Bajara (4e Deity)

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The tranquil skies which watch over the earth

Lawful Neutral
Domains: Knowledge, Civilization

Bajara is the twin of Alape. The two are forever interlocked in each others embrace. Bajara symbolizes the heavens in many religions of Okut. Supposedly Bajara is what keeps Alape in balance and allows for life to endure amid ever-growing obstacles and strife from the world. However, Bajara was one of the gods devoured in the Gorge, thus leaving Alape a grieving half, never to be whole. Bajara's worshipers commonly followed edicts from the god like:

  • Wipe thine own rear. If you make trouble, you must be the one to solve it.
  • The skies ever watch and laugh. Looking up at the sky is considered an act of seeking enlightenment. It is from that pursuit that one achieves happiness.
  • Forgive the one which has raised and fed you. This statement primarily refers to Alape as Bajara knew the capricious sides of the twin. However, both were nonetheless necessary.


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