Stasis (5e Spell)

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3rd-level Abjuration
Casting time: 1 reaction, which you take when a projectile moves within 15 feet of you or when you’re targeted by a melee attack
Range: 15 feet
Components: S
Duration: Instantaneous

You attempt to put an attacking creature or projectile near you into stasis.

Creature. If you target a creature, that creature must succeed on a wisdom saving throw or enter stasis until the start of its next turn. A creature in stasis is incapacited, cannot be moved, and is immune to all damage. The creature appears bound by chains that seemingly disappear after the it’s bound. When the stasis ends, it makes an attack against the space that you were in when you cast the spell, regardless of whether you are still there or not.

Projectile. If you target a projectile, make an ability check using your spellcasting ability. The DC equals 10 for non-spell attacks, and 10 + the spell’s level for spell attacks. On a success, the projectile enter stasis until the start of the turn it was launched in. A projectile in stasis cannot be moved and is immune to all damage. The projectile appears bound by chains that seemingly disappear after the it’s bound. When the stasis ends, the projectile continues onward, potentially missing targets that moved out its path.

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