The Dark City (3.5e Campaign Setting)/The Church of Aarth

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The Church of Aarth[edit]

The church itself is not only the guilded house of worship at the north most end of the Street of the Gods, but also a network of sooth-ayers, sages, scribes, and scholars who are consulted by people of high station and low for council. Most of these learned individuals are priests of Aarth and command a variable degree of ability with divination. This is part of the Church network and is not reflected of the various temples to the Saints.

Associated Skills: Spell Craft, Knowledge (Religion), Knowledge (The Planes) Heal

ALLIES: The Overlords ENEMIES: Followers of the Oaken Circle, Thieves Guild, Wizards Guild, Fraternity of Thinkers, Fellowship of Physicians

SPECIAL NOTE: Player Characters need not be clerics to be members of the church. The church also accepts devoted worshipers with “unique” skills which the High Counsel always finds uses for. Characters that choose a divine class will be associated to the Church and each individual a gains his/her domain powers from the various Saints under the Churches Mythos. Citizens make tributes to their Patron Saints that encompass their Domains. The Character becomes a Follower of that Saint. The Saints are all of Different Alignments and at times fighting for power with the church. From the Different followers a few are chosen on the High Counsel and one from the High counsel is chosen to be the High Priest or Priestess.

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