Water Cannon (5e Equipment)

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Water Cannon

Medium object
Armor Class: 15
Weight: {{{weight}}}
Hit Points: 75
Damage immunities: poison, psychic

A water cannon shoots a pressurized, high-velocity stream of water, at a rapid rate of 5 or more gallons per second. It is intended to disperse rioters and violent protesters with nonlethal force. The cannon can be aimed and fired with a single action; and it is often remotely operated from inside a vehicle by use of a joystick. Water cannons are typically attached to a reservoir with enough water for 80 shots; once the reservoir is emptied, the tank must be refilled, or it must be swapped out for a full one, which takes one minute. With some ingenuity, an individual can easily turn a water cannon into a more dangerous weapon - usually by swapping out the liquid load for a more damaging substance, such as liquid teargas or corrosive acids.

Water Jet: Ranged Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, range 100 ft., all targets in a 5-foot wide line within range. Hit: 2 (1d4) water damage, and a Large or smaller target must make a DC 18 Strength saving throw. On a failure, it is pushed 30 feet away and knocked prone. On a successful save, a creature isn't pushed or knocked prone.

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