Five Sided Shelter (5e Spell)

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Five Sided Shelter
4th-level Conjuration (ritual)
Casting time: 10 minutes
Range: 20 feet
Components: V, S, M (a stone pebble, a pinch of dirt or sand, a handful of grass or feathers, a sprinkling of water, a wood chip, a few wooden spinters, & a holy symbol of the Five Faced King)
Duration: 8 hours

You summon a 5 sided cabin, that rolls together from the various available materials that best match the selected components for the spell. it has a 20ft high ceiling, & at the point of the structure, is made of 2 10ft wide walls, which in turn are connected to 2 more 10 ft wide walls, & the building is completed by one 20ft wide wall (opposite of the point of the pentagon).

  • The interior has a wooden appearance and gives off a slight maple fragrance, while the exterior has a cobblestone appearance. The space is clean, dry, and has very modest furnishings. There is a soft flower scented & grass-like carpet & 2 lanterns that light up with glowing moss once tapped. Tapping the lanterns again makes the moss stop glowing. It is able to comfortably house up to 8 medium sized creatures. There are 4 bunk-beds including pillows and blankets, 1 desk, 1 table, and 8 fold-able chairs, a small fireplace, & a pump to extract clean water (up to 1d4 gallons), from what is assumed a nearby well.
  • There are 4 lion emblems (2 female & 2 male) on the drapes, facing inside the cabin, over the 4 windows to the building. Each of the windows are framed in one of the colors red, green, blue, or yellow, & the lion emblem on the drapes match the frame of the window. There is a male black lion emblem on the door, that is also facing inside the cabin, which matches the door frame. Spell and magical effects cannot enter or exit the structure, as they are neutralized by the warding lion emblems.The door and windows can only be opened or closed by the caster or someone they invited into the space. All other creatures & objects are repelled once all doors & windows are closed.

Additionally, as long as the caster of the spell is within the cabin, the following bonus effects also apply:

  • 1 lion head emblem will growl if an unapproved/hazardous creature comes within 50ft of the shelter
  • 2 lion head emblems will growl if an unapproved/hazardous creature comes within 40ft of the shelter
  • 3 lion head emblems will growl if an unapproved/hazardous creature comes within 30ft of the shelter
  • 4 lion head emblems will growl if an unapproved/hazardous creature comes within 20ft of the shelter
  • 5 lion head emblems will growl if an unapproved/hazardous creature comes within 10ft of the shelter

The emblem closest to the location of the potential breach will flash briefly, if the approaching creature makes an attempt to gain entry to the shelter.

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