D77H-TCI Pelican (5e Equipment)

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Weight: 138 metric tons
Speed: 410 ft. (46mph) Flying
Carrying Capacity: 30 metric tons.

The D77-TC Pelican is a troop carrier and transport in service with the UNSC. It can be used as both a troop transport and a gunship, transporting up to 15 soldiers plus vehicles to the frontlines. It has been in service for more than 50 years with numerous improvements and specialisations. It saw much use during the Human-Covenant war, being one of the UNSCs main tactical transports. It is 100ft x 82ft x 32ft in size

Size: Gargantuan
AC: 15
Hit Points: 400 (damage threshold 16)
Crew and Passengers: 1 pilot, 1 co-pilot, 1 crew chief, 15 passengers (30 with Troop Deployment Pod)

M370 Autocannon: +5 to hit, range 300/600 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (4d8) piercing damage. The 70mm autocannon has the burst fire (3) and reload (30 shots) properties. The D77-TC comes with 210 rounds of 70mm depleted-uranium slugs.

ANVIL-II ASM Pods: +5 to hit, range 500/1,000 ft., one target. Hit: 22 (5d8) fire damage. The ANVIL-II ASM Pods come with 8 missiles per pod, and can be reloaded, but only externally with 102mm rockets. High Explosive Weaponry: Each attack hits all creatures within 15ft of the target. For every 5ft these “secondary targets” are away from the initial target, they take one less damage die. Surface to Air Missile: Attack rolls with this weapon have advantage against creatures with a flying speed that are large or greater.

AIE-486H HMG: +5 to hit, range 70/250 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d8) piercing damage. The 7.62mm machine gun has the burst fire (10) and reload (200 shots) properties. A D77-TC comes with 2,000 rounds of 7.62mm ammunition.

M41 Light Anti-Aircraft Cannon: +5 to hit, range 70/250 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (2d8) piercing damage. The 7.62mm machine gun has the burst fire (10) and reload (200 shots) properties. A D77-TC comes with 2,000 rounds of 7.62mm ammunition.

Resupply Canister: A deployable capsule that carries ammunition and weapons to soldiers in dangerous situations. They can be deployed anywhere along a vehicle's movement path. It can hold: M6C PDW x2 (or) Sniper Rifle System 99C-Series 2 Anti Material x1 (or) BR55 Battle Rifle x1 (or) M7 SMG x1 (or) SPNKR Rocket Launcher x1 (or) M90 Shotgun x1


  • The D77-TC has one M370 Autocannon, one AIE-486H HMG and an optional two ANVIL-II ASM pods. The M370 and ANVIL is controlled by the pilot, and the HMG is controlled by any unit embarked onboard.
  • The D77H-TCI has one M370 Autocannon, one AIE-486H HMG and an optional two ANVIL-II ASM pods, with only 6 missiles each. This pod gains five extra attacks, for a total of six. The M370 and ANVIL is controlled by the pilot, and the HMG is controlled by any unit embarked onboard. The pilot and co-pilot sit in stepped seating.
  • The D77C-NMPD is unarmed, but contains many sensor suites in the nose. The pilots gain a +4 to perception and investigation checks while embarked in the vessel.
  • The G77S contains one M370 Autocannon, one AIE-486H HMG, two M41 Light Anti Aircraft Cannons and two ANVIL-II ASM pods. The M370, M41s and ANVILs are controlled by the pilot, and the HMG is controlled by any unit embarked onboard.

All D77 variants can carry: One Troop Deployment Pod (or) One M808B Main Battle Tank (or) One M12 LRV (or) Eight Resupply Canister Type-B Capsules (or) One Portable Bridge

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