Gear and Equipment (Sarosian Supplement)

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Miriandis is nearly 2 AU across, at this size the planet has more natural resources than any other near by star system with all their planets combined. Unique items from all over the land can be found in major trade hubs, as well as numerous materials for all levels of need, from obsidian stone for sling wielding Wu Jen to any alchemical plant discovered by civilized lands. Trade goods are traded based off the distance from where its being sold to a country that has easy access to the trade good in question. Certain mitigating factors such as random city events, droughts, raiders etc. may drive up prices.

While the Underdark is quite large, regular trade relations between the surface world and the Underdark are rare, leading to huge price gouging and many unprepared trade convoys becoming fresh slaves for Neogi. Substances from the Underdark, including Drow built or Beholder built mundane items, are worth on average four times the normal cost, however it should be noted sometimes these items are worth less, for example a Diopsid would never buy Drow built items.

Gear and Trade[edit]

Trade goods are broken down into sections. Each city should have a listing for which resources it has or needs. When a city has access to a resource and has excess of its need that resource is listed as Supply. When a city doesn't have access to a resource and it could use it that resource will be listed as Demand. In some cases a city will have access to a resource but can still use more that resource is listed as Trade. If a city does not want access to a resource it will list it as No Trade. If a resource is not listed that city does not have access to the resource, does not need the resource and does not outright refuse the trade of that resource. Generally speaking if a city has a resource Supply they wont buy it, if they Demand a resource they wont sell it.

For example the city of Paddin has a granite mine and they have no use for the granite beyond selling it, granite is listed as Supply likewise Gnomish Suburbs of Junbe wont buy bone or the Nation of Enia for the most part will not buy silver so those resources are listed as No Trade.


Trade Goods[edit]

Spices Ore & Stone Gems & Rare Organics Woods & Construction Materials
Myrtle pepper Gold Agate Hoop Pine
Galanga root Silver Chrysoberyl Cedar
Mango powder Tin Aquamarine Cypress
Devil's dung Iron Moonstone Yew
Ringwood Lead Diamond Balsam Fir
Common wormwood Mercury Emerald Douglas-fir
Basil Copper Garnet Silver Fir
Bay Leaf Platinum Hematite Noble Fir
Starflower Palladium Jade Hemlock
Black mustard Aluminium Salt Jasper Kauri
Brown mustard Granite Kunzite Kaya
Cayenne pepper Gneiss Lapis lazuli Larch
Celery seed Limestone Malachite Tamarack Larch
Chili pepper Marble Obsidian Jack Pine
Chipotle Sandstone Peridot Lodgepole Pine
Kani pepper Electrum (natural) Spinel Red Pine
Cinnamon Slate Opal White Pine
Clove Soapstone Pyrite Sugar Pine
Dill Seed Onyx Amethyst Redcedar
Curry Leaf Chalk Citrine Redwood
Fennel Flint Chalcedony Spruce
Ginger Clay Tiger's-eye Sugi Wood
Ginko nuts Gypsum Ruby Black alder
Green Tea Coal Sapphire Red alder
Melegueta pepper Electrum (smelted) Tanzanite Common ash
Ground Ivy Topaz Blue ash
Horseradish Turquoise Green ash
Hops Tourmaline Aspen
Jasmine Amber Quaking aspen
Lemon balm Bone Balsa
Lemon basil Coral Basswood
Lemongrass Ivory Beech
Lemon ironbark Jet Gray birch
Lemon mint Nacre (Mother of Pearl) River birch
Lavender Pearl Sweet birch
Lime flower Paper birch
Long pepper Blackbean Wood
Nutmeg Blackwood
Oregano Boxelder
Orris root Boxwood
Sichuan pepper Common Horse-chestnut
Sloe berry Yellow Buckeye
Southernwood Catalpa
Paprika Butternut
Pink pepper Black cherry
Poppy seed Red cherry
Bishop's weed Chestnut Wood
Angelica Flowering dogwood
Anise Andaman marble-wood
Annatto Hornbeam Wood
Apple mint Coachwood
Calendula Greenheart Wood
Black cardamom Cocobolo
Ylang-ylang Black ebony
Candlenut Ebony
Caraway Corkwood
Cardamom Rock elm
Casuarina Wych elm
Garden chervil Blue gum wood
Chicory Black gum wood
Chives Iroko Wood
Coriander Desert Ironwood
Cinchona Hop hornbeam
Cowslip Ironwood
Cumin Lacewood
Dorrigo pepper Honey locust Wood
Elderflower Mahogany
Fenugreek Maple
Fingerroot Red maple
Galangal Silver maple
Garlic Bur oak
Gotu kola Swamp white oak
Horehound Southern live oak
Hyssop Water oak
Juniper berry Willow oak
Kaffir lime leaves Balsam poplar
Lady's bedstraw Black poplar
Mace Rosewood
Marjoram Sandalwood
Marsh labrador tea Teak
Meadowsweet Walnut
Mint White willow
Neem Bamboo
Pandan flower Palmwood
Sart anise
Thai basil
Twinleaf onion
Water pepper
White Mustard
Wood Avens
Yellow Mustard
Yerba Buena
Sesame seed


*Incomplete and not tested*

New Crafting System[edit]

Crafting is broken down into seven schools, each school has a feat required to learn it, and a feat required to create advanced/magic components. All crafts will require Artisan's Tools, and will interact with magic, such as Ironwood and woodworking to make stronger items and Fabricate lets you craft without Artisan's Tools.

Items are divided into magic and non-magic, non-magic items take a material component equal to 1/3 the base market cost, the items cost determines the time taken to craft, if it item costs 100gp or less it takes 2d4 hours to craft. Every 150g after adds a +1 hour (101-250gp 2d4+1 hours, 251-400gp 2d4+2 hours), if the item is 701gp or more it takes 2d4 days. For magic items it takes the same material and same skill to craft the non magic vessel, the spells needed to craft must be cast on the item or from a scroll, the crafter need not cast the scroll, the scroll may be prepared ahead of time (10 minutes per scroll) to add a +2 to spellcraft checks when reading.

Special Materials, such as mithril or other precious metals, uncommon stones such as obsidian and diamonds add 1 day per pound used, so a 2 pound non magic obsidian Kukri would take 2d4+48 hours to craft.

To learn a recipe the character must find either a teacher or a manual, teachers often sell blocks of recipes as courses for your character to take, much like an apprentice the teacher will take on two or more students and put them to work in his shop, depending on the recipes learned and their defficulty the time spent varies. Manuals are similar, instead of having the facility provided for you the character must produce his own materials and tools, however the finished product is his to keep. Because manuals often teach less recipes but more complex and rare they often take as long as a teacher, which is to say it has no set length. Manuals are not consumed in reading, and can be sold or traded. Masterwork Quality items have separate recipes, knowing how to craft a dagger and a masterwork dagger are separate.

The purpose of this is to allow a more uniform crafting system. In addition to that it creates a more controlled system for the game master and the players, by using a recipe system instead of a general skill check system it allows the players to feel that their characters have more customization as well as a better sense of what their players do and don't know. A lizardman tribal blacksmith for example shouldn't know how to make a Dwarven Urgrosh when his tribe has never met a dwarf.

Each feat has prerequisites: Lvl 6 and is a [General] feat, each feat provides you with a small list of craftable items.

  • Weaponsmith

The weaponsmith crafts tools of war, everything from a whip to a katar, longswords and longspears, bows and arrows. Provides: Dagger, Club, Spear, Javelin, shortbow.

  • Magic Weapon Crafting

Requires: lvl 12, Craft Weapon. The weaponsmith is now able to channel magical energies into his crafts, weapons may be enhanced and augmented with magical powers. In addition to weapons Magic Weapon Crafting allows the character to craft magic wands. Weapons may be changed from their base or freshly crafted, if they are to be crafted add the normal craft time to the 2d4 days, if the enhancement has a spell associate with it you may cast that spell or use a scroll of that spell (or have one used), if the enhancement doesnt have a spell associated such as a blanket +1 enhancement bonus you may cast a spell of an appropriate lvl, +1 bonus is a lvl 3 or lower spell, +2 is a vl 3 or 4, +3 is 5 or 6, +4 7 or 8 and a +5 is 9. Wands require a shaft to be made, which follows the same rules as longspear for crafting (5gp). Then as above you must cast the spell into the shaft. Wands come with 10 charges per cast of the spell and can only hold 50 unless the recipe says otherwise. Like weaponsmithing you need to you need to learn the recipes before you can craft them though as with weapons someone else can cast the spell or use a scroll for the crafter Provides: +1 Enhancment, Wand of Detect Magic and choice of Flaming, Frost or Shock

  • Armorsmith

The armorsmith crafts shields and protective gear, padded cloth to platemail, armorsmiths are also excelent tailors Provides: Light Padded Armor, Medium Hide Armor, Light Wooden Shield, Locked Gauntlet (Note Locked Gauntlets, Sheild Spikes and Armor Spikes can be added to existing shields and armor without damaging them)

  • Magic Armor Crafting

Requires: lvl 12, Craft Armor. The armorsmith is now able to channel magical energies into his crafts, armor may be enhanced and augmented with magical powers. Armor may be changed from their base or freshly crafted, if they are to be crafted add the normal craft time to the 2d4 days, if the enhancement has a spell associate with it you may cast that spell or use a scroll of that spell (or have one used), if the enhancement doesnt have a spell associated such as a blanket +1 enhancement bonus you may cast a spell of an appropriate lvl, +1 bonus is a lvl 3 or lower spell, +2 is a lvl 3 or 4, +3 is 5 or 6, +4 7 or 8 and a +5 is 9. Like Armorsmithiing you need to you need to learn the recipies befor you can craft them. Provides: +1 Enhancment & Shield: Arrow Catching or Shield: Blinding.

  • Naturalist

The Naturalist creates limited alchemical wonders, such as sunrods, herbal packets, Thunderstones Provides: Sunrod, Tindertwig, Antitoxin

  • Potion Making

Requires: lvl 12, Naturalist. The Naturalist is no able to brew and store magic energy in potions and create powerful acids and poisons. The Potion Maker is also skilled in Scroll making. Potion craft takes the 2d4 days other magic crafts do, but with potion crafting every recipe requires three empty vials (some require more special vials but most any container works) and each craft produces three potions, its the same with poisons, likewise you must learn the recipies to craft the potions and you will need to cast/have cast the spell being bottled, poisons follow two rules for components either harvested from a monter with a poison attack or harvested from plants. Scrolls come in fours instead of threes like potions and blank scrolls instead of vials. Provides: Cure Light Wounds, Jump, Carrior Crawler Brain Juice, 0 and 1st lvl scrolls

  • Woodworker

Woodworkers are able to craft wonderful peices of art, basic tools, some weapons and furniture Provides: Basic carving (art), Quarter Staff, Club, 3' stake (Note: Things with the (art) tag are functionless art whil normally not worthwhile in adventuring the art does hold value, the art has a base value of 2d4 times time spent, each hour adds a +1, Basic art allows a cap of 3, Novice art allows a cap of 10, Journeyman art allows a cap of 100 and Masterful art allows a cap of 500, with alittle luck of the rolls and the better part of a month you could make up to 4000gp)

  • Magic Woodworker

Requires: lvl 12, Woodworker, Masterful (art) recipe (See Text). The woodworker has brodened his talents into three crafts, continuing to make his original wood goods with magical augments, creating staves with magic properties and if he has the Masterful (art) recipe able to create magically enhanced housing objects such as beds, doors, walls, fountains and many more. Wood objects such as weapons follow normal crafting rules, they may be changed from their base or freshly crafted, if they are to be crafted add the normal craft time to the 2d4 days, if the enhancement has a spell associate with it you may cast that spell or use a scroll of that spell (or have one used), if the enhancement doesnt have a spell associated such as a blanket +1 enhancement bonus you may cast a spell of an appropriate lvl, +1 bonus is a lvl 3 or lower spell, +2 is a lvl 3 or 4, +3 is 5 or 6, +4 7 or 8 and a +5 is 9. Magic Staves follow these rules too. Housing items however have a unique rules set. Magical Housing items require two things primaraly, first is the knowledge of how to craft these structures, many seige academies can teach these over long times, and ancient texts too exist on structures on ages past. These recipes are expensive to craft take much longer then regular recipes they are however capable of amazing magics. There are two types of Wonderous Architecture, free standing objects and room enchantments, free standing objects are things like doors, fountains, lamps anything that can be added to a room, these objects are handled like staves, the original object must be crafted and the spells must be cast on the object at the end of crafting, the craft time however is subject to the objects size, medium (about 5 cubic feet) is 2d4 days, large are 2d4 weeks, huge are 2d4 months, each size after adds an additional 2d4 months. Room enchantments take far less time but end up being more costly, if a room is to have an enchanting effect such as Ambassador's Chamber the craft cost, spells and materials must be used for each stronghold space the room occupies, small offices might only be one space, however throne rooms consist of four or more spaces, each enchantment only takes one day pet stronghold space. Provides: Shocking Weapon, (Some staff lost my DMG), and if they have Masterful (art) recipe when they gain the feat: Chamber of Guidance

  • Trapsmith

Trapsmiths craft devious devices to deal with their enemies, or the enemies of those who can pay Provides: Basic Arrow Trap, Deeper Pit Trap, Javelin Trap, Razorwire Trap, Spear Trap

**Trapsmith gets rods too

  • Vehicle Craft

Vehicle Craft is a dificult craft, creating a functioning moving object, a vessel to cross the sea or a craft to cross the plains. Provides: Pack Saddle, Riding Saddle, Saddlebags, Cart, Rowboat, An Ore (Note: Vehicle craft follows the normal rules for crafting non vehicle objects, such as the Horseshoes, Ore or Saddles, however crafting vehicles are always bumped up to the 2d4 days, after large size catagory vehicles it becomes 2d4 months and adds an additional month for each catagory after huge.)

**Inset magical shit here

  • Handicrafter

Handicrafters create everythig and anything, candlesticks, candles, baskets, bells, whistles, and 10' poles Provides: 10' pole, bedroll, torch, backpack, winterblanket, flint and steel, caltrops

  • Craft Wonderous Item

Requires: lvl 12, Handicrafting. The Handicrafter is now able to channel magical energies into his crafts, these items are enhanced and augmented with fantastic abilities. This craft lets you craft Rings as well. The item may be changed from their base or freshly crafted, if they are to be crafted add the normal craft time to the 2d4 days, if the enhancement has a spell associate with it you may cast that spell or use a scroll of that spell (or have one used), if the enhancement doesnt have a spell associated such as a Ioun Stones you may cast a spell of an appropriate lvl, +1 bonus is a lvl 3 or lower spell, +2 is a lvl 3 or 4, +3 is 5 or 6, +4 7 or 8 and a +5 is 9. Like handicrafting you need to you need to learn the recipies befor you can craft them. Provides: Universal Solvent, Anchor Quaal's Feather Token, .

New Mundane Items[edit]

Gnomes in the Second and Third Age were mosly concentrated on the Junbe continent. Centered around their desert city Diminuton the gnomes have been housed with dwarves and halflings for centuries. Their society is one of artifice and magic lead by the gnomish majority, they focus on creating new magics, new devices and preparing for the end of the Third Age. Most of these devices are created in Diminuton by gnomish design and dwarven craft though not all.

  • Gatling
  • Inflatable Sentry
  • Gas Sentry
  • Rupture Sentry
  • Enhanced Stake
  • Bunch of others cant find my sheet

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