The Dark City (3.5e Campaign Setting)/Followers of the Oaken Circle

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Followers of the Oaken Circle[edit]

Before the city was erected Druids and Sorcerers inhabited the lands aiding the Barbarian tribes. They were conquered by the overlords which resulted in the lost of their culture and beliefs. The few that maintain the traditions live in secret. The druids are the “Nobility ” of the Order setting up groves and special sacred places in the City and outskirts to practice their Traditions. The Sorcerers are what are left of the shamantic spiritual guides. Unlike the Druids that seek balance, the Sorcerers take what they need from the energy of the earth and spirit world to do their bidding. The Sorcerers act as free agents outside the Druid Order. (Some believe quite conveniently as it allows The Order to used them to do their dirty business). Druids and Sorceres are considered Heretics by the Church. Sorcerers find wizards, who tap the same power, to be weak and inhuman.

Some 20 years ago the Thief Garrick served as a trainer for the Circle in creating agents to infiltrate the city for various missions. Rowen and Treela were both trained under Garrick in the force but Treela left the circle to join the Thieves Guild.

Currently the Druid Circle has split into another group. The Fey Resistance is a group of elves and other members of the Druidc Circle broke off to become a militant organization bent on overthrowing the Overlord.

Associated Skills: Knowledge (Nature), Handle Animal, Heal

ALLIES: None ENEMIES: The Overlords, The Wizards Guild, The Church of Aarth

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