Phase (5e Spell)

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3rd-level Transmutation
Casting time: Instantaneous
Range: Touch
Components: V
Duration: Concentration, Up to 5 Minutes

An ancient technique once used by the curse hunters of old, a spell that in itself draws power from the very curses these hunters sought to prevent. Through a power word the body is able to remove itself from the third dimension and transport to another unknown dimension thus allowing itself to phase through solid ground.

Phase causes the target player to move through certain materials at certain speeds almost as if they were a ghost. Depending on the material the players move speed is changed with some materials being impassible. Dirt, Sand, and other common grounds can be moved through at the casters swim speed, while Stone, Wood, and Most Metals can be traversed at half of the caster's swim speed. Lead, Gold, and Other Creatures cannot be phased through.

If cast on an unwilling creature, the target must make a Constitution saving throw, on a fail the spell is successfully cast.

If the spell wears off while the effected creature is inside of a solid material they take 6d6 force damage upon dephasing and will begin to suffocate if they're not removed from the material.

Other materials are to be discussed between the player and the DM

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 5th level or higher the speed of travel through Dirt, Sand, and other common ground materials can be traversed through at walking speed, while all other phase-able materials can be traversed through at swim speed.

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