Arrow Universe Stand Archetypes (JJBA Supplement)

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Stardust Crusaders Archetypes[edit]

Star Platinum[edit]

Stand of Fury

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 10 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d6 + your Stand's Strength modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Fists of Fury

At 3rd level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may enter Fists of Fury for 1 hour or until you end it as a bonus action, are knocked unconscious, or lose the Bloodlusted condition.

Upon activating Fists of Fury, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Stand User level times half your Constitution modifier rounded up (minimum 1), you ignore difficult terrain, your Stand may make one additional attack when you take the Attack action, and you become bloodlusted. Your Stand's unarmed strikes deal an additional 1d6 damage.

Let me show you how scary it can get

At 5th level, you gain one Stand User Perks of your choice. Additionally, you can summon your Stand at will for 1 spirit point.

Don't go underestimating a kid like me

At 7th level, you gain one Stand User Perks of your choice. Additionally, immediately after your Stand uses your reaction, you may regain your reaction at will for 1 spirit point.

Give me a break...

At 9th level, you gain two Stand User Perks of your choice. Additionally, you benefit from Fists of Fury whenever you are Bloodlusted.

You can't pay back what you owe with money!

At 11th level, while Fists of Fury is active, you may take the Attack action as a full turn action, allowing you to spend spirit points to make an equal number of additional attacks to a maximum of half your level, rounded down. At the end of your turn, the target must attempt a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are thrown a number of feet equal to 5 times the number of attacks that hit them on your turn and are knocked prone. On a success, they are pushed half as far.

Star Platinum: The World

At 14th level, as a full turn action for 1 spirit point, you may attempt to stop time. At the beginning of your next turn if you do not lose concentration, time is stopped until the end of turn. While time is stopped, time does not pass and all other creatures count as being unconcious in a way that ignores features or effects that would reduce the effects of being unconscious such as being immune to the condition, and any ranged or thrown attacks you make do not take effect until time resumes.

As a reaction for 1 spirit point when you are subjected to this effect or a similar effect caused by another creature, you may become immune to the effects of stopped time until the end of your next turn.

The Star Over Heaven

While Requiem is active, you gain the power to alter reality itself, granting you the title of Heaven Ascension. On a hit with an unarmed strike, you may end any effect affecting the target, including death which causes them to return to life with 1 hit point, or cause them to become charmed by you. Additionally, you may cause them to lose access to one feature of your choice, but this can only be used once per creature.

As an action for 4 spirit points, you and any creatures of your choice that you have hit with an unarmed strike since the beginning of your previous turn are teleported to one location you can visualize, including locations in other dimensions.

Alternate Feature: Star Platinum Ultimate

While Requiem is active, when the effects of your time stop would end, you may spend 2 spirit points to extend its duration to the end of your next turn.

Magician's Red[edit]

Stand of Fire

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 10 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Flaming Aura

At 3rd level, your Stand gains the ability to utilize fire in basic attacks. Your Stand's unarmed strikes deal an additional amount of fire damage equal to your proficiency bonus. As an action for 1 spirit point, you may force a creature within 30 feet of your Stand to attempt a Dexterity saving throw as it hurls a ball of fire at the target. On a failure, they take fire damage equal to twice your Stand's unarmed strikes' damage. On a success, they take half as much damage.

Red Bind!

At 5th level, your Stand gains the ability to use its fire like a long rope that binds anything it touches instead of burning them. When a creature fails Flaming Aura's saving throw, you may halve the damage the target takes to cause them to become restrained for 1 minute. At the end of each of their turns, they may retry this saving throw, ending this effect on a success.

Alternate Feature: Speed King

At 5th level, when your Stand deals fire damage, you may spend 1 spirit point to cause the target to gain 1 Heat instead. As a bonus action, you may cause a creature to lose 1 Heat and cause the target or one of its body parts to take fire damage equal to your proficiency bonus.

Crossfire Hurricane

At 7th level, when you make a ball of fire with Flaming Aura, you may spend 1 additional spirit point to split it into 3 ankhs of fire, allowing you to target 2 additional creatures (both may designate the same creature as the initial ball of fire).

Alternate Feature: Thrill is written with the characters for "feel" and "move"

At 7th level, when a creature or object touches a creature or object that has Heat, you may spend 1 spirit point to cause the original creature or object to lose 1 Heat and the other to gain 1 Heat.

Life Detector

At 9th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you can shape your flames into a "heat radar" in the form of a floating ball of fire for 1 minute. Your heat radar indicates the direction of any creatures within a 30 ft. radius of it by a flicker in response to the creature's presence, indicating their direction from it. You can move the ball up to 15 feet at the beginning of each of your turns, it can be anywhere within 15 feet of your Stand, and it moves in relation to your Stand.

Crossfire Hurricane Special

At 11th level, you may manipulate your flame ankhs with perfect precision. When you use Crossfire Hurricane, your ankhs ignore the effects of cover, and you may spend 2 additional spirit points to target 2 additional creatures (5 total).


At 14th level, you can cloak one melee weapon or piece of ammunition being used by a creature within 15 feet of your Stand in fire as a bonus action. Until the end of your next turn, it gains Flaming Aura's bonus damage as you enhance the weapon or gains an equal penalty as you begin to destroy it.

Magician's Red Requiem

While Requiem is active, you and your Stand begin to radiate an intense heat that keeps rising and rising. You are immune to fire damage in this state and leave a trail of molten material when you move that lasts until the end of your next turn. If a creature ends their turn in this trail, they are immediately targeted by a ball of fire. Any creature within a 60 ft. radius of you or your Stand must make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of their turns. On a fail, they take a ball of fire's damage, and on a success they take half as much damage. Additionally, Crossfire Hurricane Special costs half as many spirit points.

Hermit Purple[edit]

Stand of Trickery

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.

This is my Stand!

At 3rd level, you can manifest your Stand in the form of many tangled vines. While it is summoned, your reach increases by 15 feet and your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier damage.


Starting at 5th level, you can locate things over any distance with your Stand. As an action, you can create an image through any non-transparent medium, such as a camera or television. You roll a d20. On a 1, you are only able to see half of your target. On a 20, you can see the entire target and surroundings up to 60 feet. You must know your target's general appearance. If they are a humanoid, you must also know their name. If they are a humanoid, you must succeed a Deception check with a DC equal to their passive perception or the target knows that someone was trying to locate them. If the medium used to locate a person is a piece of technology capable of generating sound and the target is aware, they can talk to you, though you can not talk to them.

I guess now you can see the difference in our fighting experience

Starting from 7th level, when you end a grapple while your Stand is summoned, you may force the target to attempt a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are thrown a number of feet equal to 5 times your Strength modifier and are knocked prone. On a success, they are pushed half as far.

You made the wrong move, you stupid pig

Starting at 9th level, your Stand may automatically control any technology within your reach, even if there is not an available control system. Additionally, while your Stand is active, you may spend spirit points instead of Hamon on any features that cost Hamon.

I Just Wanted to Look Cool In Front of My Son

Starting from 11th level, you gain two Sideshow Perks of your choice.

Master's Teachings

Starting at 14th level, as a bonus action while your Stand is active, you may reduce your reach by 15 feet and cause any melee attacks you make to deal twice as much damage and force the target to attempt a Strength saving throw on a hit. On a failure, they are thrown a number of feet equal to 5 times your Strength modifier and are knocked prone. On a success, they are pushed half as far.

Hermit Purple Requiem

While Requiem is active, you can instantly teleport to any location that you have currently captured in Psychography as a bonus action, all Psychography checks automatically roll a 20, and your reach increases by 15 feet (35 total).

Hierophant Green[edit]

Stand of Control

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 15 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Coiled Body

At 3rd level, your Stand's body is able to uncoil the fibers that make up its body. Its range from you increases to 60 feet, but while it is not within 15 feet of you, it deals half as much damage with its unarmed strikes and creatures have advantage on any saving throws it causes. While grappling a creature, your Stand does not gain the grappled condition and the creature remains grappled so long as they are within your Stand's movement area.

Emerald Splash

At 5th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may fire a wave of emerald-shaped destructive energy from your Stand's palms. One creature within 60 ft. of your Stand must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On failure, they take 5d6 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier bludgeoning or piercing damage.

No one can just deflect the Emerald Splash!

At 7th level, when you use Emerald Splash, you may spend 1 additional spirit point to cause it to target every creature in a 60 ft. cone, also causing any creatures to take half as much damage on a success.

Hierophant Barrier

At 9th level, as an action for 2 spirit points, you may stretch your Stand out into a 60 ft. radius net centered on you for 1 hour. You are aware of anything that happens within this radius and your Stand is not affected by the penalties of Coiled Body while within this radius. You may spend 1 additional spirit point when you use this feature to turn the net into difficult terrain or cause it to be invisible for creatures without this feature.

Marionette Control

At 11th level, as an action for 3 spirit points, you may force a creature your Stand is grappling to attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature becomes paralyzed and your Stand possesses them, causing the creature to follow any movements your Stand makes and causing any effects that target your Stand to target the creature as well. You may end this effect as a bonus action, and may deal Emerald Splash's damage to the target automatically when this effect ends. The target may attempt a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success.

20-Meter Emerald Splash

At 14th level, as an action for 1 spirit point while Hierophant Barrier is active, you may cover the entire web with emeralds until Hierophant Barrier ends. As a reaction when a creature moves at least 10 feet or takes an action while this is active, you may immediately target them with an Emerald Splash and you may spend 1 spirit point to regain your reaction.

Hierophant Green Requiem

While Requiem is active, Emerald Splash counts as an attack for the sake of any features that are based on attacks, such as Extra Attack and Denting Blows, Hierophant Barrier is permanently active, and you may spend 1 spirit point when you use Coiled Body, Emerald Splash, Detection, or Hierophant Barrier to double its range.

Tower of Gray[edit]

Stand of Destruction

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 25 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Stand's Strength modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.

I'm planning on doing one hell of a massacre

At 3rd level, your Stand becomes Small and gains a flying speed equal to twice your movement speed. As a reaction for 1 spirit point when your Stand kills a creature, you may force any creatures that can see the creature to attempt a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they are frightened for 1 minute as you massacre the target's body. They may retry this saving throw at the start of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success.

A Stand shaped like an insect...

At 5th level, your Stand shrinks to a Tiny size and gains expertise in Stealth checks and it gains a +3 bonus to its AC.

The ten bullets wouldn't even touch my Stand!

At 7th level, your Stand has advantage on Dexterity saving throws and it gains a further +2 bonus to its AC (+5 total).

Tower Needle

At 9th level, when your Stand has advantage on an attack roll with its unarmed strikes, it deals twice as much damage and you may spend 2 spirit points to force the target to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, this damage is doubled again as your Stand attempts to rip out their tongue.

It's right behind you!

At 11th level, your Stand is able to move at such speeds that its very form begins to blur and creates illusions. As an action for 1 spirit point, or as a bonus action for 2 spirit points, you may cause any attacks against your Stand to have disadvantage and grant your Stand a +5 bonus to Dexterity saving throws until the beginning of your next turn.


At 14th level, when your Stand kills a creature while taking the Attack action, it may immediately take the Attack action after its current Attack action ends.

Tower of Gray Requiem

While Requiem is active, any attacks your Stand makes have advantage. When your Stand kills a creature, it may plant an egg in their body that has 1 hit point. If the egg is not destroyed, it hatches after 1 minute, causing a copy of your Stand to explode from the body. This copy is mechanically identical to your Stand but lacks the Manifestation of Will feature and has 15 hit points.

Silver Chariot[edit]

Stand of Speed

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, and your Stand may be up to 15 feet from you. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.

My Stand is the chariot card... the war machine, Silver Chariot!

At 3rd level, you may pick two simple melee weapons or one martial melee weapon; when you summon your Stand, it now appears wielding that weapon. The weapon is part of your Stand and thus can not be dropped or disarmed, or seen by creatures who can not see your Stand, and it gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls.

Hora, Hora, Hora!

At 5th level, you gain two Stand User Perks of your choice and you may change what weapon your Stand has at the end of a long rest.

One last pathetic gasp? Just die quietly, would you?

At 7th level, your Stand is clad in heavy armor. Your Stand gains a damage threshold of 12. As an action for 1 spirit point, you may remove your Stand's armor, removing any conditions you or your Stand are effected by and your Stand's damage threshold, but granting it a +3 bonus to its attack and damage rolls and its AC. You may don your Stand's armor again as an action, ending this effect.

I'm gonna turn you into a pincushion!!

At 9th level, when your Stand is out of its armor and is subjected to an effect that allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail. While your Stand is in its armor, it gains a +1 bonus to its attack and damage rolls and its AC.

I haven't told anyone about this technique

At 11th level, your Stand gains the ability to fire off a large part of its weapon (i.e. the blade of a sword). As an action, you can make a single attack with the weapon against a creature within 60 feet that ignores cover. After you use this feature, you can not make attacks with your Stand's weapon until you retrieve it as a free action if its within reach or finish a short or long rest. Additionally, while your Stand is out of its armor, its bonus increases to +5, and you may reduce this bonus to +3 to make 1 additional attack with your Stand when you take the Attack action.

My body is one with the light!

At 14th level, as an action for 2 spirit points, you may increase your Stand's might, allowing it to withstand the weight of its armor without being weighed down for 1 minute. Until this feature ends, your Stand benefits from the effects of removing its armor but does not lose its damage threshold.

Silver Chariot Requiem

When Requiem is activated, all creatures in a radius of up to a 500 miles including yourself are knocked unconscious as their souls are swapped between each others' bodies, and they return to their own body when Requiem ends. If a creature has their soul inhabiting another body for a number of minutes equal to 3 times their Charisma score, they completely transform into a Requiem alien.

When a creature with a Stand attacks your Stand in any way, their own Stand makes one attack against them that would not cost spirit points. On a hit, the target also fails to attack your Stand. A creature that can see your Stand may attempt a DC 25 Perception check as part of the Search action to discover that its shadow is always opposite to them regardless of any light sources, and thus that there is a "soul light" that has 12 AC and 12 hit points behind their head that only they and their Stand can attack. When it is destroyed, they become immune to this effect.

Dark Blue Moon[edit]

Stand of the Sea

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 60 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier slashing damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.

My lung capacity is three time that of a normal person!

At 3rd level, you and your Stand gain a swimming speed equal to twice your movement speed, and you use your Stand’s Constitution modifier to determine how long you can hold your breath.

It’s a bad idea to underestimate me, boy.

At 5th level, while underwater, your Stand's unarmed strikes deal twice as much damage and you may spend 1 spirit point when you take the Attack action to grant any of your Stand's unarmed strikes a range of 30/60 feet, and at the end of your turn, any targets must attempt a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are thrown a number of feet equal to 5 times the number of attacks that hit them on your turn and are knocked prone. On a success, they are pushed half as far.

Where were you planning on dropping that cigarette?

At 7th level, your Stand deals twice as much damage to objects. As an action for 1 spirit point, you can force up to 5 sea creatures with a total CR up to your level within 5 miles of you to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they are charmed for 1 minute. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success.

Alternate Feature: Clash

At 7th level, as an action, or as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, while your Stand is in a liquid, it teleports up to twice its range from you to any other liquid. When it does so, its size changes to take up no more than half the liquid's surface area to a minimum of being Tiny and to a maximum of being Gargantuan. For every size category below its normal size, your Stand gains a -1 penalty to damage rolls and a -5 ft. penalty to their movement speed. For every size category above its normal size, your Stand gains a +1 bonus to damage rolls and a +5 ft. bonus to their movement speed.

Where I reign supreme, the undersea realm!

At 9th level, as a full turn action for 1 spirit point while in water, you can create a whirlpool. Any creatures within 120 ft. of your Stand move 15 ft. closer to you at the end of each or your turns. This ends if you lose concentration or do not continue doing full turn actions to maintain this feature.

Try to sound cocky like you did earlier.

At 11th level, every time you maintain a whirlpool, you make an unarmed attack against every creature within the whirlpool. Every consecutive round spent maintaining your whirlpool grants a +1 bonus to this attack's attack and damage rolls to a maximum equal to your proficiency bonus.

Take a good, hard look at your Stand!

At 14th level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point immediately after your Stand hits a creature with an unarmed strike, you can plant barnacles. They must succeed an Intelligence saving throw at the end of each of their turns until they succeed. On a failure, they have their Strength or Constitution score reduced by 1. When their score is reduced to 0, they are paralyzed instead of being killed outright. If they do not succeed the saving throw for 3 rounds of being paralyzed, they drop to 0 hit points and are killed.

Dark Blue Moon Requiem

While Requiem is active, the power of the sea is yours to control. You can change the water level in a 15 mile radius of your Stand. This can be anywhere from 10 miles below sea level to 5 miles above sea level. Your whirlpool range, swimming speed, and your Stand's range is doubled.


Stand of Ability

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Additionally, your Stand has a physical form and thus is not affected by Invisible Force. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Vehicle-Bound Stand

At 3rd level, as an action, you can bind your Stand to a vehicle you are touching, allowing you to operate it in place of any crew until you are no longer touching it.

Enhanced Vehicle

At 5th level, you can transform the vehicle your Stand is bound to into any other vehicle of a similar type (i.e. rowboat can become a tanker, light tank can become a heavy tank, a subcompact car can become a sports car, etc.), but it de-transforms when your Stand is unbound.

Bending Metal

At 7th level, your Stand may make unarmed strikes or grapple checks anywhere within 5 feet of the vehicle it is bound to, and you may have a number of creatures equal to your Stand's Strength modifier grappled by your Stand at once. On a hit with your Stand's unarmed strikes, the target takes 1d4 + your Stand's Strength modifier piercing damage.

Shifting Metal

At 9th level, when your Stand is grappling a creature, they are considered restrained instead of grappled, and you may designate or un-designate creatures as being able to phase through your Stand as a bonus action.

Wheel of Fortune

At 11th level, your Stand can fire gasoline at high speeds. As an action for 1 spirit point, all creatures in a 30 foot cone originating from anywhere within your Stand must attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take twice your Stand's unarmed strike damage. On a success, they take half as much damage. If a creature takes any fire damage within 1 minute of failing this saving throw, the gasoline ignites, causing them to take fire damage equal to your Stand's unarmed strike damage at the end of each of their turns for 1 minute. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success.

Partial Transformation

At 14th level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may create a weapon with enough ammunition to be fully loaded once from anywhere within your Stand. Your Stand can make attacks with these weapons, treating them as unarmed strikes for this class's features and its attack roll bonus.

Strength Requiem

While Requiem is active, your Stand is automatically bound to any vehicles within 5 miles of you and you may transform any vehicle into any other kind of vehicle.

Ebony Devil[edit]

Stand of Pain

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, and your Stand may be up to 20 feet from you. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.

It grows more powerful the more hatred I have for my opponent!

At 3rd level, you gain a number of "hatred spirit points" equal to your Stand's Strength modifier. Hatred spirit points act identically to normal spirit points but can only be spent while you are below half your maximum hit points. As a bonus action, you may grant your Stand a +1 bonus to its attack and damage rolls, its AC, and any saving throws it makes for every spirit point you spend as part of this bonus action until the beginning of your next turn.

How dare you!

At 5th level, as an action, you can bind your Stand to any humanoid-shaped object it is in the space of, such as a doll or statue, until the object is destroyed or you end this effect as a bonus action. While bound to an object, your Stand changes size to the object's category, any damage it takes is split evenly between your Stand and the object, and the object moves with your Stand.

I'll never forgive you!

At 7th level, each time you take damage from a hostile creature that would not reduce you to 0 hit points while below half your maximum hit points, you regain 1 hatred spirit point. When you would be reduced to 0 hit points, you may spend 3 hatred spirit points to instead drop to 1 hit point.

Are you dense?

At 9th level, when you bind your Stand to an object, you may spend 3 spirit points to double the object's hit points until your Stand is not possessing it.

What do you think I’m going to do with this hairdryer?

At 11th level, your Stand gains a climbing speed equal to its movement speed, which increases by 5 feet. It also becomes proficient in improvised weaponry.

You numbskull!

At 14th level, while your Stand is bound to an object, its range is doubled again and you gain expertise in Intimidation.

Ebony Devil Requiem

While Requiem is active, you always count as being below half your maximum hit point for the sake of this Archetype's features, and you may bind your Stand to a creature, causing them to become paralyzed but otherwise act like an object your Stand is bound to.

Yellow Temperance[edit]

Stand of Consumption

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Additionally, your Stand has a physical form and thus is not affected by Invisible Force. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.


At 3rd level, you can manifest your Stand as a bonus action, covering your body in a yellow, gelatinous substance. You gain your Stand's ability scores. Your Stand can change your Stand's appearance at will, effectively allowing you to replicate the look and sound of any other creature of similar size.

It's not that you got away, I just don’t have to chase you

At 5th level, you may unleash your Stand's consumption. As a reaction when you are hit by a melee attack while your Stand is manifested, the attacker must succeed a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, your Stand covers them in residue, granting you advantage on any checks to locate them and causing any damage they take to be increased by twice your proficiency bonus. They may remove the residue full turn action. You may regain your reaction immediately after using this feature for 1 spirit point.

Do You Understand?!

At 7th level, your Stand can replicate the general abilities of a normal Stand. While your Stand is manifested, your unarmed strikes deal 1d6 + your proficiency modifier acid damage and your reach increases to 60 feet, but creature have advantage on any saving throws you cause beyond 15 feet, and any unarmed strikes you make deal half as much damage against targets beyond 15 feet.

Don’t even try removing it!

At 9th level, when a creature has your Stand's residue on it, it your unarmed strikes' damage at the end of each of their turns. The full turn action to remove the residue now requires them to succeed a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check.


At 11th level, you can assimilate flesh into your Stand. You can store a number of days of food within your Stand up to your Stand's Constitution modifier. You are the only one who can consume this food. You can also convert dead creatures that are not elementals or constructs into food, granting you 1 day's worth of food for every size category above Tiny.

I told you. It doesn't have a weakness!

At 14th level, while your Stand is active, you are immune to non-magical slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning damage, and you may spend your reaction to attempt to cover a creature in residue on a hit with your unarmed strikes.

Yellow Temperance Requiem

While Requiem is active, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may slowly digest all life in a 5 mile radius of you, forcing every creature in the area to immediately attempt the saving throw to avoid becoming covered in residue, and the number of days of food you can store no longer has a maximum. Each time the number of days of food you have stored increases to a multiple of your original maximum, your size increases by one category.

Hanged Man[edit]

Stand of Light

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.

I only exist within a mirror...

At 3rd level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may bind your Stand to a non-living reflective surface you can see. When you take the Attack action, you may make attacks against creatures reflected by the surface using your Stand's Dexterity modifier. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier slashing or piercing damage. As an action or if its current surface is no longer reflective, you may move your Stand to a non-living reflective surface that is within the reflection of its current surface in a straight line. If this line is within a creature's reach, they may make an opportunity attack against your Stand, which has an AC equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your Stand's Wisdom modifier. On a hit, your Stand takes four times as much damage.

Have you figured out what's going on?

At 5th level, your Stand gains a +2 bonus to its critical threshold.

Shoot him!

At 7th level, your Stand can grapple any creature reflected within its current surface. Attacks made against creatures that are grappled, restrained, stunned, paralyzed, or incapacitated have their critical threshold increased by 3 (+5 total).

Take a good look around you.

At 9th level, your Stand can exist within a living reflective surface, such as a creature's eye, nail, or particularly shiny hair.

My Stand is light!

At 11th level, moving your Stand to a different reflective surface no longer requires your action.


At 14th level, when your Stand causes a creature to gain the grappled, restrained, stunned, paralyzed, or incapacitated conditions, it may immediately make an attack against them.

Hanged Man Requiem

While Requiem is active, a copy of your Stand exists in every reflective surface within 5 miles of you. The damage your Stand deals can not be reduced in any way, as it pierces the reflection of their soul.


Stand of GUN

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.

The gun is mightier than the sword...

At 3rd level, your Stand takes the form of a revolver that generates its own ammunition and does not need to be reloaded. You are proficient with this weapon and may use your Stand's Dexterity modifier instead of your own when you make attacks with it.

...Seriously such a memorable quote.

At 5th level, you gain some control over the movement of your Stand's bullets. As a bonus action, or at will for 1 spirit point, attacks with your Stand ignore up to three-quarters cover and gain a +1 bonus to their critical threshold until the end of your turn.

He changed the trajectory!?

At 7th level, as a reaction for 1 spirit point when one of your attacks with your Stand would miss or have its damage reduced to 0, you may change the bullet's trajectory, making an additional attack against the target with your Stand.

I would never, I'm a gentlemen!

At 9th level, attacks with your Stand do not have disadvantage from a hostile creature being within 5 feet of you and have advantage against targets within 5 feet of you. When you take the Attack action, you may cause any attacks against targets within your Stand's long range to not have disadvantage but deal half as much damage.

Open that pipe now!!!

At 11th level, as an action for 3 spirit points, you may unload several shots into the surrounding area and allow them to bounce around and off of nearby objects to create the perfect trap for a creature within your Stand's range. At the end of the target's next turn if they are within your Stand's range, they must attempt a Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, they take 6 times your Stand's damage. On a success, they take half as much damage. If they are within your Stand's maximum range, they gain advantage on the saving throw.

It's better to be number 2 than number 1

At 14th level, as a reaction for 2 spirit points when a creature within your Stand's normal range becomes grappled, restrained, stunned, paralyzed, or incapacitated, you may immediately make an attack against them with your Stand with twice your critical threshold.

Emperor Requiem

While Requiem is active, your Stand's maximum range is doubled, and firing past your normal range no longer gives disadvantage. You may spend 1 spirit point at the beginning of each of your turns to double your Stand's damage until the end of that turn. Changing your bullet's trajectory no longer costs spirit points and you may spend 1 spirit point to regain your reaction after doing so.


Stand of Parasitism

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Additionally, your Stand has a physical form and thus is not affected by Invisible Force. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus.

I may have a physical form, but I'm not a living organism

At 3rd level, as an action for 3 spirit points, you can attempt to infect a creature that is not a construct or elemental within 15 feet of you. They must attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, your Stand takes hold. After 1 hour, it manifests as a Tiny creature that is mechanically identical to you save for having no spirit points and no movement speed, its reach only extends to the creature it is attached to, and it acts as your Stand in respect to whenever it takes damage. After 1 hour, the parasite gains your Stand's Strength and Dexterity scores. As an action for 3 spirit points, you may progress this timer by 1 hour. You may only have 1 parasite alive at any given moment, and these parasites die if you or their host drop to 0 hit points.

I'm chowing down, gotta get bigger

At 5th level, your parasite's reach extends to 5 feet of the creature it is attached to. For every creature it kills, its timer progresses by 1 minute.

This is your arm

At 7th level, your Stand no longer deals damage to you when it takes damage while it is above 0 hit points, and it has hit points equal to your level times your Constitution modifier, and its maximum hit points increase by your Constitution modifier to a maximum of your maximum hit points every time its timer progresses 1 minute.

Alternate Feature: Talking Head

At 7th level, as an action, or as a bonus action for 1 spirit point or at will for 3 spirit points, you may cause any spoken, written, or gesticulated statements of your choice that a creature your Stand is parasitized to makes to become a lie.

Now I can cut your neck open

At 9th level, you can summon or de-summon your parasite on your own body as if it had been manifested for 5 hours while it isn't manifested on another creature as a bonus action.

I'm a part of you, old man!

At 11th level, the creature your parasite is manifesting on can not deal damage to it directly.

You're just a pathetic old geezer

At 14th level, after 24 hours of being manifested, your parasite gains complete control of the original creature. They die instantly and your parasite gains their size category and movement speed and you may hide within your parasite's body. Parasites that have taken over a creature's body do not count against the number of parasites you may have active.

Empress Requiem

While Requiem is active, any creatures your parasites kill are resurrected with 1 hit point as Requiem aliens, including parasites that take over their host's body, creating one alien and one movable parasite. As a reaction when a creature within your parasite's reach would take damage, the parasite may take the damage instead.


Stand of Clouds

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Additionally, your Stand has a physical form and thus is not affected by Invisible Force. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Looks like Justice wants to dance with you

At 3rd level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may shroud a 5-mile area around you in dense fog. For 1 hour or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it, this area is considered lightly obscured.

Tenor Sax

At 5th level, you can create illusions of anything inside your Stand's range at will. They only exist visually, can not physically interact with anything, and can only move on your turn. Creatures must succeed an Investigation check when they take the Search action to differentiate illusions from reality, but this does not dispel the illusion.

You've fallen into my trap

At 7th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may fill a dead creature you can see that is not a construct or elemental within your Stand's fog with the fog, creating a large hole that goes all the way through somewhere in their body. You may to control them as if they were a traditional Stand that reflected damage to the corpse instead of you, and each corpse has 20 hit points. You may have a number of creatures controlled by this effect equal to your spirit point maximum. This effect ends if a hermetic seal is placed on the hole through which you control the target or if they are no longer within your fog.

I've already shown it to you!

At 9th level, any uncovered dead creatures inside your Stand's fog are automatically controlled by it

Now I'll control you too!

At 11th level, as a reaction for 1 spirit point when a creature that is not an elemental or construct within your fog takes damage, you may force them to attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature becomes paralyzed and your fog enters their body, allowing you to control them as if they were a traditional Stand that reflected damage to the target instead of you. Their Stand still follows their own commands as if they were not paralyzed. The target may attempt a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success. This effect ends if a hermetic seal is placed on the hole through which you control the target or if they are no longer within your fog.

I just need one spot

At 14th level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may throw any creatures controlled by your fog up to 30 feet. If they collide with a creature or object, both they and the creature they collided with must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 2d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage and are knocked prone. On a success, they take half as much damage.

Justice Requiem

While Requiem is active, you automatically create a cloud of fog at the beginning of each of your turns. When a creature fails the saving throw to avoid becoming controlled by you, you regain your reaction. As a reaction when one of your fog clouds would be cleared, you may cause it to not be cleared, and you may regain your reaction for 1 spirit point.


Stand of Invasion

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 30 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.

The weakest Stand is also the most terrifying of them all!

At 3rd level, your Stand becomes Tiny and can only attack Tiny targets, and it gains expertise in Stealth checks. As an action for 1 spirit point while a creature that is not a construct or elemental is within 5 feet of your Stand, you may force them to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, it enters their brain. At the end of each hour it is inside their brain, they gain 1 level of exhaustion. Only other creatures inside the target's brain, such as a Stand that becomes Tiny using Stand Shrinking, may target your Stand.

Soon, you will all meet the same fate

At 5th level, once your Stand enters a creature's brain, it does not de-summon when it leaves your range.

As for you four over there, I'll be taking your lives as well

At 7th level, when you take damage, the creature that your Stand is inside takes twice as much damage.

You don't need raw power to kill someone, do you understand, gentlemen?

At 9th level, when you are subject to a condition, the creature your Stand has invaded gains it as well.


At 11th level, as an action for 1 spirit point while your stand is inside another creature's brain, it can create an identical clone out of gray matter. These clones are mechanically identical to your Stand, save for having 5 hit points and being unable to leave the target's brain.

Lord DIO never trusts anyone

At 14th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, your stand may disguise itself using gray matter to appear as any creature you have seen. A creature must succeed a Perception check when they take the Search action to differentiate your Stand from the disguise.

Lovers Requiem

While Requiem is active, your Stand may control a creature they are inside the brain of as an action, causing the creature to become paralyzed and your fog enters their body, allowing you to control them as if they were your Stand, including using your Stand's ability scores, that reflected damage to the target instead of you until the end of your next turn. Their Stand still follows their own commands as if they were not paralyzed.

The Sun[edit]

Stand of Light

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus, and your Stand may be up to 60 feet from you. Additionally, your Stand has a physical form and thus is not affected by Invisible Force. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Artificial Sun

At 3rd level, your Stand sheds bright light for 5 miles, and dim light for another 5 miles.

Light Ray Energy

At 5th level, when you take the Attack action, you may spend 1 spirit point to cause any attacks you make to be with your Stand's light rays, which make a ranged attack using its Wisdom modifier against any creatures within its light. On a hit, they take 2d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier radiant damage, or half as much if they are within your Stand's dim light.

Withering Ray

At 7th level, your Stand slowly dries creatures out. At the end of each hour in bright light shed by your Stand that a creature does not consume a healthy amount of water, they must attempt a DC 10 + 1 for every hour past the first, gaining 1 level of exhaustion on a failure.

Wandering Sun

At 9th level, as an action, you may have your Stand hover 1 mile directly above you, increasing its light radius by 1 mile as well. As a reaction when a ranged attack is made within your Stand's bring light, you may decrease the attack's damage by your Stand's light ray's damage.

Searing Blast

At 11th level, when a creature within your Stand's bright light moves more than 5 feet or makes an action, you may make an opportunity attack against them with your Stand's light rays. On a hit, their movement speed drops to 0 until the beginning of their next turn.

Radiant Light

At 14th level, your Stand can nurture life infinitely better than the sun itself. When a creature is subjected to Withering Ray, you may cause them to make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a success, they lose 1 level of exhaustion instead. If they have no levels of exhaustion, they instead lose 1 condition of your choice or regain 1 spirit or Hamon point.

The Sun Requiem

While Requiem is active, Earth's sun itself becomes your Stand. Natural sunlight counts as light created by your Stand. You may still summon your Stand normally.

Death 13[edit]

Stand of Dreams

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Isn't it romantic to die inside of a dream?

At 3rd level, when creatures are unconscious within 60 feet of you, their minds are transported to a "dream dimension" of your own design, though their body remains where they fell asleep. You may change any aspect of the dream dimension as an action, but they can not be directly harmful. These creatures only have what they had on them when they fell unconscious, including their Stand if it was summoned, and are the only creatures within the dream dimension. Anything that happens to them in the dream dimension happens to their body.


At 5th level, when a creature wakes up from the dream dimension, they do not remember anything that happened in it unless they had their Stand summoned. Additionally, you may summon your Stand within the dream dimension as if it had a traditionally summoned form.


At 7th level, as an action while inside the dream dimension, you can force a creature to make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are restrained. They, or their Stand if it is in the dream dimension, may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect on a success.

How about you give me a scream

At 9th level, your Stand gains a Medium scythe that it can make attacks with from anywhere within the dream dimension and move a number of feet equal to its movement speed. The scythe is mechanically identical to your Stand but can not act on its own in any way. Attacks with the scythe use your Stand's Strength modifier. On a hit, the scythe deals 2d6 + your Stand's Strength modifier slashing damage.

I’m still smarter than you jokers!

At 11th level, as an action for 5 spirit points while in the dream dimension, you may summon your Stand a second time, which has its own scythe. As an action for 1 spirit point, you may completely change either of your Stands' appearances. Additionally, when your Stand takes damage, you may cause its appearance to revert to its normal appearance and lose the ability to change until the end of your next short rest it as its clothes tear away to reduce the damage to 0.

There's no one to save you now

At 14th level, the only way for a creature to exit the dream dimension is for you to do so as a free action or for a creature in the real world to succeed an Athletics or Medicine check as an action to wake them up.

Death 13 Requiem

While Requiem is active, you may treat a 5 mile radius around you as if it were the dream dimension for the sake of summoning your Stand and changing your surroundings.


Stand of Wishes

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, and your Stand may be up to 30 feet from you. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Hail 2 U!

At 3rd level, as an action for 1 spirit points, your Stand may shape any Tiny or smaller object that has a rarity of Common out of clay, causing it to function and appear real at a glance, but can be discerned as still being made of clay with a successful Investigation check when a creature takes the Search action and return to being clay after 1 hour, and you may only have 1 clay creation at a time. Weapons with the heavy property and armor counts as Small. You may spend 2 additional spirit points to make an object with a rarity of Rare or lower in the same way.

Very well, I'll grant that wish

At 5th level, you may have up to 3 clay creations at a time, and you may spend 2 additional spirit points when you make an object for it to have a rarity of Legendary or lower.

Is the answer to that question your first wish?

At 7th level, your clay creations may be up to Medium in size.

Are you sure you wish to make such a boring wish?

At 9th level, your Stand acts as a damage-absorbing tank. Your Stand has a hit point maximum equal to your own, and you do not take damage when it is damaged. When your Stand is destroyed, it can not be summoned for 1 hour.

What? Do you have a complaint?

At 11th level, your Stand gains a +2 bonus to its AC, and its range increases to 60 feet.

Tell me three things you desire.

At 14th level, your Stand's clay creations may be creatures. These creatures are mechanically identical to your Stand and take the appearance and voice of a creature you have seen and heard or that another creature asks you to create that they have seen and heard.

Judgement Requiem

While Requiem is active, you may make clay creations for 1 spirit point, there is no limit to how many clay creations you can make, and they may be up to Gargantuan and have a rarity of up to Special Legendary.

High Priestess[edit]

Stand of Metal

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 50 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier slashing damage on a hit. Additionally, your Stand has a physical form and thus is not affected by Invisible Force. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus.

High Priestess will chew you to bits!

At 3rd level, your Stand becomes Tiny. As a bonus action for 1 spirit point, your Stand can transform into any Tiny object, including weapons with enough ammunition to be completely loaded once, for 1 minute. It may end this effect early as a bonus action or by making an unarmed attack.

You don't mean any of that

At 5th level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, your Stand may make 1 additional unarmed strike when you take the Attack action and your first unarmed strike while transformed into an object has advantage until the end of your turn.

Don't hate me

At 7th level, you may transform into an object as a reaction to taking the Hide action. If you are restrained or grappled, doing so instantly ends the condition.

These teeth are as strong as diamonds

At 9th level, your Stand's unarmed attacks deal twice as much damage to objects and their critical threshold increases by 1.

How sad

At 11th level, your Stand can transform its body into metal. Using the same rules as transforming into an object, it gains a damage reduction of 6.

I'm seven meters above, on the shore

At 14th level, the size of object your Stand can become is Gargantuan. While transformed into any object larger than Medium, your Stand can not move unless the object already had the ability to move, and it deals an additional 1d4 damage with its unarmed strikes for every size category above Tiny.

High Priestess Requiem

While Requiem is active, your Stand may transform at will without spending spirit points, it may move while it is larger than Medium, and it may take the appearance of a creature when it transforms.

The Fool[edit]

Stand of Shape-Shifting

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 10 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Stand's Strength modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Additionally, your Stand has a physical form and thus is not affected by Invisible Force. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Bound to Sand

At 3rd level, your Stand constructs itself out of loose dirt, dust, and sand. Your Stand has a hit point maximum equal to your own, and you do not take damage when it is damaged unless it is at 0 hit points.

He can float in the air, too?

Starting at 5th level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may transform your Stand's sand into wings, granting it a flying speed equal to its movement speed, and its carrying capacity is doubled for 1 minute.

Serves you right!

At 7th level, you can send waves of sand to attack your enemies. As a bonus action for 1 spirit point, your Stand's unarmed strikes gain a range of 30 feet for 1 minute.

I'll just hide here...

Beginning at 9th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you can transform your Stand into a dome with a radius of up to 10 feet. This dome counts as full cover, but your Stand becomes petrified until this feature ends. You can spend 1 additional spirit point to double the size of the dome.

I need to get myself out of here, now!

Starting at 11th level, your Stand gains a burrowing speed equal to its movement speed and leaves tunnel in its wake with a diameter equal to the width of your Stand's size category.

Sand Doppelganger

At 14th level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, your Stand can transform into any object or creature with a size category equal to its own for 1 minute. It may end this effect early as a bonus action, and it ends automatically if it takes damage. Creatures may discover that the object is your Stand by succeeding a Perception check when they take the Search action.

The Fool Requiem

While Requiem is active, none of this Archetype's other features cost spirit points, and you may change its size to any category as an action for 1 spirit point. As an action for 1 spirit point, you may close any tunnels your Stand has created, forcing any creatures inside them to attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, a creature is killed instantly as the earth swallows them whole. On a success, they are moved to the closest open end of the tunnel.


Stand of Water

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 1 mile from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier slashing damage on a hit. Additionally, your Stand has a physical form and thus is not affected by Invisible Force. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Because of my stand, I've never feared death

At 3rd level, your Stand is made of water that flows like a stream and cuts like a waterfall. Your Stand is resistant to all damage except fire damage and cold damage, and can squeeze through any space.

They must've realized that I was targeting them through sound

At 5th level, your Stand gains a burrowing speed equal to its movement speed and its range increases to 2 miles.

It got his eyes!

At 7th level, when your Stand makes a successful unarmed strike, you may spend 2 spirit points to force the target to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the attack scores a critical hit.

It pulled his head into the canteen!

At 9th level, on a critical hit, you may spend 1 spirit point to deal four times as much damage instead of two times or you target three limbs instead of one.

Now, without further ado

At 11th level, your Stand may take the Attack action as a bonus action if all of its attacks target a creature that is surprised. As an action for 1 spirit point, you may condense your Stand into a ball and release a blast of jets. All creatures in a 30 ft. radius of your Stand must attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take your Stand's unarmed strike damage. On a success, they take half as much damage.

Aqua Necklace

At 14th level, your Stand can incorporate various liquids other than water. It may change its color to any of its choosing. As an action or when it takes at least 10 fire damage, it can evaporate itself for 1 minute or until it takes a total of 10 cold damage, during which it gains a flying speed equal to its movement speed and deals half as much damage.

Geb Requiem

While Requiem is active, your body is converted into water. You and your Stand gain immunity to all damage except fire and cold damage, and you gain the effects of all of your Stand's features. When a creature leaves you or your Stand's reach, you may allow your soul to follow the flow of their own, remaining 15 feet behind them until they end their movement.


Stand of Destiny

Your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Intelligence score is equal to your Intelligence score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Additionally, your Stand has a physical form and thus is not affected by Invisible Force. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.

My Stand Tohth's predictions are always right!

At 3rd level, as a full turn action for 1 spirit point, you can view your Stand, which takes the form of an endless book of your chosen genre and design, to take glimpses of the future through the flow of Gravity. These descriptions consist of anything and everything that will happen around you within 120 ft. until the end of your next turn. Until the beginning of your next turn, you have advantage on any saving throws you make, attack rolls against you have disadvantage, and you can take the Ready action as a free action.

My divine Thoth hasn't lost yet

At 5th level, you may skim your Stand's reading, allowing you to view your Stand as an action for 1 spirit point or as a full turn action without spending spirit points.

Huh? The car?

At 7th level, as an action, you may allow a creature within 15 feet of you to view your Stand as a reaction to you using this feature, granting them the effects of viewing your Stand until the end of your next turn. As a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may become aware of any creatures within 120 ft. of you.

It is fate!

At 9th level, when you or another creature views your Stand, you may spend 1 spirit point to follow fate, no matter how bizarre. Through a convoluted series of events, one creature of you or the target's choice within 120 ft. must make a Wisdom saving. On a failure, they are affected by one of the following, determined by rolling 1d6, for 1 minute. On a success, they are affected by one of the following until the end of their next turn.

  1. The target is blinded.
  2. The target is deafened.
  3. The target is frightened.
  4. The target is restrained.
  5. The target is paralyzed.
  6. The target takes 1d8 damage of a type determined by the DM based on the nearby environment at the end of each of their turns.
This direction...

At 11th level, while under the effects of viewing your Stand, you gain resistance to all damage other than psychic and force damage.

I-I'll k-kill them myself!

At 14th level, as a bonus action for 3 spirit points while under the effects of viewing your Stand, all creatures in an area with a 120 ft. radius around you must attempt a Constitution saving throw as a convoluted series of events results in a disaster, such as a truck crash or natural gas explosion. On a failure, they are thrown 30 ft. away from you and take 5d6 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier bludgeoning damage. On a success, they are pushed half as far and take half as much damage.

Tohth Requiem

While Requiem is active, you become one with Gravity itself. You are permanently under the effects of viewing your Stand, you can not be moved against your will, and you are immune to the effects of stopping or erasing time.


Stand of Swordsmanship

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Additionally, your Stand has a physical form and thus is not affected by Invisible Force. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.

You will be my Stand user

At 3rd level, you gain your Stand's ability scores, and your soul is bound to 1 martial melee weapon of your choice. Any creature that picks this weapon up, starting with your original body, becomes mechanically identical to and is controlled by you. If your bound weapon is dropped, the creature is no longer controlled by you and all of their stats other than their current hit points return to normal, and you become paralyzed until you are picked up again. If your bound weapon is destroyed, you die instantly.

Can you beat this?!

At 5th level, you gain a +2 bonus to the attack and damage rolls of any weapon you are possessing.

Wield me and kill!

At 7th level, you gain one of the following:

  • Great Weapon Fighting: When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a weapon held in two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if it a 1 or a 2. The weapon must be wielded in two hands for you to gain this benefit
  • Two Weapon Fighting: When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second Attack. Additionally, you may engage in two-weapon fighting with any weapons that can be wielded in one hand.
  • Dueling: When wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
You are an expert! A master swordsman!

At 9th level, your weapon is considered adamantine in both effect and AC, its reach increases by 5 feet though the dimensions of the weapon do not change, and it can phase through objects and creatures, allowing it to ignore the effects of cover and damage threshold.

Anyone I’ve fought before will never have a chance of beating me!

At 11th level, as an action for 8 spirit points while you are not possessing a creature, you can force a creature that can see your bound weapon to attempt a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they are forced to pick it up. Additionally, as a reaction for 1 spirit point when a creature targets you with an attack or saving throw, you may memorize the technique, granting you advantage on any further instances of the saving throw, and granting any attacks from the same weapon or feature disadvantage. The saving throw or attack only counts as memorized when the effect is directly effected by the same features and conditions.

Even though my wielder is different...

At 14th level, while you are possessing a creature, you retain any of the creature's features, proficiencies, languages, or ability scores of your choice until you are no longer possessing them.

Alternate Feature: The full dual-wielding might!

At 14th level, you can bind your soul to two weapons. Each weapon can possess a second creature, both acting on the same turn and using the same actions. If wielded by the same creature, you gain access to all bonuses from “Use me and kill” without any restrictions.

Anubis Requiem

While Requiem is active, your weapon strikes absolutely. Attacks with your bound weapon gain an additional 10 feet of reach and automatically score a critical hit. If you deal damage to a body part, you may choose which body part you target.


Stand of Magnetism

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Additionally, your Stand has a physical form and thus is not affected by Invisible Force. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Boys always want to touch things they aren't supposed to

At 3rd level, you may place your Stand on any surface as an action for 1 spirit point. Your Stand stays there until you place it in another spot or if leave a 60 foot radius from your Stand. Your Stand takes the form of a commonplace wall-mounted object that would seem out of place in certain locations, such as a power outlet. If a creature touches your Stand, they are imbued with the powers of a magnet.

At the end of every hour, the maximum weight of an object they can attract increases by 1 pound. After 80 hours pass, the maximum distance from an object to attract it and take damage increases by 5 feet for all weights at the end of each hour. Objects are attracted from twice as far as the range listed and move at the beginning of each of your turns. If an object is attracted to the target but does not touch them for at least 2 rounds, it makes an attack roll using your Stand's Dexterity modifier against the target, dealing the listed damage on a hit. This effect ends if the effected creatures leave a 60 ft. radius of you.

Weight (lb.) Distance (ft.) Damage Die
1-4 70 1d6
5-9 60 2d6
10-29 50 3d6
30-49 40 4d6
50-99 30 5d6
100-199 20 10d6
200+ 10 20d6
I might not have minded being with you

At 5th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, any creatures of your choice that can see your Stand must attempt a Wisdom saving throw upon seeing your Stand. On a failure, it piques their interest, and they must touch it.

Look at you and your dirty mind!

At 7th level, when you make a thrown attack with a metal weapon against a magnetized creature, it deals twice as much damage, and its damage die can not be less than the magnetism damage for its respective weight.

Your magnetism will keep getting stronger until your bodies are crushed

At 9th level, any objects of your choice are not effected by magnetism, you deal twice as much damage to objects, and any objects attracted toward a creature that is too heavy to move instead attracts them, moving them 10 ft. towards it at the end of each of their turns. This movement increases by 5 feet whenever their attraction radius does so.

This isn't fitting of my image at all

At 11th level, you may have any number of creatures magnetized by your Stand. If an object equal in size to themselves is attached to them, they become restrained, save for having a movement speed of 10 feet. If this is another creature, they may attempt an Acrobatics check as an action, using the other creature's reaction. If they both succeed, they regain the lowest movement speed between the two and they must move together. If an object one or more size categories larger than them is attached to them, they are fully restrained.

A pincer attack? You still don't get it!

At 14th level, your Stand attracts greatest form of magnetism: electricity. When a creature is magnetized by your Stand and comes within 30 feet of an object holding electricity, in jumps to them. They must attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 4d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier lightning damage. On a success, they take half as much damage.

Bastet Requiem

While Requiem is active, you are able to control the attractive force between Stand users. As an action, you may cause any Stand users that you can see to become magnetized as if they had become magnetized 80 hours prior, and you may move any Stand user you can see up to 60 feet toward you.


Stand of De-Aging

Your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 5 feet from you. Additionally, your Stand has a physical form and thus is not affected by Invisible Force. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Don't you have any basic human decency?

At 3rd level, your Stand occupies your shadow. It gains a copy of any melee weapon you wield and can squeeze through a gap of any size. Creatures can occupy your Stand's space without a movement speed penalty.


At 5th level, when a creature occupies the same space as your Stand, you may spend 1 spirit point to force them to attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they regress in age unless they are immune to the effects of aging. If they have the Spry Senior or Wily Elder Sideshow Perks, they lose one. If they lack both, they gain the Runaway Child or Raucous Youth Sideshow Perk. If they have both, they regress to an infantile state, becoming Tiny and paralyzed. If they are already in an infantile state, they regress to nonexistence, killing them instantly. This lasts until you become unconscious or are reduced to 0 hit points. On a success, they lose 1 spirit or Hamon point, or fail anyway if they can not or choose not to. This can only effect a creature once per round.

I love to pick on the weak. I'm such a good boy~

At 7th level, targets with a size category lower than your own have disadvantage on any saving throws caused by your Stand.

That must mean I'm okay

At 9th level, your Stand has advantage on saving throws caused by creatures with a size category lower than your own, and attack rolls from such creatures have disadvantage against you and your Stand.


At 11th level, when your Stand attempts to regress a creature's age, you may spend 2 spirit points to attempt to do so twice instead of once. These count as part of the initial use for the sake of the "once per round" stipulation.

I can't say this out loud, but I adore picking on weak things

At 14th level, attempting to regress a creature's age no longer costs spirit points, though attempting to do so twice still costs 2 spirit points. When a creature regresses in age, they lose any memories they did not have at that age over the course of 1 minute, though these are regained when they return to their normal age.

Sethan Requiem

While Requiem is active, your Stand exists within the shadow of all souls. You gain 1 mile of darkvision. You may attempt to regress the age of any creatures in darkness that you can see. Additionally, your size increases by one category to a minimum of Large.


Stand of Gambling

Your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Intelligence score is equal to your Intelligence score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 5 feet from you. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus.

I've no use for money... but what would you say to giving me your soul? That should do just fine

At 3rd level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may challenge a creature to a game with a gaming set. Once you and the target agree to the rules, your Stand ensures the outcome, causing any transfer of goods agreed to beforehand to occur the moment a creature consigns themself to defeat.

We'll see who cries first

At 5th level, as part of defining the rules for a game ensured by your Stand, you and/or the target may wager their soul. If a creature who has wagered their soul loses the game, you may transform their soul into a Tiny inanimate object that is not a weapon or armor, such as a coin or a doll, causing their body to fall into a death-like state. Souls continue to age while transformed. You may free souls from this state as a bonus action or as the result of a game, returning to their body if it is still alive or passing into the afterlife if it is not. If you are killed while you have souls transformed, they all pass into the afterlife with you.


At 7th level, while your Stand is looking at a creature, you may think or vocalize a yes or no question. You automatically learn their answer. This can not be deceived, and creatures are not be made aware of this ability automatically by using it.

Alternate Feature: Marilyn Manson

At 7th level, at the end of a game ensured by your Stand, if a transfer can not be achieved, your Stand will take items of equal value from the loser, potentially including their organs for sale on the black market.

Alternate Feature: Boy II Man

At 7th level, as part of defining the rules for a game ensured by your Stand, you and/or the target may wager part of the target's Stand power. If you win, they lose the highest level feature from their Stand archetype they have, and you gain the lowest level feature from their Stand archetype you do not already have. If you lose, this effect is reversed.

Alternate Feature: Okay! Open the game!

At 7th level, you gain proficiency in 3 gaming sets of your choice, or expertise if you already have proficiency. As an action, your Stand may split a captured soul into up to six separate parts. If a creature with a split soul is freed, all of its pieces return to its body.

It doesn't count as cheating if you never get caught in the act

At 9th level, and again at 11th and 14th level, you gain one 7th level feature from this archetype of your choice.

Alternate Feature: Are you going to do the "ORA ORA" thing?!

At 9th, 11th, or 14th level if you have Atum, as an action for 1 spirit point, your Stand may read the movements of one creature it can see. Until the beginning of your next turn, their attacks automatically miss you and automatically succeed any saving throws they cause.

Osiris Requiem

While Requiem is active, you may ask a creature you can see a yes or no question, deciding the answer yourself. They must fulfill these actions on their next turn or immediately have their soul transformed, and they are aware of this effect targeting them. You may do this a second time as an action, and a third time as a bonus action for 1 spirit point.


Stand of Ice

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 15 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier cold damage on a hit. Additionally, your Stand has a physical form and thus is not affected by Invisible Force. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Ice Shield

At 3rd level, as a reaction for 1 spirit point when a creature within your Stand's reach is targeted by an attack or Dexterity saving throw, they gain three-quarters cover until the end of your next turn.

Ice Missile

At 5th level, when you take the Attack action, you may spend 1 spirit point to grant your Stand's unarmed strikes 30/120 feet of range for that action. You can choose to freeze any uncontained water within a 5 ft. radius of your Stand solid instantly as a bonus action.

Ice Stand

At 7th level, your Stand constructs itself out of moisture in the air. Your Stand has a hit point maximum equal to your own, and you do not take damage when it is damaged unless it is at 0 hit points.

Ice Trap

At 9th level, as an action, or as a bonus action bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may lay a jagged trap anywhere within your Stand's reach that lasts for 1 hour. Each trap covers a 5 foot cube. When a creature enters the same space as a trap, they must succeed a Perception check or have their movement speed drop to 0 until the end of their next turn and take twice your Stand's unarmed strike damage.

Deep Freeze

At 11th level, as an action for 2 spirit points while your Stand is grappling a creature, you may drop their temperature to absolute 0, making them become petrified for as long as you are grappling them and 1 minute after you release your grapple or until they take damage. They may attempt a Constitution or Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of their turns you are not grappling them, ending this effect early on a success.

Death Penalty

At 14th level, while a creature is petrified by Deep Freeze, they take additional damage from all sources equal to your proficiency bonus which bypasses resistance and damage threshold and are killed instantly if they are reduced to 0 hit points. As a reaction for 1 spirit point when a creature within your Stand's reach is targeted by a melee attack that wouldn't deal fire, lightning, or radiant damage, you may immediately attempt to grapple the attacker. On a successful grapple attempted in this way, you may immediately use Deep Freeze as part of the same reaction.

As a full turn action for 1 spirit point, you may begin shaping a meteoric block of ice. At the beginning of your next turn if you do not lose concentration, every creature in a 20 foot radius area no farther than 120 feet from your Stand must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 5d6 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier bludgeoning and cold damage. On a success, they take half as much damage.

Horus: God of the Sky

While Requiem is active, your meteoric blocks of ice drop the moment you begin shaping them rather than at the beginning of your next turn. Every creature within twice your Stand's radius counts as being within your Stand's reach, and creatures only need to be within your Stand's reach to be targeted by Deep Freeze rather than being grappled by your Stand.


Stand of Void

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 10 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d6 + your Stand's Strength modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.


At 3rd level, your Stand functions as a portal that indiscriminately transports a small amount of matter to the endless void within its mouth. As an action for 1 spirit point, one creature within your Stand's reach must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 3d6 + your Stand's Strength modifier force damage as parts of their body are effectively disintegrated. Creatures reduced to 0 hit points by this feature are killed instantly.

You are nothing before me

At 5th level, your Disintegration feature deals twice as much damage. On a success, a creature takes half as much damage. Additionally, this damage ignores damage threshold and reduction.

My mouth is a portal into a dark dimension. Even I ignore where it leads

At 7th level, as an action, your Stand may gobble your body whole. Until you end this feature as an action, you gain full cover, but your Stand does not, and your Stand can not leave your space.


At 9th level, you may leave your Stand's mouth as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, and if you make an unarmed strike immediately after leaving your Stand's mouth, the attack has advantage.


At 11th level level, as an action for 3 spirit point, your Stand may devour itself in order to become a ball-shaped portal. In this state, your Stand becomes invisible, it can not be targeted by any effect that you do not cause, and it can not take actions, bonus actions, or reactions. When a creature occupies the same space as your Stand, they are automatically targeted by Disintegration. Each creature may be targeted by this effect once each round. If a creature can not track the effects of your Stand, such as through dust or smoke hanging in the air around your Stand or it moving along a surface, they have disadvantage on the saving throw.

If this feature is active while you have been gobbled by your Stand, you become blinded and deafened. As an action, you may drop your Stand's movement speed to 0, become visible, and lose full cover to remove these conditions until the end of your turn.


At 14th level, your Stand's size increases by 1 category to a minimum of Large, and it gains a flying speed equal to it movement speed.

Cream Requiem

While Requiem is active, your Stand may open its mouth and become a vortex. Whenever you use Disintegration, you may force all creatures of your choosing within a 60 ft. radius of your Stand must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are sucked 20 ft. closer to your Stand, and on a success they are brought 10 ft. closer. Until the end of your next turn, any creatures in a 60 ft. radius must spend 2 feet of speed for every foot they move away from your Stand and 1 foot of speed for every 2 feet they move towards it.

The World[edit]

Stand of Durability

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 10 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d6 + your Stand's Strength modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Just how long can you move within my world of stopped time?

At 3rd level, as a full turn action for 1 spirit point, you may attempt to stop time. At the beginning of your next turn if you do not lose concentration, you stop time until the end of turn. While time is stopped, time does not pass and all other creatures count as being unconcious in a way that ignores features or effects that would reduce the effects of being unconscious such as being immune to the condition, and any ranged or thrown attacks you make do not take effect until time resumes.

As a reaction for 1 spirit point when you are subjected to this effect or a similar effect caused by another creature, you may become immune to the effects of stopped time until the end of your next turn.

I've already taken the first step!

Starting at 5th level, as a reaction for 1 spirit point when you are targeted by any effect, you may stop time until the end of your reaction and move up to half your movement speed. If you are no longer within the effected area of the effect at the end of this movement, you are not targeted by it.

If you wish to die, take a step up the stairs

Starting at 7th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may stop time until the end of your turn.

The World's true power will finish you off!

Starting at 9th level, you gain two Stand User Perks of your choice. Additionally, the first time you stop time costs 1 fewer spirit points. You regain use of this feature at the end of a short rest.

At first, I could only stop time long enough to blink

Beginning at 11th Level, as a bonus action for 2 spirit points, you may stop time until the end of your turn.

Soon, I'll be able to stop time for one minute, ten minutes, even an hour someday!

Starting at 14th level, when you stop time as the effect of a full turn action, it lasts until the end of your next turn.

The World Over Heaven

While Requiem is active, you gain the power to alter reality itself, granting you the title of Heaven Ascension. On a hit with an unarmed strike, you may end any effect affecting the target, including death which causes them to return to life with 1 hit point, or cause them to become charmed by you. Additionally, you may cause them to lose access to one feature of your choice, but this can only be used once per creature.

As an action for 4 spirit points, you and any creatures of your choice that you have hit with an unarmed strike since the beginning of your previous turn are teleported to one location you can visualize, including locations in other dimensions.

Alternate Feature: The World Ultimate

While Requiem is active, when the effects of your time stop would end, you may spend 2 spirit points to extend its duration to the end of your next turn.

Diamond is Unbreakable Archetypes[edit]

Crazy Diamond[edit]

Stand of Fixing

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 10 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d6 + your Stand's Strength modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.

I went ahead and healed your sorry ass

At 3rd level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may cause one creature your Stand is touching to regain hit points equal to the damage its unarmed strikes deal. You cannot use this feature on yourself, and this can restore body parts that are destroyed as long as the body part is still in this plane of existence and not completely decomposed, and can restore hit points to higher tiers of a body part's hit points.


At 5th level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may enter Fists of Fury for 1 hour or until you end it as a bonus action, are knocked unconscious, or lose the Bloodlusted condition.

Upon activating Fists of Fury, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Stand User level times half your Constitution modifier rounded up (minimum 1), you ignore difficult terrain, your Stand may make one additional attack when you take the Attack action, and you become bloodlusted. Your Stand's unarmed strikes deal an additional 1d6 damage.


Starting at 5th level, you cause an object to regain hit points using your Stand in the same manner as a creature.

There is no reason he needs to die

Starting at 7th level, when you cause a target with missing pieces to regain hit points with your Stand, you may choose whether to have all pieces fly to the pieces you possess or to have your pieces fly to the target, both taking the fastest path. As a reaction for 1 spirit point when you choose the latter, you or any creatures of your choice may hold on tightly to the pieces until they are anywhere within 5 feet of the target. You may only choose the latter if the target is a creature, and you can not hold tightly onto your pieces. Objects move 75 feet at the end of each of your turns when moving in this manner.


At 9th level, you gain two Stand User Perks of your choice. Additionally, you benefit from Fists of Fury whenever you are Bloodlusted.

I'm gonna fix that spaghetti!

Starting at 11th level, when cause a target to regain hit points using your Stand, you may spend 1 spirit point to cause them to lose any conditions and ongoing effects of your choice. Using this feature on a creature with exhaustion causes them to lose 1d4 levels of exhaustion. If the source of the condition or effect was any form of contaminant, including creatures, and you have a container, you may put the separated contaminants in the container as part of this effect.

Life is not that easy

At 14th level, when you cause a target to regain hit points using your Stand, you may spend 1 spirit point to cause them to regain twice as many hit points. Additionally, when you cause an object to regain hit points, you may reshape it into any other object with the same mass that is not a ranged weapon. If this new object would be within a creature's space, they must attempt a Dexterity saving throw or become restrained until the object is destroyed. They may attempt an Athletics or Acrobatics check as an action, no longer being restrained on a success.

Crazy Diamond: Shine On

While Requiem is active, causing a target to regain hit points using your Stand costs no spirit points, and you may do so in place of an attack when you take the Attack action. You may cause a dead creature to regain hit points, returning them to life.

The Hand[edit]

Stand of Erasure

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 5 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d6 + your Stand's Strength modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Whatever my right hand touches will disappear!

At 3rd level, your Stand gains the ability to swipe away space using its right hand. As an action for 1 spirit point, one creature within your Stand's reach must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 3d6 + your Stand's Strength modifier force damage as parts of their body are effectively disintegrated. Creatures reduced to 0 hit points by this feature are killed instantly.

I still scraped through space-time

At 5th level, when your Stand swipes away space and does not deal damage to a creature, you may pull yourself up to 15 ft. in any direction, or in the direction of the target if you use this feature as a result of the target succeeding a Dexterity saving throw. If there is an object or creature between you and your target, you must attempt a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they take your Stand's unarmed strikes' damage. On a success, you and the creature or object take half as much damage.

Get back here!

At 7th level, when you would pull yourself toward a target as a result of your Stand's swipe, you may instead cause a target within 15 feet of you to move 15 feet toward you. If there is an object or creature between you and your target, they must attempt a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they and the creature or object take your Stand's unarmed strikes' damage. On a success, they take half as much damage.

Oi, Josuke

At 9th level, as a reaction for 1 spirit point when you are targeted by a ranged attack while your Stand is summoned, your Stand may swipe away the attack. When you do so, the damage you take from the attack is reduced by your Stand's swipe damage.

Leave this to me

At 11th level, when you take the Attack action, you may spend 1 spirit point to replace an attack with your Stand's swipe. Your Stand's swipes may move a target that is up to 30 feet from you, but they still only move 15 feet.

I had a weird dream...

At 14th level, your Stand's swipes and unarmed strikes deals twice as much damage. On a success against your Stand's swipe, you may cause a creature to take half as much damage. Additionally, your Stand's swipes ignore damage threshold and reduction.

The Hand Requiem

While Requiem is active, your Stand's swipes gain 10 additional feet of reach and the range and distance of swipes that cause you or the target to move is doubled. When a creature fails the saving throw against your Stand's swipe while below half their maximum hit points, you may erase them completely as an action.

Bad Company[edit]

Stand of Firepower

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, and your Stand may be up to 120 feet from you and has a 15 foot movement speed. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.

My plans are on a level beyond your comprehension

At 3rd level, your Stand takes the form of living toy soldiers. Your Stand is Tiny and can make ranged attacks using their Dexterity modifier with a range of 20/200 feet that deal 1 piercing damage on a hit. You may summon your Stand up to 10 times and control all of them at once. Up to 10 of your Stands may occupy a single 5 ft. square area, and if multiple of your Stand would take damage from a single effect, you only take the damage once. Each time your Stand makes an attack, all of your Stands do, making a single attack roll but dealing each of your Stands' damage.

My army is like a steel wall protecting me

At 5th level, as a reaction for 1 spirit point when you are targeted by a ranged attack, may have your Stands fire at the projectile. When you do so, the damage you take from the attack is reduced by your Stands' ranged attack damage. Any of your Stands that you choose to do so can not attack on your next turn.


At 7th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, a unit of your Stand can place down an explosive charge. This charge is Tiny, and remains hidden unless a creature succeeds a Perception check when they take the Search action. If a creature steps on the landmine, they must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 3d6 fire damage, and have one of their legs take half as much damage. On a successful saving throw, they take half damage. The number of landmines you can have out at once is equal to your Stand's Dexterity modifier.

Green Beret

At 9th level, you may summon your Stand a number of additional times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you may have an equal number of "special units". You may summon your Stand as a green beret special unit. Your green berets have a 20 ft. movement speed and a climbing and swimming speed equal to their movement speed, and they can make melee attacks using their Dexterity modifier. On a hit, these melee attacks deal 1d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier slashing damage.


At 11th level, you may summon your Stand as a tank special unit. Your tanks' attack range is doubled and they deal 1d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit, but they can not swim or climb, they count as 5 of your Stands when calculating how many of your Stands can occupy a 5 ft. square area, and their movement speed is reduced to 10 feet.


At 14th level, you may summon your Stand as an apache special unit. Your apache's attack range is doubled and their ranged attacks deal 1d4 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier piercing damage on a hit and they gain a flying speed equal to their movement speed, but they count as 5 of your Stands when calculating how many of your Stands can occupy a 5 ft. square area.

Worse Company

While Requiem is active, your Stands become Medium, your tanks and apaches become Huge, their movement speed and attack ranges are tripled, and they can no longer occupy the same space. Their attacks deal 2d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier damage on a hit if their damage die was 1, 3d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier damage if their damage die was 1d4, and 4d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier if their damage die was 1d6 damage.

Red Hot Chili Pepper[edit]

Stand of Electricity

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 30 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier lightning damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Electrical Transmission

At 3rd level, your Stand is composed of electrical energy, and can travel through metal. As a bonus action for 1 spirit point while your Stand is touching a metal object, such as a pipe, it can teleport anywhere that it would be touching the same object. Additionally, when your Stand is hit by a melee attack with a weapon made of metal or an unarmed strike, the attacker takes your Stand's unarmed strike damage. When your Stand comes into contact with a large body of water, it takes 2d6 acid damage at the end of each of your turns as its electrical energy is dispersed.

Electrical Phasing

At 5th level, when your Stand teleports, it can take a creature or object that is its size category or smaller than it is grappling with it. Living creatures teleported in this manner take 1 lightning damage per foot of travel.

Oh Yeah!

At 7th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may overcharge your Stand with electricity, granting it a +1 bonus to its attack and damage rolls, its AC, and any saving throws it makes for 1 minute with concentration. You may have this feature active a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus at any given moment, and all instances end if you become unconscious.

I'll vaporize you using just my pinky

At 9th level, your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 2d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier lightning damage on a hit while overcharged at least once. As an action for 2 spirit points, you can fire a 60 foot line of lightning from your Stand, forcing all creatures in the area to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 8d6 + your Stand's Constitution modifier lightning damage. On a success, they take half as much damage.


At 11th level, your Stand can absorb electricity to power itself up. Your Stand gains immunity to lightning damage. Whenever your Stand would take at least 10 lightning damage, you regain 1 spirit point.

I'll show you how slow your Stand really is!

At 14th level, your Stand's maximum range from you and its movement speed increases by 30 feet any time it is overcharged.

Red Hot Chili Pepper: Encore

While Requiem is active, your Stand may drain any amount of electricity. Whenever your Stand would take any lightning damage, you regain 1 spirit point, and you gain 1 additional spirit point if this damage is at least 10. When your Stand reduced a creature to 0 hit points or scores a critical hit against a creature, you regain 1 spirit point as you drain them of their bioelectricity.

The Lock[edit]

Stand of Guilt

Your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Charisma score is equal to your Charisma score + twice your Wisdom modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus.

These shackles are the weight of your sins

At 3rd level, as a reaction for 1 spirit point when a creature within 60 feet of you feels guilt, you may latch your Stand on their heart, granting them 1 level of exhaustion for 1 minute with concentration. You may have this feature active a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus at any given moment, and all instances end if you become unconscious or use this feature on a different creature.

A creature that the target can hear can attempt a Persuasion check as an action. On a success, they lose 1 instance of this feature as their guilt is overridden.

I’ll bury that cat for you, so give me a little money, okay?

At 5th level, while your Stand is latched on a creature's heart, you may inject doubt into their mind. As an action for 1 spirit point, the target must attempt a Insight check. On a failure, they feel guilt and you may latch your Stand on their heart once without spending spirit points.

You felt bad about lying, didn’t you?

At 7th level, you know if any creature who has your Stand latched to their heart is lying. When you sense a creature is lying, you may inject doubt into their mind once at will for 1 spirit point.

Don’t try anything funny with me!

At 9th level, if any creature who has your Stand latched to their heart deals damage to you, they instead deal damage to themself.

It's heavy! I can't even stand anymore!

At 11th level, the weight of a creature’s guilt literally starts to weigh them down. As an action for 1 spirit point, you may cause any creature who has your Stand latched to their heart to take one action of your choice. This does not affect if they can take an action on their next turn, and they lose your Stand's exhaustion while they are taking this action. If your Stand has latched onto their heart at least 4 times, this does not cost spirit points.

If you could just pay a little cash to remove your sins, wouldn’t you?

At 14th level, your Stand no longer stops being latched on a creature's heart if you latch your Stand on another creature's heart, and you gain your Stand's ability scores.

The Lock Requiem

While Requiem is active, guilt is an ever-present reality around you. Any creatures within 60 feet of you count as feeling guilt and you may have any number of instances of your Stand being latched on a creature's heart, and this effect does not end if you become unconscious unless you are reduced to 0 hit points.


Stand of Shapeshifting

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus, and your Stand may be up to 60 feet from you. Additionally, your Stand has a physical form and thus is not affected by Invisible Force. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.


At 3rd level, as an action for 3 spirit points, your Stand can copy the appearance and voice of a creature within 15 feet of it almost perfectly. A creature who knows the original creature must succeed a Perception check when they take the Search action to differentiate your Stand from the original.

Are you okay, stupid? I am wood

At 5th level, your Stand gains a damage reduction equal to your proficiency bonus. When a creature hits your Stand with an unarmed strike, they take bludgeoning damage equal to half the damage they dealt to a maximum of your proficiency bonus.

Stand users are bound to meet each other

At 7th level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point while your Stand is mimicking a creature within 15 ft. of it, the original creature must attempt a Strength saving throw. On a failure, the creature becomes paralyzed and mimics any actions your Stand takes until the beginning of your next turn. Their Stand still follows their own commands as if they were not paralyzed.

I'm the kind of copy doll that people don't want to have

At 9th level, your Stand has a hit point maximum equal to half your own, and you do not take damage when it is damaged unless it is at 0 hit points.

People who think differently from us only have two choices

At 11th level, as a reaction when your Stand takes damage, you may cause the damage to also be dealt to the creature your Stand is mimicking.

In short, I'm a doll that manipulates!

At 14th level, you may regain your reaction for 1 spirit point immediately after reflecting damage to a creature your Stand is mimicking, and you may regain your bonus action for 1 spirit point immediately after causing a creature your Stand is mimicking to mimic your Stand's actions.

Surface Requiem

While Requiem is active, when your Stand changes creatures it is mimicking, it leaves a copy of its previous mimicry behind with its current hit points and regains its maximum hit points. These copies lasts until Requiem ends of Requiem or until it is reduced to 0 hit points and act on their own turn, but can not cause the creature they are mimicking to mimic their action, though you may cause them to do so as long as any of your copies are of the target.


Stand of Sound

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Intelligence modifier, and your Stand's Charisma score is equal to your Charisma score + twice your Intelligence modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 120 feet from you, and it has a flying speed equal to its movement speed. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus.


At 3rd level, as an action, your Stand can write an onomatopoeia on any creature or object within 30 ft. of it. The sound this onomatopoeia denotes plays constantly for 1 minute or until you end this effect as a bonus action, and can range in volume from extremely quiet to almost deafening, but can not cause harm in any way.

Believe in me!

Starting at 5th level, any creature within a 10 ft. radius of your Stand's onomatopoeia must attempt a Charisma saving throw at the end of each of their turns. On a failure, you have advantage on any Persuasion, Deception, or Intimidation checks against them, or you may cause them to become deafened for 1 minute. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success as they mentally block out the noise.


At 7th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you can transform your Stand into ACT2 of your Stand. While it is ACT2, its maximum range from you is halved, it can not use ACT1, and you may remove the effects of ACT2 as an action for 1 spirit point.

As an action for 1 spirit point, your Stand can write an onomatopoeia on any object within 30 ft. of it that cause their effect to physically manifest for 1 minute. Any creature within 10 ft. of the onomatopoeia must make a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of their turns. On a failure, they take 2d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier damage of a type depending on the chosen sound effect (i.e. "fwoosh!" would deal fire damage, "sizzle!" would deal acid damage, "crash!" would deal bludgeoning damage). On a success, they take half as much damage. Alternatively, you may cause any creatures within the area to have any damage they take be reduced by an equal amount by writing a sound effect such as "boing!" for 1 additional spirit point.


Starting at 9th level, as an action for 1 spirit point while your Stand is under the effects of ACT2, you can transform your Stand into ACT3 of your Stand. While it is ACT3, its maximum range from you is halved a second time, it can not write onomatopoeia, and you may remove the effects of ACT3 as an action for 1 spirit point.

As an action for 1 spirit point, your Stand can inflict "Three Freeze" on one creature or object within 15 ft. of your Stand for 1 minute with concentration. The target must make a Strength saving throw at the end of each of their turns. On a failure, they take bludgeoning damage equal to twice ACT2's sound effect damage and they are paralyzed, their speed becomes 0, and they knocked prone. On a success, they take half as much damage, their movement speed is halved, and they are knocked prone. They must retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect on a success.

The one who should be running away in fear... is you

At 11th level, when a creature retries Three Freeze's saving throw, it has the same effects as the original instead of ending the effect.

You're a complete idiot! I'll be looking forward to seeing you in the next world!

Starting at 14th level, losing or gaining the effects of an ACT no longer costs spirit points, and creatures have disadvantage on Three Freeze's saving throw if you or your Stand are within 5 feet of them.

Echoes Requiem

While Requiem is active, ACTs no longer reduce your Stand's maximum range from you or restrict uses of features. Additionally, you gain your Stand's ability scores and features.

Love Deluxe[edit]

Stand of Hair

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 5 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier slashing damage on a hit. Additionally, your Stand has a physical form and thus is not affected by Invisible Force. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.

If I ever find you getting too close to my Koichi again... I'll make sure you suffer the consequences...

At 3rd level, your Stand is bound to your hair. Your Stand has a hit point maximum equal to half your own, and you do not take damage when it is damaged unless it is at 0 hit points.

I know because I've always been watching...

At 5th level, you gain a climbing speed equal to twice your walking speed while your Stand is summoned.

I'll definitely make you love me, or else...

At 7th level, your Stand is able to stretch to a shocking degree. Its reach increases to 30 feet, but it deals half as much damage with its unarmed strikes and creatures have advantage on any saving throws it causes if the target is not within 15 feet of it. While grappling a creature, your Stand does not gain the grappled condition and the creature remains grappled so long as they are within your Stand's reach.

When comes the time for you to leave this place, and you see how much you've changed... you will thank me

At 9th level, while your Stand is grappling a creature, they are considered restrained until the grapple ends. Additionally, your Stand gains a +1 bonus to its critical threshold.

That's why I'm here to take you away!

At 11th level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point while your Stand is grappling a creature, you may end the grapple and force the target to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they are thrown a number of feet up to 5 times your proficiency bonus. On a success, they are thrown half as far.

Love Love Deluxe

At 14th level, your Stand gains a humanoid appearance that can grow and somewhat manipulate the hair of others. As an action for 1 spirit point, you may unbind your Stand from your hair, causing it to become affected by the Invisible Force feature, reducing its reach to 5 feet, and granting it a maximum range from you of 60 feet for 1 minute.

As an action, or as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, while this feature is active, your Stand may cover a creature or object within its reach in hair. The target must attempt a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are vulnerable to fire damage and are grappled until they remove the hair as an action.

Love Deluxe Requiem

While Requiem is active, every creature of your choice within 60 feet of you begins suffocating as hair clogs their insides. As an action, a creature or a creature touching the creature may attempt a Strength saving throw. On a success, they rip some of the hair from their throat, resetting this timer.

Pearl Jam[edit]

Stand of Cooking

Your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Charisma score is equal to your Charisma score + twice your Wisdom modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Curative Cooking

At 3rd level, you may add your Stand's Wisdom modifier to any checks you make with cook's utensils. You may cook a meal for 1 creature over the course of 2 hours out of mundane ingredients and your Stand, making a check with cook's utensils at the end of it. Any creature that eats this meal, which can be done over the course of 1 minute, regains hit points equal to the result of the check. Each meal goes bad and loses these effects after 1 hour in normal conditions, 24 hours in cold conditions like a refrigerator, and 168 hours in frozen conditions like a freezer.

Now, let's continue with the meal, shall we?

At 5th level, when a creature regains hit points from a meal you have cooked, you can restore hit points to body parts that are destroyed and can restore hit points to higher tiers of a body part's hit points.

Si, signore

At 7th level, when you cook a meal, you may infuse it with a more complex remedy, reducing how many hit points it causes the target to regain. For every 10 hit points you reduce, the target loses the effects of one disease, poison, curse, condition, or other ongoing effect of your choice.

Momento! Please do not panic

At 9th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may whip up a quick meal out of your Stand and single ingredient, potentially including water. When consumed as an action, this meal causes the target to regain 1d4 + your proficiency bonus hit points, and you may the hit points the target regains as if it were a normal meal. This meal loses these effects like your normal meals.

It helps relieve insomnia

At 11th level, for every 20 hit points you reduce from one of your meals, the target gains the effects of eight hours of sleep, a day's worth of food, and a day's worth of water.

I have a lot of confidence in my food

At 14th level, when you cook a normal meal, you may spend 2 spirit points to also add your Stand's Charisma modifier to your check with cooking utensils. For every 30 hit points you reduce from one of your meals, the target regains 1 spirit point.

Pearl Jam: Master Chef

While Requiem is active, you may cook normal meals as an action for 1 spirit point, quick meals cost no spirit points to make, and the results of your checks with cook's utensils is doubled.

Heaven's Door[edit]

Stand of Control

Your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Intelligence modifier, and your Stand's Charisma score is equal to your Charisma score + twice your Intelligence modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.

I'm reading through your lives and experiences to get that reality!

At 3rd level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you can force a creature within your reach to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they are charmed by you until a creature closes the target as an action. While charmed in this way, they are paralyzed and parts of their body open like a book, allowing you to read their memories and personality traits. A creature may remove any pages of their choice while touching such a creature as an action, removing the memory or personality trait it contains. A page of memories can be inserted into a creature under these effects as an action, granting them this memory or personality trait even if the page is not their own.

Your experiences are amazing!

At 5th level, as an action while within reach of a creature that has been opened, you may write in new memories and personality traits.

Reality itself is entertainment!

At 7th level, you may attempt to open a creature that is willing, unaware, incapacitated, or surprised as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, or as an action without spending spirit points.

But I refuse

At 9th level, for 2 spirit points when you remove a creature's page, you may instead remove a page that grants them proficiency in a skill or a language. You may only grant a creature a skill or language page if they are missing a skill or language page.

A safety-lock...

At 11th level, as an action for 5 spirit points while touching an opened creature, you may write in a command. Each effect must have a condition that is not always active (such as the creature being alive, awake, or on Earth) and can not cause anything that your target could not already do. Each command lasts for 48 hours or until you fall unconscious.

Victory goes to the one who strikes first

At 14th level, you may open yourself, and any opened creatures of your choice do not become charmed or paralyzed, though they are still opened. Your written commands can cause a creature to be moved up to 120 feet. You may open a creature charmed by you at will for 1 spirit point.

Heaven's Door Over Heaven

While Requiem is active, you gain the power to alter reality itself, granting you the title of Heaven Ascension. On a hit with an unarmed strike, you may end any effect affecting the target, including death which causes them to return to life with 1 hit point, or cause them to become charmed by you. Additionally, you may cause them to lose access to one feature of your choice, but this can only be used once per creature.

As an action for 4 spirit points, you and any creatures of your choice that you have hit with an unarmed strike since the beginning of your previous turn are teleported to one location you can visualize, including locations in other dimensions.

Achtung Baby[edit]

Stand of Invisibility

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Intelligence modifier, and your Stand's Charisma score is equal to your Charisma score + twice your Intelligence modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus.


At 3rd level, when you become frightened, you become invisible until you are no longer frightened.

Invisible Bubble

At 5th level, when you become invisible because of this archetype, or as an action, or as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, while you are invisible because of this archetype, everything in a 5 ft. radius of you becomes invisible as well until you are no longer invisible.

Invisible Blast

At 7th level, when you use Invisible Bubble, you may spend 1 additional spirit point to increase the effected radius to a number of feet up to 5 times your proficiency bonus, or decrease the radius by any amount.

Fearful Force

At 9th level, you gain three Stand User Perks of your choice. Additionally, when you become frightened. Additionally, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may become invisible for 1 minute. You may attempt a Charisma saving throw as an action, ending this effect early on a success.

Solar Flare

At 11th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, or as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may redirect light around you into a bright flash, forcing every creature within 30 feet of you that is not blinded to attempt a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they are blinded until the end of their next turn. Additionally, you may use your Stand's Charisma modifier instead of your own when you make a Charisma skill check.

Achtung Cutter

At 14th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, or as a bonus action for 2 spirit points, you may shape light into a ray of sunlight. Every creature in a 30-foot line must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take take 2d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier radiant damage. On a success, they take half as much damage. Additionally, you may use your Stand's Dexterity modifier instead of your own when you make a Stealth check.

Achtung Baby Requiem

While Requiem is active, your Stand may bend light across space and time into an enhanced form of psychography. As an action, you can create an image of any target at any point in the past through any non-transparent medium, such as a camera or television. You roll a d20. On a 1, you are only able to see half of your target. On a 20, you can see the entire target and surroundings up to 60 feet. You must know your target's general appearance. If they are a humanoid, you must also know their name. If they are a humanoid, you must succeed a Deception check with a DC equal to their passive perception or the target knows that someone was trying to locate them. If the medium used to locate a person is a piece of technology capable of generating sound and the target is aware, they can talk to you and you can talk to them.

Stray Ratt[edit]

Stand of Range

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Wisdom modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Wisdom modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may any distance from you, and your Stand has its speed reduced to 0. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.


At 3rd level, while within 5 feet of your Stand, you may make ranged attacks using its Dexterity modifier with a range of 60/600 feet that deal 1d6 + your Stand's Constitution modifier piercing damage on a hit.

Blind Spot Deflection

At 5th level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, ranged attacks with your Stand ignore up to 3/4 cover and have a +1 bonus to their critical threshold until the beginning of your next turn.

Restraining Shots

At 7th level, when you make a ranged attack with your Stand, you may spend 1 spirit point to fire a projectile that wraps around the target. On a hit, the target must also attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they become restrained for 1 minute. The target or a creature touching them may attempt a Strength saving throw as an action, ending this effect early on a success. If the attack was a critical hit, this saving throw is automatically a critical failure.

Special Shot

At 9th level, ranged attacks with your Stand gain one of the following:

The attack's attack roll has advantage against targets without a blindsight or truesight range, or with other ways to view changes in air pressure or invisible objects.
Melting Bullets
You may spend 1 spirit point as part of the attack to fire a projectile infused with a massively-corrosive acid. On a hit, the target must also attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 3d6 + your Stand's Constitution modifier acid damage. On a success, they take half as much damage. If the attack was a critical hit, this saving throw is automatically a critical failure.
It looks like we have to continue our hunt with the intent to kill

At 11th level, you gain one of the following:

Air Cushion
Requires Aerokinesis. While a creature is restrained by your wrapping projectile, they gain a damage threshold equal to twice your proficiency bonus, though any damage of your choice may ignore this damage threshold. If they take damage above this threshold, the effects of the wrapping projectile ends.
Manual Bubble
Requires Aerokinesis. As an action for 1 spirit point, your Stand may create a bubble. This bubble is mechanically identical to your Stand save for being invisible to creatures without a blindsight or truesight range or any other ways to view changes in air pressure or invisible objects, and incapacitated, and having a damage threshold equal to twice your proficiency bonus. As a bonus action, you may cause your bubble to pop, forcing every creature within your bubble's reach to attempt a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take your Stand's ranged attack damage. On a success, they take half as much damage.
Instant Jelly
Requires Melting Bullets. Your Stand's acid projectiles deal twice as much damage.
Double Shot
You gain the effect if Special Shot you did not take at 9th level.
Internal Stand

At 14th level, your Stand becomes a phenomenon, allowing you to benefit from its features when summoned instead of the traditional summoning manner. Additionally, you gain one additional effect of this Archetype you did not take at 11th level.

Stray Ratt Requiem

While Requiem is active, you gain the effects of this Archetype you did not take at 11th level. As a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may teleport to an open space you can see and cause attacks with your Stand to have infinite range so long as you can see the target.


Stand of Numbers

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus, and your Stand may be up to 120 feet from you. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.

I can get anything I want!

At 3rd level, your Stand takes the form of small, insect-like creatures. Your Stand is Tiny. You may summon your Stand up to 10 times and control all of them at once. Up to 10 of your Stands may occupy a single 5 ft. square area, and if multiple of your Stand would take damage from a single effect, you only take the damage once. Your Stand's unarmed strikes deal piercing damage equal to your proficiency bonus and gains a +1 bonus to its unarmed strike damage for every Stand beyond the first that takes part in the attack.

Hey, you can see them, right?

At 5th level, the maximum number of Stands you can summon and their maximum range from you is doubled (20 Stands, 240 feet total). You may summon up to 10 of your Stands as an action.

I'll protect them!

At 7th level, your Stand can become a massive wall. As a bonus action for 1 spirit point, any 5 ft. square area containing 10 of your Stands provides three-quarters cover. Additionally, the maximum number of Stands you can summon and their maximum range from you is doubled again (40 Stands, 480 feet total), but you must spend 1 spirit point each time you summon your Stands while you have at least 20 already summoned.

You guys really are useless

At 9th level, while 10 of your Stand are within a 5 ft. square area, they may all grapple a creature as if they were a Medium creature. For every additional 5 ft. square area containing 10 of your Stand adjacent to the target that takes part in this grapple, the creature they are treated as increases its size by 1 category.

You still haven't figured it out yet? You guys are drunk

At 11th level, you can utilize a needle-like appendage on your Stand. While a creature is grappled by your Stand, its attacks ignore the target's damage threshold. Additionally, the maximum number of Stands you can summon and their maximum range from you is doubled again (80 Stands, 960 feet total).

I'll show you what happens when you underestimate me!

At 14th level, the maximum number of Stands you can summon and their maximum range from you is doubled again (160 Stands, 1920 feet total).

God of the Harvest

While Requiem is active, you no longer need to spend 1 spirit point each time you summon your Stands while you have at least 20 already summoned, and your Stand maximum range from you becomes infinite. Additionally, your Stand knows the location of any specific item you think of and the fastest way to get there.


Stand of Disguises

Your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Intelligence modifier, and your Stand's Charisma score is equal to your Charisma score + twice your Intelligence modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 5 feet from you. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus.

The moral of the story is that miracles take dedication

At 3rd level, as an action, your Stand may completely change the appearance of any creature that is not a construct, elemental, or undead within its reach for 30 minutes.

You know, I didn't open this salon for the money

At 5th level, when your Stand changes a creature's appearance, you may spend 3 spirit points and 1 minute to cause the change to become permanent.

It's because I wanted to make people happy like the fairy godmother

At 7th level, when your Stand changes a creature's appearance temporarily, you may spend 3 spirit points to cause the gravity of their features to act positively in all aspects, granting them your Stand's Wisdom or Charisma score.

Is that something you are willing to accept?

At 9th level, when your Stand permanently changes a creature's appearance permanently, you may spend 1 additional minute applying the process to apply conditions to the transformation. These conditions must be possible for the creature to achieve, though you can interfere with them. If any of these conditions are broken, the transformation ends instantly and the gravity of their features is permanently weakened, granting them a penalty to all Wisdom or Charisma checks equal to half your proficiency bonus until their appearance is changed again.

Supernatural Prosthesis

At 11th level, when your Stand change a creature's appearance, you may spend 3 spirit points to cause one of their body parts to regain all of its hit points.

Powerful Transformation

At 14th level, you gain two Stand User Perks of your choice. Additionally, when your Stand changes a creature's appearance temporarily, the target gains all of your Stand's ability scores.

Cinderella Requiem

While Requiem is active, any features from this archetype that can only be used when your Stand changes a creature's appearance temporarily can be used when it does so permanently. When your Stand changes a creature's appearance, you may cause the target to gain any game statistics of a single generic beast of its choice. As an action, your Stand may create any generic beast anywhere within its reach. This creature is charmed by you.

Killer Queen[edit]

Stand of Destruction

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 10 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d6 + your Stand's Strength modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Primary Bomb: Bomb Transmutation

At 3rd level, as an action for 3 spirit points, your Stand transforms one creature or object that is its size category or smaller that it touches into a bomb. A target must succeed a Dexterity saving throw to avoid this effect. You may only have one bomb transmuted at a time, and transmuting a second bomb causes your first bomb to stop being a bomb. As an action, you may detonate your bomb, forcing every creature within a 10 ft. radius of the bomb to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 5d6 + your Stand's Constitution modifier bludgeoning damage. On a success, they take half as much damage. The bomb automatically fails this saving throw.

I just want a quiet life...

At 5th level, as a reaction for 1 spirit point when a creature or object touches one of your bombs, you may cause that creature or object to become a bomb or have the bomb explode.'s just that it's in my nature to kill

At 7th level, when a creature or object is dropped to 0 hit points by one of your bombs, they are killed instantly and their body and any non-magical equipment they are carrying is reduced to ash.

Fate is on my side

At 9th level, as an action, you may reduce one non-magical item you are holding to ash. When your bomb deals damage, you may spend 1 spirit point to double the damage it deals.

Secondary Bomb: Sheer Heart Attack

At 11th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may detach your Stand's left hand, which becomes the mobile tank Sheer Heart Attack. Sheer Heart Attack is mechanically identical to your Stand save for being Tiny, being unable to turn creatures into a bomb, and having a 10 times your Stand's range from you. Additionally, you can not see or hear through your Stand, but you can sense heat within 90 feet of it. As an action for 2 spirit points, Sheer Heart Attack may explode as if it were one of your bombs, but its hit points are not changed from doing so and it is not killed instantly or reduced to ash.

I will never leave this town!

At 14th level, your Stand gains a compartment in its chest that can store a Tiny creature or one item. This creature or item is desummoned with your Stand and time does not pass for it while it is desummoned. Additionally, Sheer Heart Attack gains a damage reduction of 10.

Tertiary Bomb: Killer Queen Bites the Dust

While Requiem is active, as an action for 10 spirit points, you may place your Stand in one creature you can touch until you summon your Stand or you or the creature dies. You share the target's senses like you would your own Stand and they gain your Stand's AC. As an action, any creatures touching the target explode as if they were your bomb and time rewinds by 1 hour. Only the creature your Stand is inside of remembers what happened. Creatures who have been killed by Bites the Dust are killed when the same moment occurs (i.e. if a creature was killed at 10:00, time rewinds to 9:00 and the creature is killed again at 10:00. If time then rewinds at 10:30, time rewinds to 9:30 and the creature is still killed at 10:00) unless this feature ends.

Atom Heart Father[edit]

Stand of Photographs

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Additionally, your Stand has a physical form and thus is not affected by Invisible Force. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Supernatural Photography

At 3rd level, your Stand takes the form of a film camera. As an action for 3 spirit points, a creature touching your Stand may take a picture with it, encasing the subjects of the picture in dimensional barriers for 1 hour or until another picture is taken with your Stand. These barriers take the form of a cone that ends when they touch an opaque object. Creatures can not pass through these barriers normally. This photograph develops instantly.

I'll kill anyone who tries to harm my son!

At 5th level, when a creature or object comes in contact with your Stand's dimensional barrier, it teleports to other side of the encased area.

But since it made you happy, I decided to help you

At 7th level, when you are within an area encased dimensional barriers by your Stand, you become invisible to non-Stand users. If you would already be invisible to non-Stand users, you become invisible to them as well.

It's a bad idea to stay in this house any longer

At 9th level, if the most recent photograph created by your Stand is destroyed, everything within the barriers instantly drops to 0 hit points as the damage to the photograph is reflected onto its subjects.

The arrow acted on its own!

At 11th level, when a creature takes a picture with your Stand, they may take a picture of only themself. Instead of the normal effects of a photograph, they gain a flying speed equal to their movement speed, they become Tiny, they gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws and attack rolls against them have disadvantage, and they become vulnerable to fire damage. This feature ends if another picture is taken or if the photograph is destroyed.

You must be in so much despair right now

At 14th level, while a creature is within a picture of themself, the photograph can not be destroyed until they are at 0 hit points. While a creature is at 0 hit points in a photograph, they do not fall unconscious or make death saving throws.

Atom Heart Father Requiem

While Requiem is active, as an action for 10 spirit points, you may place your Stand in one creature you can touch until you end this feature or you or the creature dies. During this time, your Stand acts as a normal camera. As an action, any creatures touching the target are killed instantly and their body and any non-magical equipment they are carrying is reduced to ash and time rewinds by 1 hour. Only the creature your Stand is inside of remembers what happened. Creatures who have been killed by this feature are killed when the same moment occurs (i.e. if a creature was killed at 10:00, time rewinds to 9:00 and the creature is killed again at 10:00. If time then rewinds at 10:30, time rewinds to 9:30 and the creature is still killed at 10:00) unless this feature ends.

Highway Star[edit]

Stand of Pursuit

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 240 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Highway Star already has your scent!

At 3rd level, your Stand gains 90 feet of blindsight, which ceases functioning while it can not smell. Your Stand can differentiate smells between different objects and creatures, and can determine any poisons or diseases affecting them.

It may not be strong, but it is relentless

At 5th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may split your Stand into a colony of 10 Tiny Stands that are blinded and deafened. You may control all of your Stands, and up to 10 of your Stands may occupy a single 5 ft. square area, and if multiple of your Stand would take damage from a single effect, you only take the damage once. Your Stand's unarmed strikes deal piercing damage equal to your proficiency bonus and gains a +1 bonus to its unarmed strike damage for every Stand beyond the first that takes part in the attack. You may end this effect as an action for 1 spirit point.

Give me your nutrients!

At 7th level, when your Stand deals damage, you may force the target to attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, you may regain hit points equal to the damage dealt or spirit points equal to 1/10th of the damage dealt rounded down, or lose a number of levels of exhaustion equal to 1/10th the damage dealt rounded down.

Alternate Feature: King Nothing

At 7th level, when your Stand stops being a colony, you may spend 1 additional spirit point to cause it to take the form of one creature or object it can smell.

Ask him to save you

At 9th level, your Stand gains a damage reduction of 10. While your Stand is a colony Stand, its movement speed increases by 10 feet at the end of each of your turns that it moves its full movement speed to a maximum of 400 feet. Additionally, its maximum distance from you doubles (480 feet total).

Help me lure him into this room!

At 11th level, as an action for 10 spirit points, you can create a 60 ft. cube room within your Stand's reach with an interior completely of your choosing, though nothing created by you can interact with anything physical. As this room is a spiritual entity, it can be placed inside solid objects and still allow creatures to enter it, but there must only be one door. This room lasts until you create another, and any creatures inside the room when you create a second are shunted to the closest open space. Additionally, its maximum distance from you doubles again (960 feet total).

I'll gladly become a piece of paper

At 14th level, while you are at your hit point maximum, "Give me your nutrients!" grants you temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt instead of causing you to regain hit points. While your Stand is a colony Stand, its movement speed increases by 20 feet at the end of each round it moves instead of 10. Additionally, its maximum distance from you doubles again (1920 feet total).

Highway Star Requiem

While Requiem is active, your Stand is always at its maximum hit points. While your Stand is a colony Stand, they do not become Tiny and their unarmed strikes' damage is not reduced. You may cause any creature within your Stand's reach to move when your Stand moves.


Stand of Entrapment

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Intelligence modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Intelligence modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus.

You've finally stepped into it!

At 3rd level, as an action for 3 spirit points, you may bind your Stand to an area with the maximum size of a 60 ft. radius, 120 ft. tall cylinder centered on your current location until you bind it to another location. If there is only 1 creature within this area and they attempt to exit it, you may force them to attempt a Dexterity saving throw as a reaction for 1 spirit point. On a failure, they are petrified until at least one creature is within your Stand's bound area as their body is transformed into some material plentiful in your Stand's bound area. On a success, their movement stops immediately before they would leave your Stand's bound area.

You know that whole "law of conservation of energy"?

At 5th level, your Stand becomes indestructible, as energy and force put into it are sent back out toward the attacker. As a reaction for 1 spirit point whenever a creature would deal damage to an object within your Stand's bound area, the creature is targeted by the damaging effect instead as the damage reflects back to them.

Just have some sucker take your place and get out!

At 7th level, you do not need to spend spirit points to reflect damage a creature deals to an object in your Stand's bound area.

I've practiced this over and over. Controlling the angle and force of the reflection... it's on target!

At 9th level, whenever you would deal damage to an object within your Stand's bound location, you may instead move a number of feet up to 5 times your proficiency bonus in a straight line or one creature within this line must succeed a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d4 + your Stand's Strength modifier piercing damage.

I see, so you were curious about my house

At 11th level, when you deal damage to a creature as part of dealing damage to an object within your Stand's bound area, you may force the target to attempt a Strength saving throw for 1 spirit point. On a failure, they are restrained as the attack pins them to your Stand's bound area. The target or a creature touching them may retry this saving throw as an action, ending this effect early on a success.

If I said "come on in!" you'd hesitate, but if I say "stay out", you want to come in

At 14th level, you may leave your Stand's bound area without becoming petrified and do not count as a creature for the sake of other creatures being able to leave your Stand's bound area without becoming petrified. You may spend 5 spirit points to extend this effect to one creature you are touching until the beginning of your next turn.

Superfly Requiem

While Requiem is active, you may bind your Stand to a location as an action for 1 spirit point, and you may have your Stand bound to any number of areas at a time. Each area requires a different creature to occupy it for another creature to exit it.


Stand of Paper

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Intelligence score is equal to your Intelligence score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, and your Stand may be up to 20 feet from you. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Paper Transformation

At 3rd level, as an action for 3 spirit points, your Stand can transform any Tiny object it is touching into a folded piece of paper. They do not weigh more than the paper itself, and a creature may open the paper to retrieve the object as a bonus action. While an object is a piece of paper, time does not pass for it. If the paper takes damage, the object is freed.

When I find your terror's tells, my Enigma can strike perfectly

At 5th level, your Stand can transform creatures and objects with a size equal to or smaller than its own size category into pieces of paper. In order to turn a creature into a paper, they must be frightened and you must succeed an Insight check with a DC equal to their passive Deception when you take the Search action to discover the tell for their fear.

Don't you dare open up that piece of paper!

At 7th level, you can transform objects that are Huge or smaller into pieces of paper. Each of your pieces of paper have 10 hit points and is vulnerable to slashing, fire, and lightning damage. If one of your pieces of paper takes damage, you may cause the creature or object inside it to take a proportional amount of damage rather than being feed.

Everyone is easy prey to me!

At 9th level, you may partially transform your body into paper as an action, or as a bonus action for 1 spirit point. You gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed, you become Tiny, you gain advantage on Dexterity saving throws and attack rolls against you have disadvantage, and you become vulnerable to slashing, fire, and lightning damage.

Enigma observes closely

At 11th level, your Stand may take the Search action as a bonus action.


At 14th level, turning a creature or object into a piece of paper can be done as an action or bonus action for 1 spirit point and there is no limit to the size an object or creature can be to be turned into a piece of paper.

Enigma Requiem

While Requiem is active, you exude an aura of fear. When a creature starts their turn while you can see them, they become frightened of you until the beginning of their next turn. Additionally, your Stand can transform creatures and objects that you can see into pieces of paper without touching them.

Cheap Trick[edit]

Stand of Assassination

Your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Intelligence modifier, and your Stand's Charisma score is equal to your Charisma score + twice your Intelligence modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus.

When I said my ability was talking... I meant talking to anything

At 3rd level, your Stand gains the ability to talk. As an action for 3 spirit points, you may tie your Stand to the back of a creature you can touch. If a creature sees the target's back, they are killed instantly and your Stand is tied to that creature's back. A creature affected by this feature may attempt a Dexterity saving throw against the passive perception of any creature attempting to see their back to avoid them seeing their back. This effect ends if you tie your Stand to another creature, end this feature as an action, or are reduced to 0 hit points.

No matter how powerful your Stand is, it'll never measure up to the oh-so feeble power of my chattering

At 5th level, your Stand can talk to creatures regardless of if they can see Stands, and can sound exactly like the creature it is tied to. Any creature that hears your Stand must succeed an Insight check when they take the Search action to discern that your voice is not coming from the creature your Stand is tied to.

If your powers work on animals, why shouldn't mine?

At 7th level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, your Stand speaks every language and can verbally communicate flawlessly with creatures that do not know a language until the end of your turn.

But now, my user is you, got it?

At 9th level, at the end of each of a creature's turns that your Stand is tied to their back, they must attempt a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they gain 1 level of exhaustion as your Stand mentally wears them down.

It basically means that you're using a Stand to attack yourself

At 11th level, as a reaction when a creature would hit your Stand's host with a melee attack, you may force your Stand's host to attempt a Dexterity saving throw to avoid the attacker seeing their back. You may spend 1 spirit point as part of this reaction to regain your reaction.

I’m not sticking to your back with strength, but with my ability. Trying to forcibly remove me from your back means that you’ll destroy your back

At 14th level, as an action, your Stand may attempt to enrage one creature that can hear it, who must attempt a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they become taunted toward your Stand's host for 1 minute. On a success, this lasts until the end of their next turn. If they have differentiated the voice of your Stand from its host's, they have advantage on this saving throw. They may retry this saving throw at the beginning of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success.

Cheap Trick Requiem

While Requiem is active, tying your Stand to a creature costs 1 spirit point and you may have any number of instances of your Stand tied to any creatures, including multiple instances on a single creature.

Vento Aureo Archetypes[edit]

Gold Experience[edit]

Stand of Life

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 10 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d6 + your Stand's Strength modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Life Giver

At 3rd level, as an action for 3 spirit points, your Stand may turn a Small or smaller object into a beast or plant of equal size. If the chosen creature has a CR higher than half your proficiency bonus, it is transformed at the end of your next turn if you maintain concentration. If the object was part of a larger object or belonging to a creature, the beast moves toward the object or creature at any given opportunity and knows the direction the creature is in. Otherwise, these creatures act as any beast or plant of the chosen species would.

Life Shot

Starting at 5th level, as a bonus action for 3 spirit points immediately after your Stand hits a creature with an unarmed strike, the target must attempt a Constitution saving throw as you speed up their soul with excess life energy. On a failure, they gain or lose a number of levels of exhaustion up to your proficiency bonus for 1 minute, your choice. On a success, they gain half as many levels of exhaustion. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success.

Please don't make me repeat myself

Starting at 7th level, when a creature deals damage to a creature you created out of an object, they take the damage instead as it is reflected back at them.


At 9th level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may enter Fists of Fury for 1 hour or until you end it as a bonus action, are knocked unconscious, or lose the Bloodlusted condition.

Upon activating Fists of Fury, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Stand User level times half your Constitution modifier rounded up (minimum 1), you ignore difficult terrain, your Stand may make one additional attack when you take the Attack action, and you become bloodlusted. Your Stand's unarmed strikes deal an additional 1d6 damage.

I have a dream

Starting at 11th level, when you cause a creature to lose levels of exhaustion with Life Shot, they gain advantage on death saving throws until Life Shot ends. When you transform an object into a plant, you may spend 1 spirit point to do so with explosive force, doubling the size of the plant created and forcing every creature within 5 feet of the plant to attempt a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take your Stand's unarmed strike's damage. On a success, they take half as much damage.

I'm going to become a gang-star!

Starting at 14th level, as an action for 3 spirit points, you may transform a Tiny object into part of a creature within your Stand's reach, causing them to regain hit points equal to the damage your Stand's unarmed strikes deal. This can restore body parts that are destroyed, and can restore hit points to higher tiers of a body part's hit points. As an action, you learn the CR or level of any creatures within your Stand's reach.

Gold Experience Requiem

While Requiem is active, your Stand gains control over causality. You may spend 1 spirit point at will when a creature within 20 feet of your Stand acts in any way to cause whatever act they committed to fail. If your Stand would reduce a creature to 0 hit points, they are killed instantly as their soul experiences death in every possible way in every universe in every universal reset, and these deaths can not be avoided.

Sticky Fingers[edit]

Stand of Versatility

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 10 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d6 + your Stand's Strength modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Zipper Manifestation

Starting at 3rd level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point immediately after hitting a target with your Stand's unarmed strike, you may attach a zipper that is up to 5 feet long to the target that disappears after 1 minute. Each zipper contains a pocket dimension the same size as the target, and all zippers on a single target always leads to the same pocket dimension.

A creature that can see Stands can open or close a zipper within their reach as an action. You may have a number of zippers equal to your proficiency bonus active at a time. If you exceed this limit, the oldest zipper disappears and all of its effects end, including the zipper being open. If a creature is inside a zipper's pocket dimension when it closes, they are shunted to the nearest open space outside of the zipper immediately before it closes.

This interrogation has already become a torture session!

At 5th level, your Stand may open or close a zipper within twice its reach as a bonus action. While a creature has more than 1 zipper open on their body, they become restrained and must succeed a Strength saving throw whenever they attempt to close a zipper on their body in order to do so.

Not so bright, are you?

At 7th level, when you place a zipper on an object is thinner than 3 inches, you may cause it to lead to the other side of the object instead of a pocket dimension, and you may manipulate an area of the object immediately surrounding the zipper equal to your size category as if it were cloth.

Are you ready for this? I know I am

Starting at 9th level, when you attach a zipper to an object, you may spend 1 spirit point to regain your bonus action.

Fate is a sleeping slave... we have to set it free... that is victory

At 11th level, when you open 1 zipper on a creature's body, you may spend 1 spirit point to double that creature's reach but grant them disadvantage on any d20 rolls the creature uses their arms as part of. Additionally, this feature does not cost spirit points when used on your own Stand and it can not become restrained from having more than 1 zipper open.


At 14th level, as a bonus action, you may cause 1 zipper of your choice to disappear. When you do this, you may spend 1 spirit point to cause it to remain open, immediately dealing your Stand's unarmed strike damage to the limb it was on or twice as much damage to an object.

Additionally, your zippers may be up to 30 ft. long. You may spend 1 spirit point when you close a zipper to move anywhere along the zipper in a straight line or to force any creatures touching the zipper to make a Strength saving throw as they are caught by the zipper. On a failure, they take slashing damage equal to twice your Stand's unarmed strike damage. On a success, they take half as much damage.

Sticky Fingers Requiem

While Requiem is active, as a reaction when a creature deals damage to a target with at least 1 zipper open, the attacker is targeted by the damaging effect instead as the damage bounces through the pocket dimension back toward them. You may spend 1 spirit point, or make a concentration check if Stand Power! is active, to regain your reaction after doing this.

Black Sabbath[edit]

Stand of Shadows

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 120 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.

There are two paths that you can follow

At 3rd level, while in dim light, your Stand's range is doubled; while in complete Darkness, your Stand’s range is limitless; and your Stand gains 120 feet of darkvision. If light changes in a way that puts your Stand outside of its range, you take 4d6 necrotic damage at the end of each turn it is outside its range.

Simple, right?

At 5th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may bind your Stand to any Tiny object within your reach. If this object changes states, such as by being damaged or turned off, your Stand is automatically summoned anywhere within 5 feet of it and it is no longer bound to the object.

Sorry to keep you waiting

At 7th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, or as a reaction to your Stand being summoned while bound, while your Stand is in dim light or darkness, your Stand becomes invisible for 1 minute with concentration. This ends if your Stand takes any action, bonus action, or reaction.

The first path is for the chosen ones who will live

At 9th level, your Stand's unarmed strikes automatically score critical hits on creatures it is grappling.

I believe God forgives even murder;

At 11th level, dim light counts as half cover and darkness counts as three-quarters cover for your Stand.

... the other, the path of death

At 14th level, the bonus conferred by cover applies to your Stand's attack and damage rolls, any saving throws it makes, and its saving throw DC.

Black Sabbath Requiem

While Requiem is active, your Stand can hide in the deepest darkness, that of the human soul. Your Stand acts as if it is in darkness while within 10 feet of a creature. It can teleport instantly between areas of darkness it can see as a bonus action, including the 10 foot radius around creatures.

Moody Blues[edit]

Stand of Recall

Your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Intelligence score is equal to your Intelligence score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 20 feet from you. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Chronological Rebroadcasting

At 3rd level, as an action for 1 spirit point, your Stand can "rewind" itself, assuming the appearance of a creature up to your Stand's size category you have seen in the past day, or who you know was in the exact spot your Stand is in at the time it was rewound to. For up to 2 hours, your Stand replays the chosen creatures actions in reverse starting from the moment you used this feature. As an action at the end of your Stand's rewind, you may cause it to replay the creature's actions forward up to the moment you used this feature initially and cause rewinding the same events to cost no spirit points. You can not control your Stand while it is rewinding the first time, but may otherwise end this effect as a bonus action.

I've figured out the other mystery

Starting at 5th level, you make Perception and Investigation checks related to events that your Stand is replaying with advantage. As a bonus action, you may pause your Stand's rewind, or you may double the rate of its recorded actions for 1 spirit point causing it to take twice as many recorded rounds of actions on each of your turns.

You gave permission... for just me to enter?

Starting at 7th level, as a bonus action for 2 spirit points, your Stand may assume the appearance of a creature up to your Stand's size category you have seen in the past day, including yourself, for up to 1 hour.

I pledged my loyalty to the organization. It's not like I pledged my loyalty to you;

At 9th level, your Stand can rewind up to 24 hours. Rewinding and fast-forwarding now quadruples how many recorded rounds of actions are performed on each of your turns.

Did you forget? You came here on that bus

At 11th level, your Stand can recall events from any point in the past. Each fast-forward can multiply your Stand's speed up to 1 year of recorded rounds happening over the course of each minute. As an action, your Stand can make an image of the creature it is replicating in any object.

Why don't you sit down and drink some tea...

Starting at 14th level, while your Stand is replicating a creature's appearance, it gains their proficiencies and known languages.

Moody Blues Requiem

While Requiem is active, your Stand can broadcast the future. As an action for 1 spirit point, your Stand may assume the appearance of a creature it can see and cause the target to become paralyzed as they mimic any actions your Stand takes for 1 minute or until you use this feature on another creature. Their Stand still follows their own commands as if they were not paralyzed.

Purple Haze[edit]

Stand of Venom

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 15 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d6 + your Stand's Strength modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Virus Capsules

At 3rd level, your Stand gains immunity to poison damage and the poisoned condition. As a bonus action for 1 spirit point immediately after your Stand deals at least 8 damage with an unarmed strike, you may cause one of its capsules to burst, creating a 10 ft. radius cloud of purple gas that lasts for 1 minute or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it, causing the area to become lightly obscured. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all uses at the end of a long rest.

You'll be the one dying... once you've witnessed my Stand

At 5th level, any creatures that spend any amount of time in your Stand's cloud must attempt a Constitution saving throw at the end of each of their turns until the cloud disperses. On a failure, they take poison damage equal to your Stand's unarmed strike damage. On a success, they take half as much damage.


At 7th level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may enter Fists of Fury for 1 hour or until you end it as a bonus action, are knocked unconscious, or lose the Bloodlusted condition.

Upon activating Fists of Fury, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Stand User level times half your Constitution modifier rounded up (minimum 1), you ignore difficult terrain, your Stand may make one additional attack when you take the Attack action, and you become bloodlusted. Your Stand's unarmed strikes deal an additional 1d6 damage.

Nobody can survive in this world on ideals alone

At 9th level, your virus becomes an inescapable power. When a creature fails the saving throw against your Stand's cloud, they become poisoned until the end of their next turn.


At 11th level, if your Stand's unarmed strike dealt at least 12 damage, you do not need to spend a spirit point to create a cloud.

Purple Haze Distortion

At 14th level, as an action for 3 spirit points, you may evolve your Stand's virus for 1 minute, or until you end this effect as a bonus action. Your Stand's cloud deals twice as much damage but disperses if it spends 1 round in bright light. When a creature would take damage from your Stand's cloud, you may instead cause them to lose the effects of any diseases of your choice, and become immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition until the end of their next turn.

Purple Haze Requiem

While Requiem is active, you become immune to poison damage and your Stand is permanently covered in a cloud, and you may create a cloud without spending a use. Additional, Purple Haze Distortion can be used as a bonus action for 0 spirit points.

Sex Pistols[edit]

Stand of Precision

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, and your Stand may be up to 30 feet from you. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Do they want me to die?

At 3rd level, your Stand takes the form of small, bullet-like creatures. Your Stand is Tiny. You may summon your Stand a number of times up to your proficiency bonus and control all of them at once. Up to 10 of your Stands may occupy a single 5 ft. square area, and if multiple of your Stand would take damage from a single effect, you only take the damage once. Your Stand's unarmed strikes deal piercing damage equal to your proficiency bonus and gains a +1 bonus to its unarmed strike damage for every Stand beyond the first that takes part in the attack.

We'll end it right here, right now. Time to bust a cap in his mouth

At 5th level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may cause your Stands to prepare for an attack until the beginning of your next turn. When a ranged attack is made against any of your Stands, the attack fails and you may make the same attack using your Stand's Dexterity modifier instead of the target's from the location of the Stand that was attacked as it redirects the projectile at the new target.

I aimed for the same wound

At 7th level, immediately after your Stand hits a target with a redirected ranged attack, redirected ranged attacks against the same target gain a +1 bonus to their critical threshold until the beginning of your next turn.


At 9th level, when all of your Stands are within your reach, you can make your next ranged attack deal maximum damage and move any of your bullets anywhere along the line the projectile of the attack moves along.

Brute force is our only option! It's time for my resolve to shine

At 11th level, your Stands' maximum range from you is doubled (60 feet total). Additionally, each of your Stands has a hit point maximum equal to one of your limbs, and you do not take damage when it is damaged unless it is at 0 hit points. If you fall unconscious while any of your Stands are summoned, they remain summoned until they have 0 hit points.

I see the path I need to make through the darkness

At 14th level, you may spend 1 spirit point while you are within one of your Stands' reach to reload one weapon you are wielding as a free action, or as a bonus action if it has the long reload property. When your Stand redirects a ranged attack or uses Yee-Haw, the attack ignores up to three-quarters cover and gains a +1 bonus to its critical threshold.

Sex Pistols Requiem

While Requiem is active, you, but not your Stands, are always under the effects of preparing to redirect a ranged attack, and you and your Stand may redirect melee attacks while prepared as well. Additionally, your Stands become Medium, they can no longer occupy the same space, and their unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier piercing damage on a hit, though multiple of your Stands may still take part in a single attack in the same way as before.


Stand of Aggression

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Intelligence score is equal to your Intelligence score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, and your Stand may be up to 60 feet from you. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Don't make fun of me, I'll kill you!

At 3rd level, your Stand's size decreases by one category and gains a flying speed equal to its movement speed. Additionally, for 1 spirit point when you take the Attack action, your Stand can make ranged attacks with its main gun using its Dexterity modifier with a range of 30/300 feet that deal 1d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier piercing damage on a hit.

Fill him with lead, Aerosmith!

At 5th level, your Stand may make one attack with its main gun as a bonus action.

CO2 Radar

At 7th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, your Stand learns the location of any sources of carbon dioxide within 30 feet of it, and your Stand knows the amount of carbon dioxide a creature of each size category typically produces.


Starting at 9th level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may enter Fists of Fury for 1 hour or until you end it as a bonus action, are knocked unconscious, or lose the Bloodlusted condition.

Upon activating Fists of Fury, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Stand User level times half your Constitution modifier rounded up (minimum 1), you ignore difficult terrain, your Stand may make one additional attack when you take the Attack action, and you become bloodlusted. Your Stand's attacks with its main gun deal an additional 1d6 damage.

Volare Via

At 11th level, as an action for 3 spirit points, your Stand may drop a bomb anywhere within 60 feet of it. Each creature within 20 feet of an exploding bomb must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 5d6 + your Stand's Intelligence modifier bludgeoning damage. On a success, they take half as much damage.

Now I won't have to set the whole town on fire to find you

At 14th level, while Fists of Fury is active, your Stand's bomb deals an additional 2d6 damage, and you may drop a bomb as a bonus action for 2 additional spirit points immediately after taking the Attack action.

Aerosmith Requiem

While Requiem is active, your Stand becomes Huge, its main cannon, bomb, and CO2 ranges are doubled as its its maximum range from you and its flying speed, its movement speed increases by 30 feet at the end of each round it moves to a maximum of 28,000 feet. Your plane's cockpit can safely house one Medium creature.

Soft Machine[edit]

Stand of Deflation

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 5 feet from you. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.

I'm the one doin' the talking here!

At 3rd level, you may pick two simple melee weapons or one martial melee weapon; when you summon your Stand, it now appears wielding that weapon. The weapon is part of your Stand and thus can not be dropped or disarmed, or seen by creatures who can not see your Stand, and it gains a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls.

Pinch Deflating

At 5th level, on a hit with your Stand's weapon, you may spend 5 spirit points to force the target to attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they become restrained and they and anything they are carrying becomes able to squeeze through spaces as small as 1/8th of an inch as they deflate and become elastic until you become unconscious or end this feature at will.

Self Deflation

At 7th level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may deflate yourself, causing you to become prone and for you and anything you are carrying to become able to squeeze through spaces as small as 1/8th of an inch as you deflate and become elastic until you become unconscious or end this feature at will.

I'm the one in control!

At 9th level, when you deflate a creature other than yourself, they become unconscious instead of restrained.

Variable Consistency

At 11th level, when you deflate a creature, you may spend 1 spirit point to cause them to become resistant or vulnerable to all damage.

Meat Invade

At 14th level, as an action for 3 spirit points while under the effects of Self Deflation, you may force one creature you are grappling that is not a construct or elemental to attempt a Strength saving throw. On a failure, the creature becomes paralyzed and you enter their body for 1 minute or until they drop to 0 hit points, causing the creature to follow any movements you make and causing any effects that target you to target the creature as well. The target may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, not being paralyzed or forced to follow your movements until the end of their next turn on a success. On a critical success, this effect ends early.

Soft Machine Requiem

While Requiem is active, Pinch Deflation's cost is reduced to 3 spirit points, and all other features from this archetype other than Meat Invade cost 0 spirit points. As an action while a creature within your reach is under the effects of Pinch Deflation or Meat Invade, you may reduce their body to liquid polymer, killing them instantly. As a further action, you may absorb the liquid polymer of a Medium or larger creature, regaining your maximum hit points, regaining your maximum spirit points if you are already at your maximum hit points, or increasing your size category by 1 if you are already at your maximum spirit points.

Kraft Work[edit]

Stand of Velocity

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 10 feet from you. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.

You managed to hit me twice 'cause you had the element of surprise on your side

At 3rd level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, your Stand cause one object within its reach to become magically fixed in place in relation to another object within 15 feet of it, potentially including the Earth, for 1 minute or until you end this effect as a bonus action. An action, a creature make an Athletics check, moving the fixed object up to 10 feet on a success. You may have a number of objects fixed at a time equal to your proficiency bonus.

I'm not letting you get away

At 5th level, when one of your fixed objects takes damage, it instead gains half as many kinetic energy points to a maximum of your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. When you unfix the object, one creature within 30 feet of the object must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take bludgeoning damage equal to the object's kinetic energy points. On a success, they take half as much damage.

Now I can get close enough to beat you safely, right

At 7th level, as a bonus action for 2 spirit points immediately after hitting a creature with an unarmed strike, one body part of the target is fixed in the same way as an object would be.

I can easily deflect a bullet from your puny little pistol

At 9th level, as a reaction for 1 spirit point when you would take damage from a single object (such as from a weapon, piece of ammunition, or a creature's fist but not a fireball), you may fix the object, attempting a Dexterity saving throw using your Stand's Dexterity modifier. On a success, the damage is reduced by your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus. On a failure, the damage is reduced by half as much.

You done yet? 'cause if you are, this bullet here is all charged up

At 11th level, you may have twice as many fixed objects, and their maximum kinetic energy points are doubled.

Think about if for a sec

At 14th level, as a reaction for 1 spirit point when you or your Stand is targeted by an attack while you are within your reach of a fixed object, you may force the target to attempt a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they target the object instead.

Kraft Work Requiem

While Requiem is active, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may fix any objects or body parts of your choice within 30 feet of your Stand. Additionally, you may have twice as many fixed objects, and their maximum kinetic energy points are doubled.

Little Feet[edit]

Stand of Shrink

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 5 feet from you. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.


At 3rd level, your Stand gains a single large claw, allowing its unarmed strikes to deal slashing damage. On a hit with your Stand's unarmed strike, you may spend 3 spirit points to cause the target and everything they are wearing and carrying to begin to shrink until you end this effect as at will. At the end of each minute, the target's size category decreases by 1 and they gain a -1 penalty to damage rolls and a -5 ft. penalty to their movement speed. If this damage roll penalty becomes -12, they are shrunk to nothingness, killing them instantly.

I shrank myself!

At 5th level, as an action, you may cause your size category to decrease by 1 and gain a -1 penalty to damage rolls and a -5 ft. penalty to your movement speed. If this damage roll penalty becomes -12, you are shrunk to nothingness, killing yourself instantly. While Tiny from this feature, you gain advantage on Stealth checks.

That was way to close

At 7th level, as a reaction for 1 spirit point when you are targeted by an attack, you may use I shrank myself! to cause the attack to automatically miss.

Whether it's worthless or worthful is all up to how you use it

At 9th level, when you end your Stand's Shrinking feature, you may cause the target to return to their full size explosively. If there are any creatures or objects within the target's space, both the target and creatures must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take damage determined by the target's size category (see below). On a success, they take half as much damage.

Weight (lb.) Damage Die
Tiny 1d6
Small 2d6
Medium 3d6
Large 4d6
Huge 5d6
Gargantuan 10d6
>Gargantuan 20d6
Did I move to much and tickle his arse?

At 11th level, when you are Tiny and end the effects of Shrinking on a target you would be within the space of, you may use the force to be thrown 10 feet. This increases by 10 feet for every size category above Tiny the target is.

The jobs basically done

At 14th level, while you are under the effects of I shrank myself!, your movement speed and damage are not reduced.

Little Feet Requiem

While Requiem is active, your Shrinking feature only costs 1 spirit point, and all other features from this archetype cost 0 spirit points. When your Stand shrinks an object or creature, you may shrink them any number of times.

Mr. President[edit]

Stand of Rooms

Your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Additionally, your Stand has a physical form and thus is not affected by Invisible Force. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Coco Jumbo

At 3rd level, your Stand takes the form of a small object, such as a key. While you are holding or wearing your Stand, any creature that touches it enters a 60 ft. radius radius room within it along with any items they are carrying. If you do not want a creature to enter the room, they must be grappling you to do so. The room has electricity and Wi-Fi, but is otherwise empty. A creature may leave this room along with any items they are carrying as an action, appearing in the closest open space to your Stand. If you are no longer holding or wearing your Stand, any creatures immediately leave the room.

Waaaaah?! They went inside the turtle?

At 5th level, your Stand gains a small transparent portion, such as a gem. Creatures inside your Stand can see and hear outside of your Stand from this portion, and creatures outside of your Stand that are grappling you can see and hear inside of your Stand.

That is the duty of the survivors

At 7th level, if a creature dies while inside of your Stand, its ghost will persist on inside of it. A creature's ghost is identical to them but is Undead and gains the [[Stand User Class (JJBA Supplement)#Invisible Force|Invisible Force] feature. If a creature's ghost leaves your Stand, it immediately passed on to the afterlife.

Burning Down the House

At 9th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you can place your Stand in any location which no longer exists such as the site of a house that has been demolished and built over, allowing creatures to enter your Stand without you holding it and causing its room to resemble the state of that "ghost room" as it was. If your Stand is moved, this effect instantly ends. Food within the ghost room does not nourish a creature, but objects otherwise act as if they were real and are under the effects of the Invisible Force feature. If one of these "ghost objects" leaves your Stand, it immediately ceases to exist.

Ever since I was born, I've had the ability to use ghost objects

At 11th level, any ghost objects you are carrying do not cease to exist when taken out of a ghost room.

Under World

At 14th level, when you create a ghost room, you may spend 2 additional spirit points to unearth a memory of the ghost room. Any creatures that would have been in the room at a chosen point in time exist as a ghost as if they had died inside your Stand, and any ghost creatures and objects replay any past actions starting at the chosen point, such as a plane crashing or a knife slicing some bread.

Under World Requiem

While Requiem is active, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may resurrect any dead creature as a ghost as if they had died in your Stand. Any creatures resurrected as if they had died in your Stand do not return to the afterlife while outside of your Stand, they gain your Stand's ability scores unless theirs was already higher, and you may control any of them as if they were your Stand and cause them to be unable to take their own turn until the beginning of your next turn as a bonus action.

The Grateful Dead[edit]

Stand of Age

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, and your Stand may be up to 10 feet from you. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Aging Grasp

At 3rd level, when a creature is grappled by your Stand, or is grappled by you and within your Stand's reach, you may spend 1 spirit point to force them to attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they advance in age unless they are immune to the effects of aging. If they have the Raucous Youth Sideshow Perks, they lose it. If they lack it, they gain the Spry Senior or Wily Elder Sideshow Perk. If they have both, they become paralyzed by their old age. If they are paralyzed by their old age, they age to dust. This lasts until you become unconscious or are reduced to 0 hit points. On a success, they lose 1 spirit or Hamon point, or fail anyway if they can not or choose not to. This can only effect a creature once per round. If a creature takes cold damage or makes a saving throw against the effects of extreme cold, the effects of this feature revert by 1 step.

What's the matter? Did your knees give out

At 5th level, as an action for 3 spirit points, you may cause your Stand to exude a 500 ft. radius mist that extends its effects for 1 hour. At the end of each minute a creature is within this mist, they are targeted by your Aging Grasp feature.

You're a damn mammoni

At 7th level, when a creature takes fire damage, makes a saving throw against the effects of extreme heat, or does any combination of moving more than half their movement speed, taking an action, and taking a bonus action and reaction on the same turn while within your Stand's mist, they are immediately targeted by your Aging Grasp feature as the heat speeds up the mist's effects.

When we truly think "I'll kill you!" from the bottom of our hearts... by that time, the deed has already been done

At 9th level, you become immune to the effects of your Stand's mist. You may revoke and regain this immunity at will.

That was a little bit naïve, wasn't it

At 11th level, while you are under the effects of your Stand's Aging Grasp, you gain advantage on Deception and Stealth checks.

Do it... victory is in your hands..

At 14th level, any creatures of your choice are immune to the effects of your Aging Grasp feature, and you may spend 1 spirit point when a creature moves more than half their movement speed, takes an action, and takes a bonus action and reaction on the same turn while within your Stand's mist to immediately target them with your Aging Grasp feature.

The Grateful Dead Requiem

While Requiem is active, creatures can be effected by your Aging Grasp feature any number of times each round. When a creature's turn begins while they are within your Stand's mist, you may accelerate their soul as a reaction, ending their turn instantly. You may spend 1 spirit point as part of this reaction to regain your reaction.

Beach Boy[edit]

Stand of Grappling

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Wisdom modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Hook, Line, and Sinker

At 3rd level, your Stand takes the form of a martial melee weapon with the two-handed, reach, and finesse properties. Attacks with your Stand use your Stand's Dexterity modifier and deal 1d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier slashing damage on a hit.

When you hit with an attack, you and the creature must contest Strength saving throws, grappling them on a success. If your Stand makes an attack against a creature it is grappling, the attack automatically hits.

Intangible Line

Starting at 5th level, your Stand is considered adamantine in both effect and AC, its reach increases by 5 feet, and it can phase through objects and creatures, allowing it to ignore the effects of cover and damage threshold.

Life Detection

At 7th level, your Stand's reach increases by 5 feet. As an action for 1 spirit point, you may learn how many creatures are within a 30 ft. radius centered on one point within your Stand's reach.

He took the bait!

At 9th level, your Stand's reach increases by 5 feet and attacks with it gain a +1 bonus to their critical threshold, and you may attempt to grapple, shove, or disarm creatures within your Stand's reach. If any of these actions would require a skill check, you may instead replace it with an attack roll with your Stand. When a creature attempts to deal damage to your Stand, any target grappled by your Stand takes any damage they would have dealt.

From now on, I'll be going straight for everything!

At 11th level, attacks with your Stand gain a +1 bonus to their critical threshold and a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls. When you make an attack with your Stand, you may take any penalty to its attack roll to gain a bonus to its critical threshold equal to half as much, but the attack must already hit without being a critical if the roll is lower than 18.


At 14th level, your Stand's carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift with your Stand is calculated using its Dexterity modifier in place of your Strength modifier. As an action, or as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may move a creature grappled by your Stand anywhere within your Stand's reach. Additionally, you no longer need to wield your Stand with your hands to use it, as you can produce your fishing line from your mouth.

Wired Requiem

While Requiem is active, your Stand's reach is doubled. As an action for 3 spirit points, you can cast your line into the air. Any creatures of your choice within your Stand's reach must attempt a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, your Stand rips their soul from their body, killing them instantly.

Man in the Mirror[edit]

Stand of Mirrors

Your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Intelligence score is equal to your Intelligence score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus, and your Stand may be up to 20 feet from you. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.

I stand secure and unmatched inside the mirror

At 3rd level, your Stand only exists in the mirror realm. This mirror realm is identical to the real world, but devoid of life and reversed horizontally. Any objects moved outside of the mirror realm is moved in the mirror realm, and only your Stand can move objects in the mirror realm, which in turn move outside of the mirror realm. As an action, you may enter or leave the mirror realm through any non-living reflective surface.

Mirror Reach

At 5th level, as a bonus action while a reflective surface is within your reach, you may extend your reach to occupy the same area outside of the mirror realm if you are within it, or inside of the mirror realm if you are outside of it. Creatures outside of the mirror realm can make opportunity attacks against you while this feature is active.

I'll be taking the liberty of offing you first

At 7th level, as an action while you are under the effects of Mirror Reach, you may force one creature within your reach to make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they enter the mirror realm if you are within it, or they leave the mirror realm if you are not. If you become unconscious, any creatures within the mirror realm appear in the same location outside of the mirror realm.

Only your body is allowed to enter

At 9th level, when another creature enters the mirror realm, you may spend 1 spirit point to cause their Stand to not enter the mirror realm with them. If the creature summons their Stand, it appears in the intended location outside of the mirror realm. This feature can not affect Stands that already occupy the mirror realm.

To be safe and invincible inside the mirror; that is my ability

At 11th level, when another creature enters the mirror realm, you may spend 3 spirit points to force them to attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, only part of their body enters the mirror realm, causing them to become restrained until they leave the mirror realm.

Full Mirror Image

At 14th level, while other creatures are within the mirror realm, even their souls are reversed. At the beginning of each of their turns, they must attempt a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they are confused until the beginning of their next turn.

Man in the Mirror Requiem

While Requiem is active, when a creature fails any saving throw from this archetype, you may cause them to become paralyzed for 1 minute as their soul fractals outward across infinite reflections. This can effect creatures immune to the paralyzed condition. They may attempt a Charisma saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect but retaining the other effects of the initial saving throw early on a success.

Baby Face[edit]

Stand of Growth

Your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Intelligence score is equal to your Intelligence score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Additionally, your Stand has a physical form and thus is not affected by Invisible Force. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Di molto!

Starting at 3rd level, your Stand takes the form of a portable computer. In addition to being usable as a normal computer, it can also be used to analyze biological material inserted into it. As an action, your Stand may analyze the ability scores of any creature you can see.

Junior Generation

At 5th level, as an action for 3 spirit points while you are grappling a creature, you may use your Stand to synthesize their genetics into a homunculus, causing the target to become unconscious for 10 - your Stand's Intelligence modifier minutes, after which your Stand's Junior is born from the back of their head without harm. If this period is interrupted in any way, such as by the creature taking damage, this feature fails. This Junior acts as a traditional Stand, but is not affected by the Invisible Force feature and is Tiny. Your Junior's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus, and your Junior may be any distance from you. Your Junior has a hit point maximum equal to the Constitution score of the creature it was born from, and you do not take damage when it is damaged. You may only have 1 Junior at a time.

A slap this sharp proves you're in good health

At 7th level, your Junior gains any proficiencies the creature it was born from had. At the end of each hour, your Junior evolves, increasing its size category by 1 and increasing its maximum hit points by the Constitution score of the creature it was born from until its size category is equal to yours.

Automatic DNA Tracking

At 9th level, you can insert any amount of a creature's biological material into your Stand when it creates a Junior, causing the Junior to know the direction of that creature as long as the two are on the same plane.

Cubic Dissolution

At 11th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, your Junior may force one creature within its reach to attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they are critically hit by one of its unarmed strikes, allowing the Junior to choose which body part is hit. Alternatively, the Junior can spend 2 additional spirit points to cause the target to become paralyzed as some or all of its body is divided into cubes. The Junior can move these cubes anywhere within 30 feet of it as a bonus action, and can arrange them into any object it has seen, requiring a Perception check to differentiate. If the Junior is killed, this effect ends instantly.

Cubic Division

At 14th level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, your Junior may deconstruct itself into a cloud of its own cubes until it ends this feature at will. It gains a flying speed equal to twice its movement speed, can fit through spaces as small as 1 inch, gains advantage on Stealth checks and Dexterity saving throws, causes attacks against it to have disadvantage, deals and takes half as much damage with all sources, and can not divide a creature's entire body into cubes. Additionally, any damage your Junior deals to a creature whose entire body has been divided into cubes causes it to regain an equal number of hit points.

Baby Face Requiem

While Requiem is active, you synthesize all available information into the ultimate lifeform. When you enter Requiem, you create a Gargantuan Junior that has proficiency in all skills, weapons, armor, and languages. Additionally, this Junior is resistant to all damage, except for radiant and necrotic which it is immune to, it has resources equal to your own, and it may do the following:

Origin of Life. As an action, it creates any generic beast anywhere within its reach. This creature is charmed by you.
Lifeshaper. As an action, it or one creature it created that it is touching gains any game statistics of a single generic beast of its choice.

White Album[edit]

Stand of Ice

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Ice Suit

At 3rd level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may use your Stand to form a suit of ice around your body. For 1 minute, you gain your Stand's ability scores, your melee attacks deal cold damage, and you can choose to freeze any water you touch solid instantly as a bonus action until this feature ends or you are no longer within 30 feet of it.


At 5th level, while Ice Suit is active, you gain a damage threshold of 15 and your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier cold damage.


At 7th level, your Stand supernaturally regulates your body temperature, making you immune to the effects of extreme

You're not getting away

At 9th level, while Ice Suit is active, you may form ultra-smooth ice skates that have effectively no friction. Your movement speed increases by 20 feet at the end of each round you move your full movement speed to a maximum of 600 feet, and your movement speed returns to normal at the end of a round you do not move more than your normal movement speed.

The one with stronger resolve... is me

At 11th level, as an action, or as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, while Ice Suit is active, you may close any openings in your suit, causing any critical hit against you to become a normal hit and causing you to begin suffocating until you end this effect as an action.

White Album Gently Weeps

At 14th level, as an action for 3 spirit points while Ice Suit is active, you may drop the temperature in a 15 ft. radius of you do -210 °C, creating sheets of frozen air around your body until the end of your next turn. Any creature that enters or starts their turn in this area must attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take 2d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier cold damage. On a success, they take half as much damage. When anything in this radius is targeted by a ranged attack that is not a critical hit, you may cause the attack to target the attacker as a reaction, and may spend 1 spirit point immediately after to regain your reaction. Additionally, any water in this radius is instantly frozen solid until Ice Suit ends or you are no longer within 30 feet of it.

White Album Requiem

While Requiem is active, White Album Gently Weeps covers a 120 ft. radius and you may choose whether or not a creature must make the Constitution saving throw and if they do they can not regain hit points until White Album Gently Weeps ends. Additionally, as a full turn action for 1 spirit point, you may attempt to freeze time. At the beginning of your next turn if you do not lose concentration, time is stopped until the end of your turn. While time is stopped, time does not pass and all other creatures count as being unconcious in a way that ignores features or effects that would reduce the effects of being unconscious such as being immune to the condition, and any ranged or thrown attacks you make do not take effect until time resumes.

As a reaction for 1 spirit point when you are subjected to this effect or a similar effect caused by another creature, you may become immune to the effects of stopped time until the end of your next turn.

Notorious B.I.G[edit]

Stand of Undeath

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 10 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d6 + your Stand's Strength modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Dead Wrong

At 3rd level, your Stand can make attacks of opportunity against creatures under the effects of the Disengage action. You may also spend 1 spirit point after making any reaction to regain your reaction.

Machine-Gun Funk

At 5th level, as a reaction when a creature misses you with a ranged attack, your Stand can immediately move up to half your movement speed in the direction of the attack regardless of its remaining movement speed (i.e. if an arrow is shot by a creature in front of you, it moves behind you).

The King and I

At 7th level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point immediately after your Stand hits a creature with an unarmed strike, you may leave part of your Stand on their body. As a reaction while a creature has part of your Stand on it, you can force them to succeed a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, you decide what action they take, such as attacking an ally. A creature may end this effect as a full turn action.

Gimme the Loot

At 9th level, your Stand gains resistance to 2 damage types of your choice, excluding psychic and force damage.

Ready to Die

At 11th level, your Stand has a hit point maximum equal to your own, and you do not take damage when it is damaged. When your Stand is destroyed, it can not be summoned for 1 hour. If you die, your Stand does not de-summon and you still control your Stand. While only your Stand is alive, it can only see movement and can not differentiate what moved.

when you die, your Stand persists on. Your Stand can not die, but if it reduced to 0 hit points, it is paralyzed for 2d4 rounds. It attacks the creature that moved the most since its previous round within 60 feet (1 action counts as 15 ft. of movement speed, 1 bonus action or reaction counts as 5 ft. of movement). It regenerates 1d6 hit points at the beginning of each of its turns. Every time it is reduced to 0 hit points, it increases 1 size category and its maximum hit points double.

Dangerous MCs

At 14th level, when your Stand is reduced to 0 hit points while only it is alive, it is paralyzed for 1 minute after which it returns to half its maximum hit points, its size category increases by 1, and it gains a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls and its AC. When your Stand takes damage, it regains hit points equal to half of the damage taken. When your Stand takes damage that was radiant or from a Stand under the effects of Invisible Force, it regains twice as many hit points.

Notorious B.I.G: Born Again

While Requiem is active, if only your Stand is alive for 24 hours, you are resurrected in its place with your maximum hit points as it reforms into your body, and your Stand loses any increases to its size category and bonuses to its attack and damage rolls and AC from Dangerous MCs.

Spice Girl[edit]

Stand of Elasticity

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 15 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.


At 3rd level, as an action, or as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may cause one object your Stand touches to become elastic for 1 hour or until you desummon your Stand. The item gains a damage threshold of 20. if the object is a weapon, it become an improvised weapon. If the object is a suit of armor, its penalties and damage threshold decrease by 5. This can affect up to a 15 radius area of a single object.

I made it softer

At 5th level, when you make a surface elastic, jumping while on it doubles a creature's jump distances. Additionally, while you and your Stand's reach overlap, you gain a climbing speed equal to your movement speed and can climb across vertical and difficult terrain as if it was solid ground as your Stand passively softens you surroundings enough to grab easily.

You've got quite a unique flavor

At 7th level, when a creature would deal damage to an elastic object with a melee attack, even if the damage was reduced to 0, and would not reduce the object to 0 hit points, they must slowly return the object to its original state as a bonus action or attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take the damage they would have dealt to the object as it snaps back violently. On a success, they take half as much damage.


At 9th level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may enter Fists of Fury for 1 hour or until you end it as a bonus action, are knocked unconscious, or lose the Bloodlusted condition.

Upon activating Fists of Fury, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Stand User level times half your Constitution modifier rounded up (minimum 1), you ignore difficult terrain, your Stand may make one additional attack when you take the Attack action, and you become bloodlusted. Your Stand's unarmed strikes deal an additional 1d6 damage.

That which is soft is more unbreakable than diamond

At 11th level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may cause any target you hit with an unarmed strike to become elastic. If it is an object, it is affected by Softening. If is is a creature, one body part of your choice counts as being at 0 hit points for 1 hour or until you desummon your Stand.

I will soar beyond you

At 14th level, when you cause a creature to become elastic, you may cause them to also become immune to all bludgeoning, slashing, and piercing damage until the effect ends, and you may do so to a willing creature as an action for 1 spirit point.

Spice Girl Requiem

At 20th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may erase time, temporarily removing yourself from causality. Until the beginning of your next turn, you can not affect or be affected by anything not already affecting you.

As a reaction for 1 spirit point when you are subjected to this effect or a similar effect caused by another creature, you may become immune to the effects of erased time until the end of your next turn.

King Crimson[edit]

Stand of Destiny

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 5 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d6 + your Stand's Strength modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.


At 3rd level, as a full turn action, or as an action for 1 spirit point or bonus action for 2 spirit point, you may see a projection of the immediate future. Until the beginning of your next turn, you have advantage on any saving throws you make, attack rolls against you have disadvantage, and you can take the Ready action as a free action.

Herculean Strength

At 5th level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may enter Fists of Fury for 1 hour or until you end it as a bonus action, are knocked unconscious, or lose the Bloodlusted condition.

Upon activating Fists of Fury, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Stand User level times half your Constitution modifier rounded up (minimum 1), you ignore difficult terrain, your Stand may make one additional attack when you take the Attack action, and you become bloodlusted. Your Stand's unarmed strikes deal an additional 1d6 damage.

You're not getting away

At 7th level, you no longer gain the Bloodlusted condition while Fists of Fury is active, and losing the condition no longer ends the feature. When you take the Attack action, your Stand may make a single attack which deals additional damage equal to your proficiency bonus for every attack you would have made without this effect.

What you have witnessed and laid hands upon was your own future self!

At 9th level, when you use Epitaph, you may project the future's image around one creature within 30 ft. of you that you can see, granting them advantage on any saving throws until the beginning of your next turn, and attack rolls against them have disadvantage until the beginning of your next turn instead.

Time Erase

At 11th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may erase time, temporarily removing yourself from causality. Until the beginning of your next turn, you can not affect or be affected by anything not already affecting you.

As a reaction for 1 spirit point when you are subjected to this effect or a similar effect caused by another creature, you may become immune to the effects of erased time until the end of your next turn.

I, Diavolo, am the Emperor! This fact remains unchanged!

At 14th level, other creatures do not form memories during erased time. When your Time Erase feature ends, every creature that was effected by Time Erase when it ended must attempt a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they are confused until the end of their next turn, and you may take the Hide action while Time Erase is active even if you would not otherwise be able to hide. Additionally, you may use Time Erase as a bonus action for 2 spirit points and Epitaph as a free action for 3 spirit points, and any ranged or thrown attacks you make in erased time do not take effect until Time Erase ends.

King Crimson Requiem

While Requiem is active, your Stand gains control over causality. You may spend 1 spirit point at will when a creature within 20 feet of your Stand acts in any way to cause whatever act they committed to fail. If your Stand would reduce a creature to 0 hit points, they are killed instantly as their soul experiences death in every possible way in every universe in every universal reset, and these deaths can not be avoided.


Stand of Iron

Your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Iron Manipulation

At 3rd level, as an action for 1 spirit point, or as a bonus action for 2 spirit points, you may use your Stand transform a number of lbs. of iron equal to half your proficiency bonus within a 30 ft. radius of you not being worn, held, or inside a creature into any iron object of equal weight.

Don't get ahead of yourselves

At 5th level, your Stand can manipulate iron in the blood of creatures. When you use Iron Manipulation, you may force one creature within 30 ft. of you to attempt a Constitution saving throw as you draw iron from them. On a failure, you gain 0.5 ¼ lbs. of iron and they gain 1 level of exhaustion.

Failure equals death

At 7th level, when you use Iron Manipulation, you may spend 0.5 ½ lbs. of iron to restore one body part within 30 ft. of you that is at 0 hit points to 1 hit point as you manipulate iron into stables and ensure healthy blood flow. Additionally, when you use Iron Manipulation, you may draw iron from any creatures within 30 ft. of you of your choice.


At 9th level, when you use Iron Manipulation and draw iron from a creature, you may store that iron in an state unusable to the target somewhere in their body, which can be used on further uses of Iron Manipulation. Additionally, when you use Iron Manipulation, you may form any iron drawn from the target that is still in their body into a weapon that deals piercing or slashing damage of the same weight, or an improvised weapon if the total weight is less than 1 lbs., forcing the target to attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they take damage equal to the weapon's damage die + your Stand's Constitution modifier. On a success, they take half as much damage. If the weapon is improvised, the target has advantage on this saving throw.

They're getting closer... I will kill them all, I swear it

At 11th level, when you use Iron Manipulation, you may spend 1 spirit point to stick 0.5 ½ lbs. of fine particles of iron to your body, causing you to become invisible until the end of your next turn. Additionally, forming a weapon inside a creature deals twice as much damage, and you may manipulate twice as much iron when you use Iron Manipulation.

You are complete

At 14th level, when a creature gains their fifth level of exhaustion from Iron Manipulation, they begin suffocating as their body becomes unable to carry oxygen, and they can't regain hit points or be stabilized until they receive a large amount of iron, such as by eating meat.

Metallica Requiem

While Requiem is active, Iron Manipulation's range is doubled, forming a weapon inside a creature deals twice as much damage, and you may manipulate twice as much iron when you use Iron Manipulation. Additionally, when you use Iron Manipulation, you may manipulate an additional element of your choice for every additional spirit point spent.

Green Day[edit]

Stand of Disease

Your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 15 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Show me your despair as you fall

At 3rd level, as an action for 3 spirit points, your Stand may shroud a 5-mile area around it in dense spores. For 1 hour or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it, this area is considered lightly obscured.

I can't wait to see how these people will die

At 5th level, if a creature that is not a construct, undead, elemental, or immune to disease moves downwards in any way while inside your Stand's spores, including by being knocked prone, they must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 4d6 + your Stand's Constitution modifier necrotic damage. On a success, they take half as much damage.

Life energy is no match for my Green Day, I'll rot these vines away

At 7th level, if a creature within your cloud has not moved upward since their last turn, they take 1d4 + your Stand's Constitution modifier necrotic damage.

The spiritual power of humans emerges when their curiosity is stimulated

At 9th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may cause one of your body parts to regain 1d8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier hit points. While any of your arms or legs are at 0 hit points, you may control them as if they were your Stand, but they are not affected by Invisible Force, they are Tiny, you do not take damage when it is damaged, and it has hit points equal to one of the limb's tiers. If a limb being controlled in such a way is reduced to 0 hit points, it can not be affected by any part of this feature.

Fate commands the strong to rule over everyone else

At 11th level, when a creature fails the saving throw against moving downward while in your Stand's spores, one of their body parts of their choice takes the damage too. As a reaction, you may choose which body part is chosen instead, and you may spend 1 spirit point to regain your reaction immediately after doing so.


At 14th level, when you cause one of your body parts to regain hit points, you regain an equal number of hit points.

Green Day Requiem

While Requiem is active, your Stand's spore clouds' radius increases by 1 mile at the end of each of your turns and you do not need to spend spirit points to cause one of your body parts to regain hit points while you are inside one of your Stand's spore clouds. Additionally, your Stand's spore clouds can not be cleared by wind. As an action for 1 spirit point, any creatures of your choice within your Stand's spores must attempt a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are knocked prone.


Stand of Liquefaction

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus.

I hate your guts

At 3rd level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may summon your Stand around your body. For 1 minute, you gain your Stand's ability scores, your melee attacks deal acid damage, and you gain a swimming speed equal to your movement speed.

Earth Liquefaction

At 5th level, as an action for 3 spirit point while your Stand is summoned, you may cause any dirt and stone within 30 feet of you that is in contact with you or a portion of liquefied dirt or stone to become a liquid until it is no longer in contact or your Stand de-summons. Liquefied dirt and stone count as difficult terrain in addition to being a liquid.

Oh! Almost forgot! Gotta get it on video... Won't take long to kill you, though..

At 7th level, liquefied dirt and stone does not count as difficult terrain for you.

Did you actually think I'd feel sad over you!

At 9th level, you can swim normally along vertical surfaces of liquefied dirt and stone. Additionally, while you are in liquefied dirt or stone, you may make one additional attack when you take the Attack action, and your unarmed strikes deal an additional 1d6 damage.

You piece of s***

At 11th level, as an action for 1 spirit point while you are within liquefied dirt and stone, you may spit it into spears. Every creature in a radius of up to 10 ft. centered anywhere in the liquefied area must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 2d8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier piercing damage. On a success, they take half as much damage.

No! I want more!

At 14th level, as an action for 1 spirit point while you are within liquefied dirt or stone, you may send a shockwave through it. Every creature touching the liquefied area must attempt a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take your unarmed strikes' damage and are knocked prone. On a success, they take half as much damage.

Oasis Requiem

While Requiem is active, Earth Liquefaction's radius is doubled, and all other features from this archetype cost 0 spirit points and can be done in place of an attack when you take the Attack action. Additionally, you gain 120 ft. of truesight.

Rolling Stones[edit]

Stand of Fate

Your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 30 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Additionally, your Stand has a physical form and thus is not affected by Invisible Force. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.

We are all slaves of fate

At 3rd level, when you summon your Stand, it automatically binds itself to a creature chosen by the DM who is fated to die painfully in the near future. Your Stand, but not you, becomes taunted by the target and its range from you becomes unlimited until the target or itself dies. While bound to a creature, your Stand gradually takes on their likeness.

When I sculpt marble, I have no idea in my mind

At 5th level, while your Stand is bound to a creature, it has a hit point maximum equal to your own, and you do not take damage when it is damaged. When your Stand is destroyed, it can not be summoned for 1 hour.

Fate had already embedded it within the stone

At 7th level, while your Stand is bound to a creature, any other creatures that touch your Stand must attempt a Charisma saving throw as pleas for death cover their skin. On a failure, they are frightened for 1 minute. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success.

There may be some purpose to the perilous road that they tread

At 9th level, as an action for 5 spirit points, you may summon your Stand without it binding to a creature, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal an additional 1d8 damage while bound to a creature.

Perhaps their perils will serve some great purpose and bring hope to someone

At 11th level, your Stand can phase through objects and creatures, including magical objects and manifestations of magical force. As a reaction for 1 spirit point when your Stand would take damage, or the first time your Stand would take damage if it is bound to a creature, you may reduce the damage taken to 0.

I cannot pray for their safety, but I will pray that they are sleeping slaves

At 14th level, when a creature takes damage from your Stand while it is bound to them, they must attempt a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they are granted a painless death, killing them instantly.

Rolling Stones Requiem

While Requiem is active, your Stand gains the effects of being bound to a creature at all times, and can be summoned without being bound without spending spirit points. Additionally, you are able to break the chains of fate, allowing creatures to sculpt their own. As an action for 1 spirit point, you may allow any creatures of your choice to not affect or be affected by anything not already affecting them.

As a reaction for 1 spirit point when you are subjected to this effect or a similar effect caused by another creature, you may become immune to the effects of erased time until the end of your next turn.

Stone Ocean Archetypes[edit]

Stone Free[edit]

Stand of Strings

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus.

String Decomposition

At 3rd level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may uncoil your body into a thin string that is invisible to anyone who can't see Stands for 1 minute, increasing your reach by 25 feet and causing your unarmed strikes to deal 1d6 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier slashing damage, but causing you to you deal half as much damage with your unarmed strikes and creatures to have advantage on any saving throws you cause from more than 10 feet from you.

Please, give me a break...

At 5th level, you gain three Stand User Perks of your choice.


At 7th level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may enter Fists of Fury for 1 hour or until you end it as a bonus action, are knocked unconscious, or lose the Bloodlusted condition.

Upon activating Fists of Fury, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Stand User level times half your Constitution modifier rounded up (minimum 1), you ignore difficult terrain, your Stand may make one additional attack when you take the Attack action if your Stand has a traditional form, and you become bloodlusted. Additionally, if your Stand has a traditional summoned form, its unarmed strikes deal an additional 1d6 damage.

Alternate Feature: Earth, Wind, and Fire

At 7th level, as an action for 1 spirit point while String Decomposition is active, you may shape your body into any Tiny or smaller object that has a rarity of Common, causing it to function and appear real at a glance, but can be discerned as being made of you with a successful Investigation check when a creature takes the Search action. This lasts until you lose concentration. Weapons with the heavy property and armor counts as Small. You may spend 2 additional spirit points to make an object with a rarity of Rare or lower in the same way.

Didn't you say that everything should have a name

At 9th level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point while String Decomposition is active, you may increase your reach by 30 feet and become able to squeeze through spaces as small as 1 inch until String Decomposition ends.

This is American style. French style. Japanese style. Italian, specifically Naples style. The world's fingers for 'F*** Off'

At 11th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may stitch a creature's wounds with your string, causing the target to regain 1 hit point and one of their limbs to regain 1d4 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier hit points. Additionally, you benefit from Fists of Fury whenever you are Bloodlusted.

You're our 'hope'

At 14th level, as a reaction for 1 spirit point when you make any saving throw, you may reconstitute your body into an advantageous shape, granting yourself advantage on the saving throw. When you end a grapple while String Decomposition is active, you may force the target to attempt a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are thrown a number of feet equal to 5 times your Strength modifier and are knocked prone. On a success, they are pushed half as far.

As an action for 3 spirit points while String Decomposition is active, you may stretch your string out into a net with a radius equal to your reach centered on you for 1 hour. You are aware of anything that happens within this radius and your reach is not affected by the penalties of String Composition within this radius. You may spend 1 additional spirit point when you use this feature to turn the net into difficult terrain or cause it to be invisible for creatures without this feature.

Stone Free Requiem

While Requiem is active, your Stand gains control over causality. You may spend 1 spirit point at will when a creature within 20 feet of your Stand acts in any way to cause whatever act they committed to fail. If your Stand would reduce a creature to 0 hit points, they are killed instantly as their soul experiences death in every possible way in every universe in every universal reset, and these deaths can not be avoided.

Alternate Feature: Stone Free Over Heaven

While Requiem is active, you gain the power to alter reality itself, granting you the title of Heaven Ascension. On a hit with an unarmed strike, you may end any effect affecting the target, including death which causes them to return to life with 1 hit point, or cause them to become charmed by you. Additionally, you may cause them to lose access to one feature of your choice, but this can only be used once per creature.

As an action for 4 spirit points, you and any creatures of your choice that you have hit with an unarmed strike since the beginning of your previous turn are teleported to one location you can visualize, including locations in other dimensions.

Alternate Feature: Stone Free Ultimate

While Requiem is active, String Decomposition and your string net are permanently active, and you gain the ability to manipulate the three laws of motion in various ways within your reach:

  • As a free action, you can change the first law, causing any objects or creatures of your choice move anywhere within your reach without any force being applied.
  • As a bonus action, you can change the second law, causing one creature of your choice to double or half the amount of force, causing any damage they deal to be doubled or halved and the targets of any Strength saving throws and checks they cause to have advantage.
  • As a reaction when a creature within your reach acts in any way, you can change the third law on a creature, making every action they take have no equal or opposite reaction, causing their act to fail or dropping their movement speed to 0.

Goo Goo Dolls[edit]

Stand of Shrink

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 60 feet from you. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.


At 3rd level, your Stand becomes Tiny and can only attack Tiny targets, and it gains expertise in Stealth checks. As an action for 3 spirit points, you may cause one creature within your Stand's range and everything they are wearing and carrying to begin to instantly shrink, reducing its size to Tiny shrink and granting them a -1 penalty to damage rolls and a -5 ft. penalty to their movement speed for every size category they shrunk until you end this effect at will. If they leave a 60 ft. radius of you, this effect ends instantly.

I know I told you not to talk, but if you do it cute enough, I'd allow it!

At 5th level, when a creature is beyond your Stand's range, they no longer instantly unshrink. Instead, at the beginning of each of their turns that they begin beyond your Stand's range, their size category increases by 1 and they lose the relevant penalties from your Shrinking feature until these penalties reach 0. You may also cause this effect to occur at will.

Is this relationship over?! Answer me!!

At 7th level, when you end your Stand's Shrinking feature, you may cause the target to return to their full size explosively. If there are any creatures or objects within the target's space, both the target and creatures must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take damage determined by the target's size category (see below). On a success, they take half as much damage.

Weight (lb.) Damage Die
Tiny 1d6
Small 2d6
Medium 3d6
Large 4d6
Huge 5d6
Gargantuan 10d6
>Gargantuan 20d6
Everything has a name, even the Bible says so

At 9th level, when a creature would unshrink from being outside of your Stand's range, they must succeed a Charisma saving throw in order to do so.

This is what you get for trampling on my heaaaart!

At 11th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may cause a creature that is already Tiny from your Shrinking feature to shrink again, gaining a -1 penalty to damage rolls and a -5 ft. penalty to their movement speed. If their total damage roll penalty from this feature and Shrinking becomes -12, they are shrunk to nothingness, killing them instantly.

Green, Green Grass of Home

At 14th level, as an action for 3 spirit points, you may evolve your Stand to a higher form for 1 hour. While this feature is active, your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and you gain the following reactions and may spend 1 spirit point when you use either to regain your reaction:

As a reaction when a creature within your Stand's area moves 5 feet toward you, you may cause them to be targeted by your Shrinking feature until they move 5 feet away from you.

As a reaction when you, but not your Stand, are targeted by an attack or saving throw, you may cause the source of the attack to reach its vanishing point, causing the attack or saving throw to not target you.

Green, Green Grass of Home Requiem

While Requiem is active, your Shrinking feature only costs 1 spirit point, and Green, Green Grass of Home is permanently active. As an action for 1 spirit point, you can force any creatures under the effects of your Shrinking feature to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they are charmed by you until Requiem ends, even if they would be immune to this condition.

Manhattan Transfer[edit]

Stand of Wind

Your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 60 feet from you. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Meteorologists say the wind's movements are unpredictable

At 3rd level, as a bonus action, your Stand may gain blindsight out to its range from you until the end of your next turn as it senses the air currents around it. You can't use this blindsight while numb or if the area has no air currents. You may spend 1 spirit point when you use this feature to double this feature's blindsight.

They have a point, but the wind isn't completely unreadable

At 5th level, your Stand's range from you doubles, and it becomes immune to ranged attacks. As a reaction when a ranged attack hits it, you may redirect it, making the same attack without spending any resources, replacing any ability modifiers with your Stand's Wisdom modifier and any proficiency bonus with your own, and you may spend 1 spirit point to regain your reaction.

A rifle should be supported with bone

At 7th level, your Stand's range from you doubles, and your Stand naturally lifts away from attacks using the air currents they cause. Any damage your Stand takes other than psychic or force damage is reduced by your proficiency bonus.

My Stand is completely tracking your movements inside that meeting room

At 9th level, your Stand's range from you doubles, and you gain advantage on Perception and Investigation checks while your Stand's blindsight is active.

You robbed my heart of its support, and for that, I must take revenge!!

At 11th level, when your Stand redirects a ranged attack, it strengthens it with its own Stand power, increasing the damage the attack deals by your proficiency bonus. If the attack would not deal damage on a hit, it deals bludgeoning damage equal to your proficiency bonus.

Full body confirmed! Locked on the head! Shoot!

At 14th level, your Stand's range from you doubles. As an action for 3 spirit points, you can make a single attack with a small bead somewhere on your Stand. Make a ranged attack against one creature within your Stand's blindsight. On a hit, this attack deals 5d6 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus, and this attack automatically counts as a critical hit.

Manhattan Transfer Requiem

While Requiem is active, as an action for 3 spirit points, you may resurrect any dead creature in a new body with their maximum hit points. Any creatures resurrected in this way gain your Stand's ability scores unless theirs was already higher, and you may control any of them as if they were your Stand and cause them to be unable to take their own turn until the beginning of your next turn as a bonus action.


Stand of Gravity

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Wisdom modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 60 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.

One move... too late...

At 3rd level, as an action for 1 spirit point, your Stand may exude acid in a 15 ft. radius that lasts for 1 minute. A creature must attempt a Dexterity saving throw at the end of each of their turns in this area, taking 1d4 + your Stand's Constitution modifier acid damage on a failure.

2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19

At 5th level, when your Stand exudes acid, you may spend 4 additional spirit points to cause any creature that fails their saving throw to fall unconscious until the acid ends as they are trapped in a dream built on their own memories. At the end of each of their turns, they may attempt a Perception check, ending this effect early on a success, and a creature that is not unconscious can end this effect on a creature within their reach as a bonus action.

DISC Extraction

At 7th level, your Stand can turn portions of a creature's soul into a "DISC". As an action for 1 spirit point, your Stand may make an unarmed strike against one creature within its reach. On a hit, instead of taking damage, the target loses 1 skill proficiency, language, memory, or personality trait of your choice, and you gain a DISC containing that information. You may insert a DISC into a creature as an action, causing them to gain whatever is stored on the DISC.

The difference between man and animal... it's the desire to "go to Heaven"

At 9th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may use your Stand's acid to disguise it as another creature for 1 minute. When a creature takes the Search action, they may make an Insight check, determining that your Stand is disguised on a success. Alternatively, you may cause your Stand to become restrained and gain advantage on Stealth checks by taking on a molten form.

Major DISC Extraction

At 11th level, when your Stand extracts a DISC from a creature, you may spend 2 additional spirit points to instead make a DISC out of a creature's experience, causing them to lose access to every feature from one class of your choice. A creature's total levels can not exceed 20, or its next highest multiple if they are 20th level or higher, from having a major DISC inserted into them. This feature can not be used on creatures benefitting from the Requiem feature.

There is no way that mere frogs can defeat a snake

At 14th level, when you use Major DISC Extraction, if the target does not have any remaining class features, you may take all of their skill proficiencies, languages, memories, and personality traits as a single DISC, causing them to become unconscious until they regain this DISC. Additionally, when you extract a DISC, you may cause the target to lose one sense of your choice instead.

Whitesnake Requiem

While Requiem is active, you become the arbiter of Gravity. As an action, you may determine the next turn of one creature you can see, though they may control their Stand as if they had not acted in any way on their turn and they are aware that they are not in control of their actions, and you may spend 1 spirit point to regain your action immediately after doing so.

Alternate Feature: Whitesnake Ultimate

While Requiem is active, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may duplicate one DISC within your reach or currently inserted into you, and you can use Major DISC Extraction on creatures benefitting from the Requiem feature. If a creature gains the Requiem feature from a DISC extracted from a creature while said feature was active and the target is without any means of achieving Requiem normally (i.e. a Stand Arrow, the Holy Corpse, the Red Stone of Aja), they die instantly as they are overwhelmed by the power.


Stand of Duplication

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Duplication Sticker

At 3rd level, as an action, or as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may create a sticker that lasts for 1 minute. As an action, you may place a sticker on a Small or smaller object, duplicating it. If the sticker is destroyed or removed, which can be done as a bonus action, or as a free action for 1 spirit point, the object takes damage equal to your Stand's Strength modifier that can not be reduced in any way. You can choose to double this damage for 1 spirit point. Once a sticker is removed it can not be reused. If a sticker is destroyed by this feature ending, no damage is dealt.


At 3rd level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may enter Fists of Fury for 1 hour or until you end it as a bonus action, are knocked unconscious, or lose the Bloodlusted condition.

Upon activating Fists of Fury, you gain temporary hit points equal to your Stand User level times half your Constitution modifier rounded up (minimum 1), you ignore difficult terrain, your Stand may make one additional attack when you take the Attack action if your Stand has a traditional form, and you become bloodlusted. Additionally, you do not need to spend spirit points to double the damage of one of your stickers being removed or destroyed.

This "Kiss" is my license for revenge

At 5th level, you gain three Stand User Perks of your choice. Additionally, you benefit from Fists of Fury whenever you are Bloodlusted.

Revenge is for settling a score with your own fate!

At 7th level, when one of your stickers is removed, you may halve the damage dealt for 1 spirit point or for free if Fists of Fury is active. An action, you may attempt to stick one of your stickers on a creature within your reach, causing one of their body parts to be duplicated with an equal number of hit points, granting them one of the following until the body part is reduced to 0 hit points or ceases to exist:

  • If the sticker was stuck on an arm, they may take one additional bonus action or reaction on each of their turns. If this is affecting both of their arms, they may take one additional action on each of their turns instead.
  • If the sticker was stuck on a leg, their jumping distances increase by half their total.
  • If the sticker was stuck on their torso, they can hold their breath for twice as long.
  • If the sticker was stuck on their eyes, the number of levels of gradual blindness required for each effect is doubled, and they gain advantage on Perception checks that rely on sight.
  • If the sticker was stuck on their ears, the number of levels of gradual deafness required for each effect is doubled, and they gain advantage on Perception checks that rely on sound.
  • If the sticker was stuck on their jaw, they gain advantage on Deception and Intimidation checks.

As an action, a creature may attempt to remove the sticker forcing them to attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the sticker is removed and the limb takes the damage caused by a sticker being removed.

Right in your grill

At 9th level, when you duplicate a creature's body part, you may spend 1 spirit point to grant them the following until the body part is no longer duplicated:

  • If the sticker was stuck on both of their arms, they may add their proficiency bonus to anything they add their Strength modifier to an additional time.
  • If the sticker was stuck on a leg, they may add their proficiency bonus to anything they add their Dexterity modifier to an additional time.
  • If the sticker was stuck on their torso, they may add their proficiency bonus to anything they add their Constitution modifier to an additional time.
  • If the sticker was stuck on their eyes, they may add their proficiency bonus to anything they add their Intelligence modifier to an additional time.
  • If the sticker was stuck on their ears, they may add their proficiency bonus to anything they add their Wisdom modifier to an additional time.
  • If the sticker was stuck on their jaw, they may add their proficiency bonus to anything they add their Charisma modifier to an additional time.
If you want to smuggle money in, you must have a plan first

At 11th level, as a reaction when a sticker is removed or destroyed, you may to take advantage of the copy's flight. Any creatures in a straight line from the target and the copy must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take damage relative to the copy's size. You must spend a certain number of spirit points depending on the copy's size to use this feature:

Weight (lb.) Damage Die Spirit Points
Tiny 1d6 0
Small 2d6 0
Medium 3d6 1
Large 4d6 1
Huge 5d6 2
Gargantuan 10d6 3
>Gargantuan 20d6 5

Additionally, when you use this feature, a number of creatures equal to 1 + the number of spirit points spent can use their reaction to move anywhere where this line is within their reach so long as the copy was within their reach when you used it.

Good job comin' out here to get your a** kicked

At 14th level, as an action for 4 spirit points, you may completely duplicate a creature within your reach using one of your stickers. The duplicate is controlled by them telepathically, acts on their turn, and uses their actions, bonus actions, and reactions, but is otherwise mechanically identical to them. If you may make more than one attack when they take the Attack action, they and their duplicate may make attacks. If their sticker is removed or destroyed, all of the target's body parts and the target themself take damage. If this effect ends by the Duplication Sticker ending, the target still takes half as much damage. Additionally, as a reaction for 1 spirit point when you place a sticker, you may attempt to remove it.

Kiss Requiem

While Requiem is active, creating a sticker costs 0 spirit points, and each sticker lasts until you cause it to end or be destroyed at will. As an action for 1 spirit point, you can force any creatures under the effects of your sticker to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they are frightened by you until Requiem ends, even if they would be immune to this condition.

Highway to Hell[edit]

Stand of Suffering;

Your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Damage Sharing

At 3rd level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may bind your Stand to a creature within 30 feet of yourself for 1 hour. Until you end this effect as an action, any damage you deal to yourself is also dealt to the creature your Stand is bound to. Your Stand may only be bound to 1 creature at a time.

I feel like dying

At 5th level, any effects that target you target the creature your Stand is bound to as well. If a damaging effect would target both you and the creature, it only deals damage to you before the effects of Damage Sharing occur.

I said I'd pay you back, but there's no way a guy like me could

At 7th level, while Damage Sharing is active, any damage you take is also dealt to the creature your Stand is bound to.

There are people who win billions of dollars in the lottery

At 9th level, you gain one Stand User Perk of your choice, and your Stand may be bound to 1 additional creature.

But the opposite kind of people exist too... that's what I am

At 11th level, you may use your Stand's Constitution modifier when calculating your maximum hit points, and your Stand may be bound to 1 additional creature.

Walk All Over You

At 14th level, as an action for 3 spirit points, you may force a creature your Stand is bound to to attempt a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, the creature becomes paralyzed and your Stand possesses them, controlling them as if they were a traditionally summoned Stand. The target may attempt a Charisma saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this effect early on a success.

Highway to Hell Requiem

While Requiem is active, when you use Walk All Over You, it targets every creature your Stand is bound to. Additionally, the number of levels of gradual blindness, deafness, and numbness, exhaustion, and death saving throws required for each effect is doubled, and you may gain a failed death saving throw as a reaction to taking damage from a hostile creature for 1 spirit point, as an action for 2 spirit points, or as a bonus action for 3 spirit points.

Foo Fighters[edit]

Stand of Enumerability

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.

This is my spirit... my intellect

At 3rd level, your body becomes constituted of phytoplankton. You gain your Stand's ability scores, but you become vulnerable to fire, ice, and lightning damage. Additionally, you do not need to eat, but must consume three times as much water to survive.

I can do it!

At 5th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may split part of your body into one creature within your reach, causing them or one of their limbs to regain 1d4 + your Constitution modifier hit points.

This is what memories are about... this is my intellect

At 7th level, as an action for 3 spirit points while a corpse with a size category equal to your own is within your reach, you may invade their body. Until you drop to 0 hit points or you or the body's size category changes to no longer match, the body follows your movements and you have access to its memories.

Look at me, Jolyne

At 9th level, as an action, or as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you can cast prestidigitation as you spread out phytoplankton to replicate a harmless effect.

Additionally, as a bonus action, you may shape your hand into any common simple ranged weapon. If you do not have ammunition, you may spend 1 spirit point to make an attack with the weapon anyway by firing a plankton bullet, and when you do so you may cause the target or one of their limbs to regain 1d4 + your Constitution modifier hit points instead of taking damage.

What's the opposite of pork?

At 11th level, when you fulfill your water requirement for the day, you lose 1 level of exhaustion and regain 1d4 + your Constitution modifier hit points. You no longer need to sleep, can not be put to sleep magically, and are immune to the stunned condition. Additionally, you gain a swimming speed equal to your movement speed.

This is my 'spirit'... This is my 'intellect'... I was alive

At 14th level, you will always be able to regenerate so long as a single phytoplankton survives. When you drop to 0 hit points, you are automatically stabilized and can only gain failed death saving throws by taking fire, ice, or lightning damage.

Foo Fighters Requiem

While Requiem is active, you can change the water level in a 15 mile radius of you. This can be anywhere from 10 miles below sea level to 5 miles above sea level. Additionally, as an action for 4 spirit points, you and any creatures of your choice that you have hit with an unarmed strike since the beginning of your previous turn are teleported to one location you can visualize, including locations in other dimensions.

Weather Report[edit]

Stand of Weather

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 10 feet from you. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Weather Control

At 3rd level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may shroud an up to 5-mile area around you in any non-hazardous common weather of your choice for 1 hour or until you end this effect at will. If you cause the area to become difficult to see it, such as fog or heavy rain, it lasts until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) disperses it, and this area is considered lightly obscured.

The kind of evil that doesn't realize that it's evil... is the worst kind there is..

At 5th level, as an action for 1 spirit point while Weather Control is active, you may do any of the following:

  • You cause wind to slice through a 30 ft. line anywhere within the area. Any creatures in this area must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 2d10 piercing or slashing damage.
  • You cause wind to gust at one point within the area. Each creature with a size category equal or smaller than your Stand's within 5 feet of that point must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, you throw them up to 30 feet. On a success, you push them half as far.
Are you happy?

At 7th level, as an action for 2 spirit points while Weather Control is active, you may do any of the following:

  • You read the movements of the wind in the area, making you aware of anything that happens within this radius until the weather ends.
  • You cause lightning to strike at one point within the area. Each creature within 5 feet of that point must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, a creature takes 3d10 lightning damage, or 4d10 if the weather is lightly obscuring the area. On a success, they take half as much damage.
  • You shield one creature within the area in localized atmospheric layers, granting them resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage until the weather ends. As a reaction when they would be hit with a melee attack, you may cause the friction from contact with the atmosphere to deal 2d4 fire damage to the attacker, and you may spend 1 spirit point when you do so to regain your reaction.
My rage isn't satisfied

At 9th level, when you shield a creature in localized atmospheric layers, they can hold their breath for twice as long and are immune to any effects that would occur from contact with its source, including the effects of a vacuum. As a bonus action for 3 spirit points, you may create a cushion of clouds, granting the effects of localized atmospheric layers to any creatures within your Stand's reach until the beginning of your next turn. Additionally, as a free action, you may freeze up to 1 cubic inch of fluid that is not in a container for 1 minute or until it is exposed to high heat, such as fire.

Let's just go insane how 'bout that

At 11th level, when you use Weather Control, you may spend 3 additional spirit points to reduce its duration to 1 minute and cause any of the following uncommon weather effects:

  • You summon a tornado, causing every creature within the area to be targeted by a gust or slice of wind at the end of each of your turns.
  • You summon Catatumbo lightning, allowing you to cause lightning to strike as an action without spending spirit points, or as a bonus action for 1 spirit point.
  • You cause tiny beasts to rain from the sky. Most of these animals area dead on impact.
Heavy Weather

At 14th level, when you use Weather Control, you may spend 5 additional spirit points to reduce its duration to 1 minute with concentration and cause any of the following wholly-unique weather effects:

  • Your Stand manipulates the concentration of specific gases, suffocating any creatures within the area.
  • Your Stand generates rainbows that subliminally convince creatures that they are becoming snails. At the end of each of their turns, a creature must succeed a Charisma saving throw or gain 1 level of exhaustion. If a creature gains their tenth or higher level of exhaustion from this feature, they become a "snail", acting as a beast with a size category equal to their own with 5 feet of movement speed and the ability to climb on walls instead of dropping to 0 hit points. If a creature touches a "snail", they must make this saving throw an additional time. Creatures that are blind, undead, constructs, or elementals are immune to this effect.
Heavy Weather Requiem

While Requiem is active, all features from this archetype cost 1 fewer spirit points and only effect creatures of your choice. Additionally, you regain 2d6 + your Stand User level hit points at the start of each of your turns; this only works if you have at least 1 hit point remaining. When you have been brought down to 0 hit points, you may spend 1 spirit point to survive with 1 hit point and continue fighting. If you would be killed by the hit, you are forced to spend 2 spirit points to do so, but this ordeal renders you incapacitated until the end of your next turn. You may spend 1 additional spirit point to regain an additional 2d6 + your Stand User level hit points during either of the aforementioned occurrences. If you lost any limbs or body parts, but they are still intact and within reach, you can spend 1 spirit point as a free action to reattach it.

Jumpin' Jack Flash[edit]

Stand of Attraction;

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Gravity Removal

At 3rd level, as an action for 1 spirit point while your Stand is summoned, you may cause yourself to become mostly unaffected by gravity, granting yourself a flying speed equal to your movement speed for 1 minute or until your Stand is recalled.

Zero Gravity

At 5th level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may spit on a creature within 15 feet. The target must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they become mostly unaffected by gravity for 1 minute or until your Stand is recalled. If their Wisdom score is 18 or higher, they gain a flying speed for this duration, otherwise they can only move with their climbing speed. If their Wisdom score is below 10, they are confused for 1 minute, and may attempt a Intelligence saving throw at the end of each of their turns, ending this condition on a success.

I'm gonna carve your epitaph on your pretty white skin!

At 7th level, you gain three Stand User Perks of your choice. Additionally, as a bonus action, you may end the effects of Zero Gravity on one creature or object you can see.

I'm glad I came to this prison...

At 9th level, your Stand gains two centrifugal chambers, each of which can store up to 6 objects up to a 0.5 ¼-inch cube in size. When you use Zero Gravity, you may fire one of these objects instead of attempting to spit on the target, increasing its range to 30 feet and dealing 1d4 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage on a failure, or half as much on a success. Reloading a centrifugal chamber can be done as an action.

That feeling I get, of wanting to kill, is finally filling inside me too!!

At 11th level, any object or creature a creature under the effects of Zero Gravity touches if also affected by Zero Gravity. When you take the Attack action, you may spend 3 spirit points to replace any attacks you would make with a firing one of your centrifugal chambers. As an action, you may spin one of your centrifugal chambers, granting its next use 1 charge of centrifugal force to a maximum equal to half your proficiency bonus. For each charge, its next use deals on a failure by 1d4 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier and its range increases by 10 feet. You lose every charge of centrifugal force at the end of your turn if you did not gain at least 1 charge on that turn.

Maybe there's nothing in the world that I can't do now!

At 14th level, when a creature enters Zero Gravity, they affect even the air molecules around them, slowly creating a vacuum. They most hold their breath for the entire duration of Zero Gravity. If a creature takes damage while under this effect, the DC of the saving throw to maintain concentration on holding their breath has a minimum equal to your Stand's saving throw DC. You are immune to this effect.

Jumpin' Jack Flash Requiem

While Requiem is active, you may gain 1 charge of centrifugal force as a bonus action, or 2 as an action, and your maximum charges of centrifugal force is doubled. Additionally, as a full turn action for 1 spirit point, you may attempt to temporarily halt the primary manifestation of gravity; time. At the beginning of your next turn if you do not lose concentration, time is stopped until the end of your turn. While time is stopped, time does not pass and all other creatures count as being unconcious in a way that ignores features or effects that would reduce the effects of being unconscious such as being immune to the condition, and any ranged or thrown attacks you make do not take effect until time resumes.

As a reaction for 1 spirit point when you are subjected to this effect or a similar effect caused by another creature, you may become immune to the effects of stopped time until the end of your next turn.

Diver Down[edit]

Stand of Storage

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 5 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Stand's Strength modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Power Storage

At 3rd level, when you make an unarmed strike with your Stand, you may store the attack inside the target instead of dealing damage. At will, you may release this energy, making an unarmed strike with your Stand against one target within your Stand's reach of the original target. You may only have energy stored once at a time.

Celebrate us

At 5th level, as an action, you may store your Stand in a creature within your Stand's area until you lose concertation or end this effect at will. While your Stand is stored in a creature, any missing limbs are replaced by your Stand's, and you may cause any effects that target them target your Stand instead. An unwilling creature may attempt a Dexterity saving throw when you use this feature, avoiding this effect on a success.

I want you to look at me more

At 7th level, as a bonus action while your Stand's energy is stored inside an object, you may completely restructure the object into another object with the same weight. If you do not spend 1 spirit point when you do so, the energy stored inside the object is lost.

Get ready to regret that you were ever created!

At 9th level, as an action for 1 spirit point while your Stand is stored in a creature, you may partially restructure them, superficially changing their appearance until your Stand is not inside them or ending one condition or harmful effect affecting them.

If there's no Mickey, this s*** ain't Disney!!

At 11th level, when you restructure a creature or object, you may spend 1 spirit point to cause the target to regain 1d4 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier hit points.

I gotta kill that priest!

At 14th level, as an action for 3 spirit points while your Stand is stored in a creature, you may harmfully restructure them, forcing them to attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, one of their limbs is reduced to 0 hit points. On a success, they take your Stand's unarmed strike's damage.

Diver Down Requiem

While Requiem is active, causing a creature to regain hit points with this archetype costs 0 hit points. If you are killed while your Stand is stored in a creature, your Stand does not desummon. If only your Stand is alive for 24 hours, it is desummoned and you are resurrected anywhere within its reach with your maximum hit points as it reforms into your body.


Stand of Rage

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.


At 3rd level, as an action for 3 spirit points, you may release a minute amount of electricity, only about 0.07 Volts, that infiltrates minds within a wide area and inspires violence. Every creature that is not yourself, a construct, elemental, undead, or touching a surface you are touching of a surface touching such a surface within a 120 ft. radius must attempt a Charisma saving throw at the end of each of your turns for 1 minute. On a failure, they are berserk until the end of their next turn.

Bone Breaker

At 5th level, when a creature makes a melee attack while under the effects of Insanity, their brain becomes unable to process pain in its entirety, increasing the damage they deal by their proficiency bonus and taking an equal amount of damage. The attacker may choose if the damage they take is dealt to themself or one of their limbs.

Electric Rage

At 7th level, every foot that is wet or would otherwise conduct electricity exceptionally well counts as 0 feet when calculating the range of Insanity.

Blinding Rage

At 9th level, while creatures are under the effects of Insanity, they fight with reckless abandon. As a reaction when they are hit by a melee attack, they may decrease the damage they take by their proficiency bonus and make a melee attack against the attacker.

Bright Rage

At 11th level, while creatures are under the effects of Insanity, your Stand highlights their enemies' strong and weak points, increasing their critical threshold by 1 and allowing them to use Blinding Rage once without using their reaction, regaining use at the beginning of their next turn.

Lasting Rage

At 14th level, when a creature fails the Insanity saving throw, they remain under its effects until they are no longer within its range.

Survivor Requiem

While Requiem is active, creatures within 15 feet of you automatically fail Insanity's saving throw, and you gain your Stand's ability scores. When you use Insanity, you may choose which creatures it targets and what effects are applied, including individual effects of the berserk condition, and you may cause it to target yourself. Additionally, while you are under the effects of Insanity, you can not be killed instantly, and do not fall unconscious or make death saving throws while you are at 0 hit points until Insanity ends.

Planet Waves[edit]

Stand of Meteorites

Your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 5 feet from you. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Hmm? Weird... there are burning rocks flying from the sky towards me... are they meteors? Is this my strong point..

At 3rd level, as an action, you may drop a meteoroid onto a point within 60 feet of your Stand. Every creature within a 10-foot radius of the point must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 1d6 + your Stand's Constitution modifier fire damage and an equal amount of bludgeoning damage. This feature must recharge (5-6) after each use to be usable again.

How many have hit you already?

At 5th level, you can not be damaged by your meteoroids, as they disintegrate right before touching your skin. This does not apply to objects propelled by your meteorites.

Bring it on!! Fight club!!

At 7th level, when you drop a meteoroid, you may spend 1 spirit point to cause the feature to instantly recharge. As a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may drop a meteoroid.

One more hit! The finishing blow is coming

At 9th level, you gain one Stand User Perk of your choice. Additionally, your Stand may be up to 15 feet from you.

Earth, Wind, and... never mind

At 11th level, you gain one Stand User Perk of your choice. Additionally, you may spend 1 spirit point at the beginning of your turns to double your meteoroids' range, radius, or damage until the end of your turn. You may use this feature multiple times on a single turn, but each consecutive effect costs 1 additional spirit point and you may only gain each effect once.

I'm the strongest!!!

At 14th level, on a successful saving throw against one of your meteoroids, creatures take half as much damage. As an action for 1 spirit point, or as a bonus action for 2 spirit points, you may reverse your Stand's ability, pulling you to meteoroids in space, granting yourself a flying speed until the beginning of your next turn.

As a full turn action for 1 spirit point, you may begin pulling a massive meteor from space. At the beginning of your next turn if you do not lose concentration, every creature in a 20 foot radius area no farther than 120 feet from your Stand must attempt a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 5d6 + your Stand's Constitution modifier bludgeoning and fire damage. On a success, they take half as much damage. Using this feature counts as dropping a meteoroid for the sake of its recharge (5-6).

Planet Waves Requiem

While Requiem is active, your massive meteors drop the moment you begin pulling them rather than at the beginning of your next turn. Additionally, your meteoroids, but not your massive meteor, no longer need to recharge and you can drop one any time you would be able to make an attack.

Dragon's Dream[edit]

Stand of Feng Shui

Your Stand's Wisdom score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Intelligence score is equal to your Intelligence score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 10 feet from you. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Wisdom modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Feng Shui Divination

At 3rd level, at the beginning of each of your turns while your Stand is summoned, it points out 5-square-foot areas of good luck that lasts until the end of your next turn. Roll two d12. The result of the first die minus 6 times 5 represents the number of feet the area of good luck is in front of you. The result of the second die minus 6 times 5 represents the number of feet the area of good luck is to your right. Any creature that can see your Stand is aware of the area of good luck, and any creatures occupying the area have advantage on all d20 rolls.

Do you want to drown again?

At 5th level, at the beginning of each of your turns while your Stand is summoned, it also points out an area of bad luck in the same way as it would point out an area of good luck. Any creature that can see your Stand is aware of the area of good luck, and any creatures occupying the area have disadvantage on all d20 rolls.

Feng Shui Rebound

At 7th level, if your Stand is within a creature's reach, their reach extends to the area of bad luck it is currently pointing out.

You're already trapped in my Feng-Shui assassination!!

At 9th level, when your Stand points out areas of luck, you may spend 1 spirit point to increase their size by 5 feet until the end of your next turn.

Now I'll go down in history as a saint that's rivaled only by Buddha!!!

At 11th level, while a creature is within an area of good luck, they may cause any d20 rolls that target them to have disadvantage. Additionally, while a creature is within an area of good luck, you may cause any d20 rolls that target them to have advantage.

No matter what I do, your death has already been decided!!!

At 14th level, when your Stand points out areas of luck, you may spend 5 spirit points to cause any attack that hits a creature in an area of bad luck to score a critical hit, or to cause a creature in an area of good luck to become resistant to all damage, until the end of your next turn.

Dragon's Dream Requiem

While Requiem is active, you may choose where your areas of good and bad luck are in a 60 ft. cube centered on you, and you are permanently under the effects of an area of good luck. As an action for 1 spirit point, you can force any creatures within an area of bad luck to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they are charmed by you until Requiem ends, even if they would be immune to this condition.

Yo-Yo Ma[edit]

Stand of Acid

Your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Intelligence score is equal to your Intelligence score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 120 feet from you. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Stop treating me like an object... not that I mind

At 3rd level, your Stand has a hit point maximum equal to your own, and you do not take damage when it is damaged. When your Stand is destroyed, it can not be summoned for 1 hour. Additionally, your Stand can not directly harm another creature.

It doesn't matter if you destroy parts of my body, there is no way you can destroy me or stop me

At 5th level, your Stand's maximum hit points double, and it gains a number of skill proficiencies or languages equal to the difference between its Intelligence modifier and your own.

Acidic Saliva

At 7th level, as an action for 3 spirit points, your Stand can force a humanoid within its reach to attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they become numb for 1 minute and one of their limbs takes 3d6 + your Stand's Intelligence modifier acid damage as its spit eats away at them. They may retry this saving throw at the end of each of their turns, no longer being numb on a success. This is the only way your Stand can directly harm another creature.

My job was supposed to be simple...

At 9th level, as an action for 3 spirit points, your Stand may infect one non-humanoid creature within its reach with its saliva. The next humanoid the target deals damage to with an unarmed strike must make Acidic Saliva's saving throw.

That's what I was told, and that's what I'm gonna do...

At 11th level, when you use Acidic Saliva while your Stand is in a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour), it targets every humanoid in a 15 ft. cone. You may spend 2 spirit points to increase this range to a 30 ft. cone.

The only way you two could have survived is if you had run away

At 14th level, you may use Acidic Saliva a number of times equal to the number of attacks you can make when you take the Attack action on a single action for a total of 3 spirit points. Additionally, your Stand can now directly harm another creature normally.

Yo-Yo Ma Requiem

While Requiem is active, your Acidic Saliva feature may target any creature you know the location of or have seen that is on the same plane as you, and you may cause your Stand's saliva to instantly destroy up to a 5 ft. radius of any object as a bonus action or as part of using Acidic Saliva.

Jailhouse Lock[edit]

Stand of Memory

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Wisdom modifier, and your Stand's Charisma score is equal to your Charisma score + twice your Wisdom modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Strength modifier + your proficiency bonus, and your Stand may be up to 15 feet from you. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Environmental Integration

At 3rd level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, your Stand can transform into any object with the same size category as itself, including weapons with enough ammunition to be completely loaded once, for 1 minute. While transformed into an object, it is not affected by Invisible Force. It may end this effect early as a bonus action or by making an unarmed attack.

Memory Lock

At 5th level, as a bonus action for 1 spirit point immediately after your Stand hits a creature with an unarmed strike, you may cause the target to lose 1 memory of your choice until your Stand is recalled or you cause them to lose another memory.

Memory Solitary

At 7th level, when you use Memory Lock, you may spend 2 additional spirit points to force the target to attempt a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they can only remember 3 new pieces of information until your Stand is recalled. If they learn a fourth thing, they forget the first. This can not lose memories they had before being attacked. This can be somewhat circumvented by compiling information (i.e. memorizing a reflection of a list instead of only 3 bullet points on it).

The more you think about escaping, the closer you come to death

At 9th level, while a creature under the effects of Memory Solitary is in initiative, all but 3 creatures they can see are invisible as they are unable to remember any more attackers.

You experience this futility over and over again, and it becomes ingrained within you...

At 11th level, while a creature under the effects of Memory Solitary is in initiative, if a creature is targeted by an attack or saving throw 3 times, they become stunned until the beginning of their next turn.

I hereby deem you a prison breaker!

At 14th level, when you use Memory Lock, you may cause the target to lose one skill proficiency or language of your choice as you lose a long-internalized memory, and you may cause a creature to lose a number of memories up to your proficiency bonus at a time.

Jailhouse Lock Requiem

While Requiem is active, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may create a barrier with a radius up to 10 times your Stand's range from you that lasts for 1 minute or until you end this effect at will. Nothing can pass through this barrier, even through teleportation. Additionally, you may target any creature within these barriers with your Stand's unarmed strikes regardless of if they are within its reach.

Bohemian Rhapsody[edit]

Stand of Fiction

Your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Additionally, your Stand has a physical form and thus is not affected by Invisible Force. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Fiction Realization

At 3rd level, as an action for 1 spirit point, you may use your Stand to bring a depiction of a fictional character into reality as a creature. The creature is mechanically identical to your Stand if it had a traditional form, but acts autonomously, attempting to recreate their story as accurately as possible, has a hit point maximum equal to your own, and has any features the fictional character would. This lasts until your Stand is recalled, and you may only have 1 fictional character in reality at a time.

Story Superimposition

At 5th level, you may have 1 additional fictional character in reality at a time. When a creature sees a fictional character, they must attempt a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, they visually transform into the character. Until the fictional character is killed or your Stand is recalled, other characters from the same story attempt to recreate their story with the creature (i.e. if a creature becomes the big bad wolf, the huntsman will attempt to kill them).

I'm not gettin' locked up anywhere!!

At 7th level, in addition to their normal features, fictional characters can revert to being an illustration as a bonus action, becoming Tiny and resistant to all damage and gaining a flying speed equal to twice their movement speed until they end this effect as a bonus action.

All I've done up 'till now is wander around aimlessly

At 9th level, you may have 1 additional fictional character in reality at a time. When a creature is effected by Story Superimposition, their soul is separated from their body, which is unaffected by Story Superimposition. Their soul acts as their Stand with a traditional form and your Stand's ability scores, has a hit point maximum equal to their own. They must spend 1 spirit point as a reaction, or 2 spirit points at will, at the beginning of each of their turns, otherwise they are paralyzed and their body attempts to recreate their story as accurately as possible

I don't need drugs anymore!

At 11th level, you may have 1 additional fictional character in reality at a time. When a creature is effected by Story Superimposition, you or the creature may spend 5 spirit points to grant them the fictional character's features.

A Night at the Opera

At 14th level, as an action for 10 spirit points, you may unleash total chaos on the world. You may have any number of fictional characters in reality at a time. Every depiction of a fictional character in a 5 ft. radius of you is brought into reality as a creature. At the end of each of your turns, this radius doubles and this effect happens again. This lasts until your Stand is recalled.

Bohemian Rhapsody Requiem

While Requiem is active, all features from this archetype cost 1 spirit point and you may choose whether or not a creature under the effects of Story Superimposition can grant themself the fictional character's features. As an action for 3 spirit points while a creature is under the effects of Story Superimposition, you may trap them within the piece of media the character they are transformed into comes from. Until another creature completes the piece of media (i.e. reads the book from start to finish, plays through the game, observes the painting), they are forced to live through the events of the piece of media as that character on loop on a separate plane.

Sky High[edit]

Stand of Rods

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Charisma modifier, and your Stand's Intelligence score is equal to your Wisdom score + twice your Charisma modifier. This Stand is a phenomenon type, and thus does not have a traditional form. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus.

My rods can do it

At 3rd level, your Stand allows you to control rods; microorganisms that parasitize body heat. As an action, or as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may command your rods to sap heat from a creature's skin, most obviously affecting their eyelids. One creature that is not a construct, elemental, or undead within 60 feet of you must attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are blinded until the end of your next turn.

The thing that's truly valuable is the evolution of our spirit

At 5th level, your rods may sap the body heat from a creature's muscles. As an action, or as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, one creature that is not a construct, elemental, or undead within 60 feet of you must attempt a Strength saving throw. On a failure, one of their body parts of your choice counts as being at 0 hit points until the end of your next turn. A creature's head can not be destroyed by this feature.

I'm the victor!! Not you!

At 7th level, when you sap a creature's body heat, they take 1d4 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier psychic damage.

Up 'till now, I couldn't even drive, you know...

At 9th level, as an action, or as a bonus action for 1 spirit point, you may cause your rods to regulate your body, becoming immune to psychic and acid damage and any conditions other than the grappled, restrained, invisible, or prone conditions until the end of your next turn.

I'll kill you all with the hatred of a thousand burning flames

At 11th level, you command entire clouds of rods. When you take any of the actions granted by previous features from this archetype, you may take an additional action granted by previous features from this archetype, but each consecutive action costs 1 additional spirit point. If the cost of an action taken in this way would exceed half your proficiency bonus, you can not take it.

I'm Apollo 11

At 14th level, you may sap the body heat from a creature's brain stem. As an action for 3 spirit points, one creature that is not a construct, elemental, or undead within 60 feet of you must attempt a death saving throw.

Sky High Requiem

While Requiem is active, your soul constantly evolves. As an action for 1 spirit point, or as a bonus action for 2 spirit points, you gain 1 Stand User Perk of your choice until you fall unconscious. You may spend 3 additional spirit points to instead gain 1 non-Requiem Stand User archetype feature that you have seen since the beginning of your previous turn instead.


Stand of Gravity

Your Stand's Dexterity score is equal to your Dexterity score + twice your Wisdom modifier, and your Stand's Constitution score is equal to your Constitution score + twice your Charisma modifier. Your Stand's AC is equal to 10 + your Stand's Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus, your Stand may be up to 60 feet from you, and your Stand's unarmed strikes deal 1d4 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier bludgeoning damage on a hit. Any saving throws your Stand causes have a DC equal to 8 + your Stand's Dexterity modifier + your proficiency bonus.

Spiral staircase, rhinoceros beetle, desolation Row, fig tart, rhinoceros beetle, via Dolorosa, rhinoceros beetle, singularity point, Giotto, angel, hydrangea, rhinoceros beetle, singularity point, secret emperor!

At 3rd level, your Stand isolates your gravity, pushing everything away from you, though its range is limited. While your Stand is summoned, you gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed and are immune to any gravity-based effects.

Every beginning originated from gravity!

At 5th level, the closer a force comes to you, the more it is effected by your gravity. Any damage you take other than psychic or force damage is reduced by your proficiency bonus.

I respect the first human to have eaten a mushroom

At 7th level, your Stand's control over gravity makes force a matter of will rather than might. your Stand's Strength score is equal to your Strength score + twice your Charisma modifier, and you become immune to the grappled, restrained, invisible, or prone conditions while your Stand is summoned.

The time for Heaven has finally arrived

At 9th level, your Stand's fists invert gravity within their target. Your Stand's unarmed strikes deal force damage. On a hit with your Stand's unarmed strike, you may spend 1 spirit point to deal an equal amount of damage to one body part of your choice as you turn it inside out.

You were late by two steps

At 11th level, your Stand's gravitational effects reach their full distance. As an action for 5 spirit points, you may cause all creatures and objects within a 2-mile radius of you to fall away from you.

Stop, you don't understand anything!

At 14th level, your Stand gains some control over the deepest reaches of gravity; time itself. As an action when a creature is grappled by your Stand, or is grappled by you and within your Stand's reach, you may spend 1 spirit point to force them to attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they advance in age unless they are immune to the effects of aging. If they have the Raucous Youth Sideshow Perk, they lose it. If they lack it, they gain the Spry Senior or Wily Elder Sideshow Perk. If they have both, they become paralyzed by their old age. If they are paralyzed by their old age, they age to dust. This lasts until you become unconscious or are reduced to 0 hit points. On a success, they lose 1 spirit or Hamon point, or fail anyway if they can not or choose not to. Objects touching your Stand when you use this feature age rapidly as well.

Made in Heaven

While Requiem is active, time begins to accelerate around you and all other creatures. At the end of each of your turns, your movement speed increases by 30 feet, you may take 1 additional action, bonus action, or reaction on each of your turns, and you gain a +1 bonus to your attack rolls, saving throw DCs, AC, and Dexterity saving throws, and any damage dealt by an object, including weapons, gains a +1 bonus. When this bonus becomes +20, the universe resets to its earliest moment and follows the same actions it did previously, including creatures other than you but not their Stands, and you may instantly accelerate time to any point, after which this feature's bonuses are reset to 0. Creatures who died in a previous reset do not have the same soul as their previous incarnations and are not aware that their actions are fated, while creatures whose souls have carried over from a previous reset are aware that they are not in control of their actions. If you die, all effects of this feature end as a new fate is created.

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