3.5e Generic NPCs ECL 10

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Generic NPCs ECL 10

Generic NPCs without an improving, reviewing, or removing template present.

Name Race Levels Description
Drider Cleric drider drow cleric 6 Typical drider cleric.
Drider Sorcerer drider drow sorcerer 6 Typical drider sorcerer.
Drider Wizard drider drow wizard 6 Typical drider wizard.
Drow Psychostazi Enforcer Drow Villainous Sneak 10 Drow political enforcers.
Ororos Sentinel Windrider half-celestial human fighter 6 The greatest soldiers in Ororos' army.
Witch Human Warlock 10 A stereotypical witch, broom and all.

Generic NPCs with one or many improving, reviewing, or removing templates present. Please help work on the problem presented on the template.