The Dark City (3.5e Campaign Setting)/Fellowship of Physicians

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Fellowship of Physicians[edit]

Medical Science in the City is not advanced, but skilled physicians are well respected for their proper understanding of ailments and the common (ala non-magical) remedies for them. Access to healers, materials and other non-potion/balm healing items.

Associated Skills: Profession (Healer), Heal, Knowledge (Nature)

Order of Apothecaries: Drugists and Herbalists[edit]

Those who sell remedies and salves. Members have the ability to purchase potions at reduced cost and access to alchemist labs.

Associated Skills: Craft (Alchemy), Profession (Healer), Heal

Embalmers’ Guild[edit]

Grave Diggers, Pall Bearers, embalmers, and funeral choreographers. Access to news of the recent departed, tomb locations, and holy water (the church is not so free to give it out).

Associated Skills: Spellcraft, Profession (Embalmer), Heal

ALLIES: The Thinkers Fraternaty ENEMIES: Wizard’s Guild, Church of Aarth

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