Fighting Words (5e Spell)

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Revision as of 01:49, 7 May 2017 by Guy (talk | contribs) (This is categorized like and behaves as a 1st level spell (rather than a cantrip), so I adjusted its level accordingly)
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Fighting Words
1st-level transmutation
Casting time: one bonus action
Range: touch
Components: V, S, M (A sprig of dragonstongue, a simple weapon)
Duration: 1 minute

A simple weapon you are holding is imbued with your voice's power. For the duration, you can use your spellcasting ability instead of Strength for the attack and damage rolls of melee attacks using that weapon, and the weapon’s damage die becomes a d8. The weapon also becomes magical, if it isn’t already. The spell ends if you cast it again or if you let go of the weapon.

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