Vicious Jaws (5e Feat)

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Vicious Jaws

Prerequisites: Lizardfolk, Strength 13 or higher, level 5
Your jaw muscles are refined and your bites are especially vicious for a lizardfolk. You gain the following benefits, using the following save DC where applicable: DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier.

  • The damage die for your bite attack becomes 2d4. When you hit a creature with your bite attack, you can attempt to grapple them as part of the same attack.
  • You can use hungry jaws a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining one use upon finishing a short rest and all uses upon finishing a long rest.
  • When you use hungry jaws, you can choose to modify it in one of the following ways:
Snapping Jaws. You make an additional bite attack.
Voracious Jaws. Upon a successful hit with your bite attack, you regain a hit die and can choose to immediately expend it to gain an additional amount of temporary hit points equal to the amount rolled.
Inescapable Jaws. The target of the bite attack is automatically grappled and has disadvantage on ability checks made to escape the grapple.

Rending Jaws: If your DM is comfortable with the use of the bleeding condition, you can add this additional option to those you can modify your hungry jaws with: If the target takes the slashing damage from your bite attack, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or begin bleeding (staunch DC equal to your save DC for this feat), taking necrotic damage equal to your Strength modifier at the start of each of its turns for one minute.

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