3.5e NPCs ECL 3

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NPCs without an improving, reviewing, or removing template present.

Name Race Levels Description
Abdila bin Asamiol
Alli Goodbush
Aroghin Temple Guard aroghin Aroghin Paragon 3 Elite working soldier tasked with patrols and keeping the peace.
Artemesia human expert 3 A clerk who runs the Department of Underground Services.
Charity Human Rogue 3 A street girl who turns out to be much more then one first suspects.
Lyroni Roya guromescai guromescai paragon 3 A high spirited, bubbly spellcaster who enjoys swimming and long walks on the beach.
Osborn Highhill Tiefling-Halfing Expert 3 A lovable fellow, who loves his rodent friends.
Rickel Tinderfoot halfling rogue 1/bard 2 Very mischievous hobb— er... halfling.
Sir Silvershield human paladin 6 Sheriff of the Sewers.
Squizeep kobold Rogue 3 An amazingly agile but otherwise average rogue prodigy.
Zalma Silverfrond wild elf monk 3 Mistress of movement

NPCs with one or many improving, reviewing, or removing templates present. Please help work on the problem presented on the template.