The Dark City (3.5e Campaign Setting)/The Guilds

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The Guilds

What are Guilds

A guild is the major institution which characters have an affiliation. The following is a list of Guilds in the city. The guilds have been adapted from the Fritz Lieber's Lankhmar setting and have been altered to fit the Dark City Campaign. Though this is a rogues campaign, characters need not be part of the Thieves Guild. A Character will choose one major guild they will attempt to gain membership and prestige in. Characters need not be part of any guild or seek office but the game does revolve around the guilds and membership will have advantages to the characters. Ultimately the characters are self-made and do not hold their loyalty to the guilds for they are tools for the characters.

Each Guild is also associated with sub-guilds that fall into their jurisdiction. Players may opt to be part of the sub guild to gain different associate guild modifiers on skills.

The Guilds and their Laws

The Guilds police themselves in regard for those practicing their craft outside of their jurisdiction. The Wizard’s guild will actively target any non-member practicing magic, the Thieves Guild goes after those doing jobs not sanctioned by the Guild, the Church of Aarth will deemed those worshipping old gods as heretics, and the Druid circle may go after Sorcerers and Druids who are not part of their cause.

Benefit of a Guild

While in a Guild, a PC gains a +1 Guild Bonus to a chosen skill every 3 levels. For example: a 4th Level Character of the Thieves Guild could have a +1 sleight of Hand and a +1 to open locks or a+2 to either of the three main skills. The bonus only applies while the PC is actually in The City or on official Guild business outside the city.

Guild Dues

To maintain membership in the Guild a PC must spend 10x level per month in Gold to keep the Guild Bonus. PC that don't pay are still part of the Guild but lose the bonus.

Listing of Active Guilds

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