5e Ranger Classes

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Classes which are variants or mashups of the ranger core class. A tracker, hunter, beast master type fighter.

Ranger Variant Classes

Classes which are variants of the Ranger class.
Name Summary Spellcasting
(SETTING NOT FULLY DEVELOPED) MC Origins: Harrier A deft, skilled combatant that has exceptional instincts and can utilize them in either destruction and arson or in wilderness trekking and hunting.
Monster/Beast Hunter A Guardian of nature and people equally.
Ranger "old school" Variant An ultra-basic ranger/archer class
Ranger, 2nd Variant Acting as a bulwark between civilization and the terrors of the wilderness, rangers study, track, and hunt their favored enemies. half
Ranger, Non-Magical Variant As the name might suggest, this class is a non-magical variant of the existing "Ranger" class.
Ranger, Variant An extensive rework of the classic Ranger class of 5th Edition.
Wild Blade Wild blades are warriors for the druid circles, wielding the powers of nature, alongside with swords, in their battles to protect the wild. half
Wild Blade, 1st Variant Wild blades are warriors for the druid circles, wielding the powers of nature, alongside with swords, in their battles to protect the wild. half

Ranger Mashup Classes

Classes which are mashups partly inspired by the Ranger class.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Arcane Ranger A mixture of ranger/fighter and wizard half
Beast Hunter A bloodthirsty warrior, fighting and killing to fufill the hunt, gaining benefit as the blood sheds from either the self or the enemies.
Divine Hunter A warrior focused on the destruction of unholy creatures in devotion to a deity or other powerful being. half
Dragonhunter A warrior specialized in slaying dragons. third
Dragonslayer A warrior cursed by a glowing sigil on their chest, that drains their life force to increase their physical capabilities.
Elder Sage An unparalleled loremaster whose mere presence marks impending events of grave magnitude. half
Elemental Adept An Elemental Adept uses the four elements to subdue their foes in combat, defending civilized regions from evils city folk can't begin to comprehend. full
Elemental Archer, Variant An elemental archer uses their prowess with magic in combination with archery half
Frogsoul An ordinary humanoid with a soul fused with a frog's. They wield deadly amphibious powers and spells. half
Furry Clad in cursed fursuits, these savage warriors are animals in their minds and abilities.
Grimoire Summoner Chosen by a magical Grimoire, the user harnesses it's power to summon a Guardian Beast to wreak havoc on the battlefield.
Hawk's Ronin A very good Warrior, with Rogue/Ranger aspects, but if you want a full Fighter, You also have come to the right place.
Knight of the Fey Knights who have pledged themselves to the service of a specific archfey or a Fey court as a whole in return for magical power.
Manhunter A pursuer of criminals, using cunning and deadly precision to bring runaways to justice.
Marked Marksman Marked Marksman are incredible shooters.
Marked Marksman, Variant Marked Marksman are incredible shooters.
Masked Hunter Hunters wielding a knife and a bow, sacrificing lives for eldritch creatures.
Maverick Hunter A buster-wielding agent dedicated to the destruction of gone-maverick reploids.
Minuteman The enemy is 30 minutes from the gates, but I'll be ready in one
Mobian Genius
Monster Slayer Hunters who track and kill supernatural beings and monsters.
Quincy, Variant
Rebel Corps Soldier A soldier who uses their will to aid the rebellion in any way they can.
Scout Highly mobile, adaptable, and independent, scouts strive to ensure that their party never has to face a challenge unprepared.
Storm Archer half
Wild Master Combination of Barbarian and Ranger

Incomplete Ranger Classes

Incomplete Classes which are variants of the Ranger class or which are mashups inspired by the Ranger class.
Name Summary Spellcasting
Brotherhood of Light The Brotherhood of Light is a knightly order, dedicated to the removal of the forces of darkness that plague the world.
Clan Eshin Acolyte A master assassin and cutthroat for hire the skaven of clan eshin are monsters when left to their own devices.
Crimson Hunter A highly versatile fighter prepared for all kinds of situations
Demon Slayer, 2nd Variant As a Demon Slayer you gain the following class features.
Fabric Blade Brutal fighters trained in a unique weapon
Hitman A paid assassin, proficient in taking lives in exchange for Money
Knight Anti-magic
Masked Man
User:MoDuckyMo/Shaman Summoners who are able to commune with and gain aid from helpful spirits half
Monster Hunter
New World Fighter (Grand Line Supplement)
Ranger, 3rd Variant third
Revenant, Variant
The Hollow Hunter
Vampire, Seraph 2nd Variant Be a cool vampire with many options!

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