Thermogleeok (5e Creature)

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Huge dragon, lawful evil

Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
Hit Points 152 (16d12 + 48)
Speed 40 ft., swim 60 ft.

23 (+6) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 8 (-1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1)

Saving Throws Con +7, Wis +5
Skills Perception +5
Damage Resistances cold, fire; bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 15
Languages Lizal
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)

Hold Breath. The thermogleeok can hold its breath for 60.

Weak Point. A thermogleeok has two heads: one colored red, and one colored blue. Any attack roll made as a called shot against either head ignores the damage resistance against bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. A called shot against the red head that inflicts cold damage ignores resistance, and instead inflicts double damage. A called shot against the blue head that inflicts fire damage ignores resistance, and instead inflicts double damage. Normally, an attack roll made as a called shot is made with disadvantage.


Multiattack: The gleeok makes two bite attacks, or uses its fire shot and frost bolt attacks once each.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) piercing damage.

Fire Shot. Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (3d12) fire damage.

Frost Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, range 120 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (3d8) cold damage. If the hit target is a creature, it has its speed reduced by half until the end of its next turn.


A thermogleeok is a rare form of gleeok, or two-headed dragon. It is native to the arctic waters around the northern fringes of the Great Sea, and has unusual adaptations. Whereas most gleeoks spit fire and are terrestrial, thermogleeoks are primarily aquatic and can spit magical motes of both flame and ice.

See also

  • Gleeok, a more common form of this creature, which specializes only in fiery attacks
  • Gleerok, a single-headed gleeok adorned with an impenetrable turtle-like shell
  • Great Gleeok, a tremendously powerful gleeok with four fire-spewing heads

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