3.5e Magical Potions and Oils

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Potions and Oils

Add your own Magical Potion or Oil to D&D Wiki.
Name Market Price Weight CL Aura School
Arglargle 5
Enchanter's Oils 6
Golognorg 13,500 gp 15th
Grog of Substantial Whimsy 30 gp <!-Caster level for creation-->
Ooplaxii Marrow Varies
Parempo 1000 gp <!-Caster level for creation-->
Potion of Delusion 5,000 gp 3rd weak necromancy
Potion of Expeditious Retreat 50gp 1/16th 1 Faint transmutation
Protective Polish 1,500 gp (MIC level 6) 0 5th Faint Transmutation; DC 17
Royal Jelly Varies Varies
Warpaint 60gp 2 weak
Youthful Draught 15,000 GP 1 lb. 12 Strong necromancy
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