alchemist class and Guild Artisan background, and as such does not follow traditional CR.

Esoteric Alchemist[edit]

Medium humanoid, lawful good

Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
Hit Points 135 (18d8 + 54)
Speed 30 ft.

10 (+0) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1)

Saving Throws Con +9, Int +9
Skills Arcana +9, Athletics +6, Intimidation +7, Medicine +8, Nature +9, Religion +9
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Common
Challenge 18 (20,000 XP)

Transmutation Circle. The alchemist can create Transmutation Circles. All created Circles occupy the space you were in when you created it, and can only be activated while touching it. Each Transmutation Circle can manipulate a single element or compound, or a substance comprising of at least half of the chosen material, and this material can not be in a creature's possession. Any objects created by the alchemist's Circles can not have any functions its source material did not. The esoteric alchemist's Transmutation Circles may manipulate a single non-biological material of their choice. The esoteric alchemist has 54 Alchemic Stamina which it may spend, regaining all spend Alchemic Stamina at the end of a long rest.

Use the following and the tables at the end of this creature description to determine the effects of the alchemist's Circles:

Transmutation Save DC: 16

Transmutation Attack Modifier: +8

All is One. The alchemist may spend 1 minute analyzing a material, allowing the next Transmutation Circle they cast within the next hour to manipulate it even if they can not manipulate that material normally unless the material is in a creature's possession. This can be used as an action for 6 Alchemic Stamina.

One is All. The alchemist's Transmutation Circles can manipulate any number of materials they know how to manipulate.

Combat Alchemy. When the alchemist uses their action to do something other than to activate a Circle, they may activate a Circle up to Medium size as a bonus action.


Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage.

Alchemic Recovery. As a bonus action, the alchemist regains 18 Alchemic Stamina. This feature can be used twice, regaining use at the end of a short rest.

Alchemic Rejuvenation. As a bonus action, the alchemist may spend Alchemic Stamina to grant themself twice as many temporary hit points.

Alchemic Meditation. The alchemist meditates on one Circle within their reach. So long as they remain touching the Circle and maintain concentration, the total cost of the Circle is halved, the area of effect is indicated before it activates, and it activates at the end of your next turn.

Esoteric alchemists have delved past the exoteric, practical principles of alchemy, unveiling many of its underlying truths and becoming far more powerful because of it.

Esoteric Alchemists

The following are known esoteric alchemists and their circles:

Edward Elric, Young

Even before his time as the Fullmetal Alchemist, Edward Elric and his brother Alphonse had a unique talent for alchemy, which was only enhanced by their drive following the death of their mother and their tutelage under Izumi Curtis. Edward's Transmutation Circles can manipulate silica and iron, and he can preform Human Transmutation.

Rebound. When Edward uses a Circle, he may spend his or one of his body parts' hit points instead of Alchemic Stamina. He may gain 1 level of exhaustion to decrease the number of hit points lost by 6.
Soul Bond. Using a Small Circle within 1 minute of the death of any humanoid, Edward may bond their soul to a suit of armor within the Circle's range. He may also force the creature to make a DC 15 Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is charmed by Edward and he may choose so it only has access to memories he has fabricated for 14d6 hours. During this transmutation, Edward takes 28 (5d10) damage that can not be reduced in any way. Edward may choose this damage to instead target one of his limbs if it would reduce it to 0 hit points.
The created construct does not need to and can not eat, breathe, or sleep, has an AC equal to the AC of the armor it is bound to, is affected by any special properties the armor had, cannot wear additional armor except shields, and has immunity to poison damage and vulnerability to acid damage, but is otherwise resurrected per the resurrection spell. It regains hit points normally, but can not regain hit points from items or bioalchemy. When a creature uses a Medium or larger Circle to manipulate the same material the construct is made of, they may cause the construct to regain hit points equal to the hit points an object made of the material would have. If Edward spends at least 1 Alchemic Stamina from a Philosopher's Stone on this circle, he may spend Alchemic Stamina from the stone to decrease the damage taken by an equal amount.
Edward Elric

After completing their training, Edward and Alphonse Elric returned to Resembool, pooling their knowledge in an attempt to bring back their mother. In the aftermath, Edward would lose both his right arm and left leg, which would be replaced with automail by Winry, his childhood friend. Edward's Transmutation Circles can manipulate silica, iron, and flesh, and can be used to create melee weapons and shields.

Healing Alchemy. Using a Circle of any size, Edward may cause any creatures of his choice within the Circle's range that are not a construct or elemental to regain a total number of hit points equal to the Circle's maximum weight.
Truth Alchemy. At will, Edward may instantly create a Transmutation Circle of any size within his body that lasts until it is used or he creates another Transmutation Circle for half the Circle's use cost.
Automail. Edward's right arm and left leg have 9 hit points. A creature with proficiency in tinker's tools must do at least 1 minute of maintenance on each piece of automail every 72 hours, or every hour in extreme weather. For every 24 hours without maintenance after this limit grants a -1 penalty to any checks and attack rolls made with the piece of automail.
Alphonse Elric, Young

Much like his older brother Edward, Alphonse Elric has a unique talent for alchemy, which was only enhanced by their drive following the death of their mother and their tutelage under Izumi Curtis. Alphonse's Transmutation Circles can manipulate silica and wood, and he can preform Human Transmutation.

Rebound. When Alphonse uses a Circle, he may spend his or one of his body parts' hit points instead of Alchemic Stamina. He may gain 1 level of exhaustion to decrease the number of hit points lost by 6.
Healing Alchemy. Using a Circle of any size, Alphonse may cause any creatures of his choice within the Circle's range that are not a construct or elemental to regain a total number of hit points equal to the Circle's maximum weight.
Alphonse Elric

After completing their training, Edward and Alphonse Elric returned to Resembool, pooling their knowledge in an attempt to bring back their mother. In the aftermath, Alphonse's entire body would be consumed by the rebound, his soul displaced into the twisted amalgamation of flesh that was supposed to be their mother. Moments before his soul could pass, Edward used the last of his strength to bind it to one of their father's suits of armor. Alphonse's Transmutation Circles can manipulate silica, iron, and wood.

Rebound. When Alphonse uses a Circle, he may spend his or one of his body parts' hit points instead of Alchemic Stamina. He may gain 1 level of exhaustion to decrease the number of hit points lost by 6.
Healing Alchemy. Using a Circle of any size, Alphonse may cause any creatures of his choice within the Circle's range that are not a construct or elemental to regain a total number of hit points equal to the Circle's maximum weight.
Truth Alchemy. At will, Alphonse may instantly create a Transmutation Circle of any size within his body that lasts until it is used or he creates another Transmutation Circle for half the Circle's use cost.
Automaton. Alphonse does not need to and can not eat, breathe, or sleep, has an AC of 13, a Strength saving throw bonus of -5, and a Dexterity saving throw bonus of -3, has immunity to poison damage and vulnerability to acid damage, and can not regain hit points from items or bioalchemy. When a creature uses a Medium or larger Circle to manipulate the same material the construct is made of, they may cause Alphonse to regain hit points equal to the hit points an object made of the material would have.
Izumi Curtis, Young

Both physically mighty and extremely intelligent, Izumi Harnet trained under both Gold and Silver Steiner, a pair of brothers consisting of a talented martial artist and alchemist in the mountains of Briggs, before returning to her home town of Dublith, where she married Sig Curtis, the only man who could match her in strength and smarts. Izumi's Transmutation Circles can manipulate silica, and can be used to create melee weapons and shields, and she can preform Human Transmutation.

Rebound. When Izumi uses a Circle, she may spend her or one of her body parts' hit points instead of Alchemic Stamina. She may gain 1 level of exhaustion to decrease the number of hit points lost by 6.
Izumi Curtis

Following the miscarriage of their first child, the resident doctor of Dublith had heartbreaking news; Izumi would never be able to bear children. Putting all of her might and intelligence to a single goal, she attempted human transmutation, which unlocked the deepest secrets of alchemy to her, but at the price of shredding her internal organs. Izumi's Transmutation Circles can manipulate silica and iron, and can be used to create melee weapons and shields.

Rebound. When Izumi uses a Circle, she may spend her or one of her body parts' hit points instead of Alchemic Stamina. She may gain 1 level of exhaustion to decrease the number of hit points lost by 6.
Truth Alchemy. At will, Izumi may instantly create a Transmutation Circle of any size within her body that lasts until it is used or she creates another Transmutation Circle for half the Circle's use cost.
Shredded Organs. Izumi can hold her breath for 2 minutes, she automatically fails Constitution saving throws, and her maximum hit points are halved. If she eats at least 1/3 of a day's worth of food within 1 hour, she automatically vomits it.
Roy Mustang, Sacrifice

On the Promised Day, Mustang was forced into a corner: perform human transmutation or watch Riza Hawkeye, his comrade and love interest, die. Mustang's Transmutation Circles can manipulate silica and oxygen. Mustang may use Alchemic Recovery an additional time, but this use is regained at the end of a long rest.

Rebound. When Alphonse uses a Circle, he may spend his or one of his body parts' hit points instead of Alchemic Stamina.
Flame Alchemy. Using a Circle of any size, Mustang may concentrate oxygen in any areas within the Circle's range until the beginning of his next turn. If an area affected by this effect is exposed to an open flame or electricity, it ignites, forcing every creature within the area to attempt a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes fire damage equal to twice the Alchemic Stamina cost of the Circle. Mustang may decrease the number of 5 ft. areas targeted by this Circle to increase the damage dealt to creatures within an equal number of 5 ft. areas targeted by the Circle by the Alchemic Stamina cost of the Circle. Mustang has an alchemist's cloth affect worth 170,000 cens that can only be used as a Medium Circle to use this Alchemical Specialization and breaks on a 1d6 roll of 1.
Truth Alchemy. At will, Mustang may instantly create a Transmutation Circle of any size within his body that lasts until it is used or he creates another Transmutation Circle for half the Circle's use cost.
Blind. Mustang has a -25 penalty to checks that require sight.

Once an Ishvalan warrior-monk, Scar and his brother were severely injured by an attack from Solf J. Kimblee during the Ishvalan Civil War. A heretic for his use of alchemy, Scar's brother used the last few moments he had to live saving his brother's life, even replacing his arm with his own tattooed right arm. Scar's Transmutation Circles can manipulate silica and flesh.

Independent Deconstruction. Using a Circle of any size, Edward may make a Transmutation attack against one creature within the Circle's range. On a hit, the target takes force damage as if they were critically hit by the maximum weight the Circle could manipulate. Scar has a transmutation tattoo that can only be used as a Large Circle to use this Alchemical Specialization and breaks on a 1d6 roll of 1. When this Circle would be destroyed from use, Scar or his right arm instead takes 5 (2d4) necrotic damage.
Solf J. Kimblee, 2003

The Crimson Lotus Alchemist, Major Kimblee was one of the first soldiers to experiment with the Philosopher's Stone in combat during the Ishvalan Civil War, which caused his already erratic personality to spiral into full homicidal mania. Kimblee's Transmutation Circles can manipulate silica and oxygen.

Gunpowder Alchemy. Using a Large Circle, Kimblee may force every creature in a 30 ft. cone to make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 28 (5d10) force damage. On a success, they take half as much damage. Kimblee may cause the explosion to not occur until he causes it to occur in the location he cast it at will up to 1 hour after casting it. Kimblee has a transmutation tattoo that can only be used as a Large Circle to use this Alchemical Specialization and breaks on a 1d6 roll of 1. When this Circle would be destroyed from use, Kimblee or his arms instead takes 5 (2d4) necrotic damage.

Transmutation Circle Tables

Size Cost Casting Time Range Weight Maximum Damage Maximum Hit Points
Small 2 Free Action 15 feet 3 lbs. 1d6 3
Medium 4 Bonus Action 30 feet 30 lbs. 3d6 11
Large 6 Action 60 feet 60 lbs. 5d6 14
Huge 12 Full Turn Action 120 feet 80 lbs. 5d6 14
Garganguan 24 1 Minute 180 feet 300 lbs. 20d6 70

Material Category Material DT Weight of a 5-ft. cube
Cloth, paper, rope 0 150 lbs.
Fragile Crystal, glass, ice 2 300 lbs.
Wood, bone 4 500 lbs.
Stone, gold 10 800 lbs.
Sturdy Iron, steel 15 2500 lbs.
Lead, uranium 20 3500 lbs.

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