5e Druid Classes

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Classes which are variants or mashups of the druid core class, usually nature religion based casters.

Druid Variant Classes

Classes which are variants of the Druid class in the 'Druid Tag' category.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Eclipsemancer Harness the forces of light and darkness to shift the battle in your favor. full
Eclipses Harness the forces of light and darkness to shift the battle in your favor. full
Gri-Gri Mystic (Wokan) A primitive casting class, able to learn casting spells through sacrifice, spellbooks or scrolls, or by being taught. full
Wild Blade Wild blades are warriors for the druid circles, wielding the powers of nature, alongside with swords, in their battles to protect the wild. half
Wild Blade, 1st Variant Wild blades are warriors for the druid circles, wielding the powers of nature, alongside with swords, in their battles to protect the wild. half
Classes which are variants of the Druid class in the 'Druid' category.
Name Summary Spellcasting

Druid Mashup Classes

Classes which are mashups partly inspired by the Druid class in the 'Druid Tag' category.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Animist, Variant A being empowered by the power of the spirits full
Augur An augur is one who interprets the omens of the gods or other powerful beings to predict the future and alter reality. half
Awakener A powerful manipulator of plants that obey their controller's every command with some semblance of intelligence. half
Chloromaster A soul deeply tied into the plant life around them. full
Entomancer A magic user who use bugs and insects to their advantage half
Familiar Master A warrior who puts a more powerful form of familiar to use in battle.
Frogsoul An ordinary humanoid with a soul fused with a frog's. They wield deadly amphibious powers and spells. half
Furry Clad in cursed fursuits, these savage warriors are animals in their minds and abilities.
God's Descendant
Gri-Gri Mystic (Wokan) A primitive casting class, able to learn casting spells through sacrifice, spellbooks or scrolls, or by being taught. full
Keeper A Keeper is someone who is followed by powerful life magic wherever they go, and they must choose how to manifest it.
Plague *Dies in bubonic*
Plant Strider use your connection to the world to sneak and spell cast half
Shaman The bridge that connects the world of the living and the world of the dead, taking the power of spirits to cast spells and gain other powers. full
Shrine Maiden A servant to her Deity that acts as a bridge between the dead and living, between gods and people. full
Star Shaman full
Storm Titan Created through various perilous ways a storm titan is a marvel of nature commanding the elements of a storm, growing to colossal sizes, and possessing dominating strength.
Classes which are mashups partly inspired by the Druid class in the 'Druid' category.
Name Summary Spellcasting

Incomplete Druid Classes

Incomplete Classes which are variants of the Druid class or which are mashups inspired by the Druid class in the 'Druid Tag' category.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Animist An Animist draws on the spirits of the world around them
Avatar full
Chick Thrower A quasi Paladin that uses chickens to attack at range. half
Creature Keeper conjure little friends to help out full
Herbal Brewer Herbal brewers specialize in alchemy and healing.
User:MoDuckyMo/Shaman Summoners who are able to commune with and gain aid from helpful spirits half
Plantae Practetionier Gather what you use, while having deep pockets
Primordial Shaman A Primordial Shaman acts as a conduit to the elemental planes, using said powers, Primordial Shamans can heal, support, and summon elementals to fight along side them. half
Winds of Life A healer imbued with the wind full
Wu Jen Mystical magic users from the eastern lands of Kara-Tur full
Incomplete Classes which are variants of the Druid class or which are mashups inspired by the Druid class in the 'Druid' category.
Name Summary Spellcasting

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