3.5e NPCs ECL 1

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NPCs without an improving, reviewing, or removing template present.

Name Race Levels Description
Adept Shauna Human Biotic Vanguard 1 A female biotic soldier.
Agatha Human Wizard (Diviner) 3 A small-statured shy diviner. Getting by with the mysterious profession of future-telling.
Albaric Berenthar human ranger 1 Human sailor, who works where ever there are jobs
Calyr Shedoha
Gromel orc barbarian 1 An orc barbarian who enjoys smashing heads.
Hat Human Commoner John Asyond is called Hat bay most people, because he usually wears crazy, over the top hats.
John Smith
Merry Footstink gnome bard 1 Leader of the traveling troupe The Promenade
Mouser Catkin lorechaser 1 A young lorechaser ready to find adventure.
Orvis The Dwarven Cleric Dwarf Cleric 1 Human Cleric of Pelor
Primitive human primitive 1 Simple human
Rani elves gemini dancer 1 Principle dancer of traveling troupe The Promenade
Snuggly Pigglebottom gnome bard 1 Poster child for NPC instructions.
Strings catkin rogue 1 Point person for The Promenade
Yōgo-sha Human Sandbender Devoted defender of the desert temple of Karura

NPCs with one or many improving, reviewing, or removing templates present. Please help work on the problem presented on the template.