The Dark City (3.5e Campaign Setting)/Merchant's Consortium

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Merchant's Consortium[edit]

The Merchant’s consortium deals in money and raw goods, each in the largest quantities possible. They pay the taxes and bring in the goods that everyone needs in their day-to-day lives. They are the second most powerful guild in The City. Members are given discounts on wholesale items, can locate hard to find items and information on recent business transactions. Characters may also have a side business as legitimate or a front.

Associated Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Profession (as appropriate), Sense Motive

Moneylenders’ Guild: Moneychangers and Investors[edit]

Money Changer Members are in the business of banking and lending money and investment-this includes creative accounting. Members are given opportunity to invest at a advantage or lend money as needed. They will occasionally employ members of the Slayers Guild for collections.

Associated Skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Profession (Money Lending), Sense Motive

Jewelers’ Guild[edit]

This guild consists of the buyers and sellers of gems and jewelry. They play the slippery game between the fences and the merchants. Jewelers never deal directly with known members of the thieves guild, but rather third parties or pawn brokers for merchandise on the market.

'Associated Skills: Appraise, Profession (Merchant), Diplomacy, Sense Motive

Whitesmiths’ Guild[edit]

These are the workers of precious metals and a source for gem cutting and materials. A Whitesmith deals in raw materials and jewelry making, only interested in materials to do crafting. Occasionally, the rare a item of superb craftsmanship will draw their attention, only for the hope of copying it for their own.

Associated Skills: Appraise, Profession(Merchant), Craft (jewelry)

Allies and Enemies of the Merchant’s Consortium[edit]

Naturally, the bane to the Merchants is the Thieves Guild. The Thieves Guild is responsible for many extortions, thefts, and control of goods through the city. Fortunately for the consortium,m the Overlords make it a priority to see that the Merchants are happy and will issue guards and city watch to bring in order when needed.

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