Yoshinobu Gakuganji (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
Yoshinobu Gakuganji[edit]
Medium humanoid (Human), lawful neutral Armor Class 19
Saving Throws Dex +9, Cha +10 Cursed Energy. Gakuganji has 55 cursed energy he can spend. All of the cursed energy, when used, is unavailable until he takes a long rest. Durable Cursed Armor (1-5 Cursed Energy). Gakuganji can give himself temporary hit points equal to the cursed energy spent times 10 for 1 minute (no action required). Gakuganji can only benefit from this feature again after 1 minute or having his temporary hit points reduced to 0. His armor also reduces damage taken by 10. Stronger Cursed Strike (1-5 Cursed Energy). When Gakuganji makes an unarmed strike, he may deal an additional 1d8 necrotic damage per cursed energy spent and creatures of his choice within 5 feet of the impact take a number of d12 of necrotic damage equal to half of the cursed energy spent (rounded down). Objects take twice the damage from this effect.. This may also be used when Gakuganji hits a Nat 20. Kyoto Jujutsu High Learnings. Thanks to Kyoto Jujutsu High, Gakuganji has enhancements to Durable Cursed Armor, Stronger Cursed Strikes, Precise Cursed Weapon Enhancement, Cursed Blast of Blows, Cursed Patient Defense and Cursed Wind Step, all already included in their descriptions. Curse-Empowered Strikes. Gakuganji's unarmed strikes and weapon attacks are considered magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances, and deal 6 (1d12) additional necrotic damage (already included). Evasion. Whenever Gakuganji makes a Dexterity saving throw, he takes half as much damage on a failure and no damage on a success. Cursed Energy Recovery. While in combat, Gakuganji regains 1 cursed energy at the beginning of his turn, up to his maximum. The combat must be one where his life is at risk. Resonance. When Gakuganji hits a creature with his cursed technique, he can choose to impose disadvantage on their next attack roll before the end of their next turn as the reverberations disrupt their focus. Build Up. Whenever Gakuganji uses Sound Amplification or Sound Blast, he can instead start playing his guitar and not launch the attack. He can wait 5 rounds, in which then he is forced to launch his attack. He adds 2 damage die per round he remained playing his guitar, and his thunder damage bypasses resistances when used this way. He counts as concentrating while he's playing his instrument this way. Additionally, Gakuganji may use it as a reaction instead of an action if he were playing before launching the attack. 50 Meters In 3 Seconds! Gakuganji has two reactions per round. Cursed Enhanced Body. As long as Gakuganji has 1 cursed energy or more, he may add 2 to his attack and damage rolls with unarmed strikes or weapons he is proficient with (already applied). ACTIONSMultiattack. Gakuganji makes any two attacks with either his Unarmed Strike, Electric Guitar or Sound Amplification. Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d10 + 6) bludgeoning and 6 (1d12) necrotic damage. Electric Guitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d10 + 6) bludgeoning and 12 (1d10 + 1d12) necrotic damage. Exorcise. Gakuganji automatically destroys a cursed spirit within 30 ft. of him that he can see that has a CR of 2 or lower. Sound Amplification (2 Cursed Energy). Ranged Cursed Energy Attack: +10 to hit, range 60 ft., one target. Hit: 27 (5d10) thunder damage and target is knocked back 10 feet. Sound Blast (6 Cursed Energy). Gakuganji launches a massive sound wave from his guitar and force every creature in a 15ft. cone to make a DC 18 Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take 49 (9d10) thunder damage, are pushed 20ft. back, and are deafened until the beginning of his next turn. On a success they take half as much damage, are not deafened, and are pushed only 10ft. back. This technique deals twice as much damage to objects and structures. Epic Solo (6 Cursed Energy). Gakuganji can perform an electrifying solo that lasts for 1 minute. During this time, whenever he uses Sound Amplification features, he may add an additional 2d10 thunder damage to the attack's total damage. He can pay up to 5 additional cursed energy to add an extra 2d10 thunder damage per energy spent. Additionally, the performance creates a shockwave of sound. All creatures within a 15-foot radius of him must make a DC 18 Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are pushed back 15 feet and are deafened until the end of their next turn. On a success, they are not deafened and are not pushed back. Basic Barrier (1-5 Cursed Energy). Gakuganji can create a dome starting from himself with a 5ft. radius and a 10ft. height. For each cursed energy spent, the barrier’s maximum radius and height both increase by 10ft, but Gakuganji may choose to make it smaller if he wishes. This barrier has 10 hit points times the amount of cursed energy spent, it has resistance to all damage from the inside, is vulnerable to all damage from the outside and is immune to Poison and Psychic damage. This barrier has an AC of 18 and automatically fails saving throws. This barrier lasts for 5 minutes, and Gakuganji can deactivate his basic barrier as will (no action required). Curtain (5 Cursed Energy). Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure. Gakuganji covers the sky and the ground within a 2165-foot radius with a sphere of darkness. Upon activation, a dark, almost liquid-like matter drips down from the sky to form the outer barrier wall in the shape of a sphere that extends underground, appearing as a dome from the surface. The curtain changes the sky becomes dark despite the time of day, provoking any cursed spirits out of hiding. Those without levels in the Jujutsu Sorcerer class cannot see anything inside the barrier, merely seeing as if nothing but the vegetation was there. Creatures who can see into the ethereal plane or have levels in the jujutsu sorcerer path can see the black sphere. Gakuganji curtain lasts for 50 minutes, and the curtain has 35 Hit Points. This barrier has an AC of 18 and automatically fails saving throws. It is also immune to Poison and Psychic damage. Gakuganji may choose to make his curtain smaller in radius, however it cannot be smaller than a 100-foot radius. BONUS ACTIONSMartial Arts. When Gakuganji uses the Attack action with an unarmed strike on his turn, he can make one unarmed strike or attack with a one-handed weapon. Precise Cursed Weapon Enhancement (1-5 Cursed Energy). Gakuganji can add to a melee weapon he is wielding for 1 minute. Whenever he hits a target with the weapon, it takes extra necrotic damage equal to two times the amount spent, and half of the amount of energy spent (rounded down) will be added to the weapon's attack rolls. Gakuganji can only use this enhancement again after 1 minute has passed. Cursed Blast of Blows (1 Cursed Energy). Immediately after taking the Attack action on his turn, Gakuganji can perform three unarmed strikes. Cursed Patient Defense (1 Cursed Energy). Gakuganji can take the Dodge action and he gains advantage on Strength and Constitution saving throws as long as he benefits from the dodge. Cursed Wind Step (1 Cursed Energy). Gakuganji can take the Disengage or Dash action on his turn, and his jump distance is doubled until the end of his turn. When he takes the Dash action granted by this feature, he instead gains extra movement equal to twice his speed. Additionally, when he takes the Disengage action granted by this feature, he gains extra movement equal to his speed for the current turn. Maximum Output. Gakuganji can spend Cursed Energy equal to twice the original cost of one of his cursed techniques to amplify its cursed energy output, making it gain two of the following benefits the next time its cast:
Cursed Energy Tracker. Gakuganji can focus on one creature for 1 minute, seeing the “sparks” of cursed energy that always happen before cursed technique usage. For that minute when that creature forces him to make a save using their cursed technique or makes a cursed energy attack roll against him using their cursed technique they must roll a Stealth check, using Charisma instead of Dexterity, against a Perception check from Gakuganji . If he wins, Gakuganji gains advantage on the saving throw, or the attack roll is made with disadvantage. Cursed Energy Concealer. Gakuganji may Hide, making a Stealth check. For the next 10 minutes, wherever he passes through he will not leave his cursed energy tracks behind carelessly, so any person that tries to track or sense his remains will need to be successful on a contested check against what he rolled +5, if they have any ability or feature that would allow them to track his cursed energy, and if not they can't track him at all. REACTIONSCursed Enhanced Body (1-5 Cursed Energy). Whenever Gakuganji makes a Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence or Wisdom saving throw, he may add the number of energy spent as a bonus to the saving throw. Gakuganji has an additional reaction that may only be used for this feature. |
Jujutsu Sorcerer. Gakuganji has 14 levels in the Jujutsu Sorcerer class.
Immense Cursed Energy, Overflowing Cursed Energy, Cursed Energy Tracker, Overflowing Cursed Concealer. Improved Durability. This creature uses the Improved Durability rule. |
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