Dunestalker Legs (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, uncommon (major tier) (requires attunement)

A pair of two smooth steel legs, connected at the waist. Both minimal and strong, the legs are made up of two beams, the reversed knees made by servos. The feet are wireframe, small rows of claws fitted onto the end, like smaller, easier to walk in snowshoes.

Designed to allow quick traversal of otherwise different enviroments, it makes a great replacement for scouts and allows quicker and easier repositioning for long range weaponry.

Agile. Your walking speed becomes 35 ft., and your Dexterity score increases by 2. This cannot increase your Dexterity over 16.

Easy Traversal. You are not affected by difficult terrain if the difficulty comes from it being unstable(quicksand, snow, and other similar terrain).

Anti-Magic Susceptibility. When affected by Anti-Magic Susceptibility, your legs immediately seize up. You fall prone, and cannot stand up on your own until Anti-Magic Susceptibility ends.

For additional rules, see the Marvelous Magitech Enhancements and Replacements page.

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