Voidblight: The Astral Affliction (5e Disease)

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Contracting Voidblight[edit]

Voidblight is contracted when an Astral Tideborn is exposed to corrupted Titan relics, necromantic energy from the Astral Sea, or regions of extreme imbalance between the Elemental Planes and Astral Sea. Contact with the remnants of Malvorrak, the Devourer of Light, is particularly dangerous and almost guarantees infection.


Stage 1 (Days 1-2): The afflicted experiences a dimming of their starlight glow, a sense of unease, and minor fatigue. Their movement speed is reduced by 5 feet.

Stage 2 (Days 3-4): The Tideborn begins to lose control over their fluid form, causing flickers of instability. They have disadvantage on saving throws against magical effects, and their racial abilities (e.g., Tidal Surge) can only be used once per long rest, regardless of normal limitations.

Stage 3 (Days 5-6): The afflicted starts hearing faint whispers of corrupted Titans, causing occasional paranoia and loss of focus. Their Intelligence and Wisdom scores are reduced by 2, and they lose resistance to radiant damage.

Stage 4 (Days 7-8): The afflicted’s body begins to dim significantly, and cracks of corrupted energy appear across their form. They gain vulnerability to radiant damage, and they can no longer use racial abilities tied to their subrace.

Stage 5 (Days 9-10): The whispers intensify, causing hallucinations and disorientation. The afflicted has disadvantage on Intelligence and Wisdom checks and saving throws. Their movement speed is further reduced by 5 feet.

Stage 6 (Days 11-12): The Tideborn’s form begins to destabilize, dripping pools of corrupted liquid starlight. They gain vulnerability to necrotic damage in addition to radiant damage and cannot regain hit points through magical means.

Stage 7 (Day 13+): The afflicted collapses into a pool of liquid metal and starlight, becoming an immobile husk of corrupted energy. If left untreated, they perish within 24 hours of entering this stage. However, at this stage, the disease can also spread to other Astral Tideborn who come into physical contact with the husk.

Stage 8 (Final Transformation): The afflicted fully succumbs to the corruption, transforming into a Void-Corrupted Astral Tideborn. This monstrous version of the afflicted is hostile to all non-corrupted beings, gaining new traits:

  • Resistance to necrotic damage and vulnerability to radiant damage.
  • Increased size and strength (Large size with +2 Strength).
  • Darkened Aura: All creatures within 10 feet of the Corrupted Tideborn must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 16) at the start of their turn or be frightened until the end of their next turn.
  • The corrupted retains none of the afflicted's memories or alignment, becoming a pawn of the corrupted Titan energies.


Voidblight can only be cured before the afflicted reaches Stage 8. At any stage before the transformation, casting greater restoration with a 5th-level spell slot or higher can cure the disease. Alternatively, meditating for 24 hours in the presence of an uncorrupted Titan relic tied to the afflicted’s associated Titan can cure the disease.

Once the transformation occurs at Stage 8, there is no known cure except for divine intervention from a Galactic Titan themselves. Roleplay opportunities may exist for quests to reverse the transformation, but such efforts are rare and dangerous.

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