Vengeful Cursed Spirit, Gojo Satoru (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)
Vengeful Cursed Spirit, Gojo Satoru[edit]
Large undead (Cursed Spirit), neutral evil Armor Class 22 (Unarmored Defense)
Saving Throws Dex +11, Cha +13 Invisible Force. Gojo is entirely made out of cursed energy, meaning he cannot be seen by normal people. Creatures without levels in the Jujutsu Sorcerer class or who cannot see into the ethereal plane cannot see him. Although, if these creatures were in a life and death situation(less than half their maximum hit points), they gain the ability to see him. Cursed Energy. Gojo has 92 cursed energy he can use to fuel his abilities. All of his cursed energy is replenished at the end of a long rest. Cursed Energy Recovery. Gojo regains 1 cursed energy at the beginning of his turns. Evasion. When Gojo makes a Dexterity saving throw, he takes half as much damage on a failure and no damage on success Cursed Armor. Gojo can spend up to 8 cursed energy to give himself temporary hit points equal to the cursed energy spent times 10 for 1 minute. Gojo can only benefit from this feature again after 1 minute or having his temporary hit points reduced to 0 (No action required). Gojo gains damage resistance to force damage while cursed armor is active. Maximum Output. Gojo may use Maximum Output on any of the following techniques: Infinity, Blue and Blue Manipulation. Undead Nature. Gojo has advantage on saving throws against disease and being poisoned. Hard to Kill. If Gojo were reduced to 0 hit points, he can choose to drop to 1 hit point instead and is considered stable. This feature does not work if the damage that had reduced him to 0 hit points was radiant damage. He may use this feature once per long rest. Not Going Down. When Gojo is reduced to 0 hit points, he may fall to 1 hit point instead. He may use this once per long rest. Colossal Physique. Gojo gains the following benefits:
Grudge. Whenever Gojo deals damage or makes an attack against someone with a physical heavenly restriction he may add a +1 bonus. Revenge. When someone hits him, Gojo can choose to make his next attack against them with advantage. He may use this feature 5 times per long rest. Eyes Of The Supernatural. Gojo can see in dim light within 160 feet of him as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. He discern colors in that darkness only as shades of gray. He can see normally through darkness caused by supernatural and non-supernatural effects. If this overlaps with the range of his vision from Six Eyes then that is prioritized instead. Teleport Technique. When Gojo takes the movement action, he can spend 1 cursed energy to teleport to the location, causing him to not provoke opportunity attacks. The first attack roll he does after taking the teleport action is made with advantage unless the target has a higher passive perception than 21. When he moves he can also spend 1 cursed energy to use blue as a way to propel himself into the air, giving him flying speed equal to his walking speed for 1 minute. After this minute ends, he can spend another 1 Cursed Energy to keep this active for an additional minute, and so on. He can also grant this benefit to the other creatures he's sharing Infinity with or that he's currently holding. He can only use one teleport feature per round. Delayed Explosions. Whenever Gojo uses his Blue technique, he may reduce it's size and make it not explode, delaying them. All hostile creatures must make a DC 21 Perception. If any feature raises the delayed technique's DC or imposes disadvantage on the targeted creatures, it also affects this check. On a failure, they don't notice it and think it already exploded, vanished, or missed. He may choose for the technique to activate as normal, and only afterwards enter its delayed state. Blue does not keep its lingering effect. While in this state, he may move the delayed technique during his turn, no action required, through the air, up 50 ft.. A technique can be delayed like this for 8 rounds. He may spend a bonus action to make them explode, doubling their effect's range, and failing the saving throw automatically, also ignoring features like Evasion. If the creature succeeds in the Perception check, it may make its saving throw as normal. Information Overload. If he's not wearing any light object to protect his eyes, Gojo will receive 1 level of exhaustion every minute, to a maximum of 3 levels. Additionally, for every exhaustion level he gains like this, the damage die tier of his techniques decreases by 1, and the DC his technique suffers a penalty of -1. If he wears eye protection again, this timer resets after a minute of covering his eyes rather than immediately. Gojo has see-through eyelids that he can open and close with no action required, which function as eye protection. Perceptive Eyes. Gojo has advantage on all Perception checks, and can add +8 to them. While wearing eye protection, he will no longer have advantage on all perception checks. Technique Reader. As a free action towards an enemy within his Truesight, Gojo can look into a creature and receive the following information: Their Jujutsu Sorcerer or spellcasting class level, their cursed technique features, spells they currently have, their cursed energy, whether they have Unique Cursed Energy and it's properties, remaining spell slots and domain refinement if any. While wearing eye protection, he can't use this feature. Cursed Energy Tracker. Gojo may make a Perception check, adding your Charisma modifier, to see if there are any remains of cursed energy within a 240ft radius, being able to detect it even if he can't see it directly, and if he succeeds he knows exactly who the energy is from. In case he does not know who the person is, then he can only track down where the cursed energy trail leads him to. The DC is equal to the cursed energy DC of the creature he's trying to track. Gojo knows when any creature he can see spends cursed energy and how much they spend when doing so. Cursed Energy Economy/One In A Billion. Whenever Gojo uses a feature that requires cursed energy, reduce the cost by 10, 5 if he's wearing eye protection (already done for this sheet). Gojo gains 9 free uses of blue per long rest which he can only use while not wearing eye protection. Legendary Name. When a creature that has heard of the Six Eyes and it's reputation sees him for the first time, they must make a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, they are frightened by him, any creature affected that is forced to make a saving throw by them may do it with advantage, and the frightened creature can't concentrate on anything. On a success they don't need to make the saving throw ever again. An affected creature may repeat their saving throw at the end of their turns. Although if the creature's CR is lower than 4, on a failure they can't repeat the saving throw if they are within 120 ft. of him and aware of it, and on a success they are only immune for 24 hours. Gojo may choose to not affect a creature with this feature. I Truly Am A Curse. If Gojo falls to 84 hit points, at the start of his turns he can make a DC 11 Charisma saving throw. On a success he gains the Domain Expansion. feat and his Domain is automatically completed. Upon completing his Domain, the Gojo gains 84 hit points, 20 Cursed Energy, and 200 Refinement points. ACTIONSMultiattack. Gojo makes two unarmed strikes. Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (1d12 + 6) bludgeoning damage + 1d12 force damage. Gojo can spend up to 6 cursed energy to deal one additional damage d8 of force damage per cursed energy spent. Cursed Energy Ray. By spending up to 7 cursed energy, Gojo can launch a cursed energy ball in a line of 30ft. Once it reaches the end of the line, it will explode in a 15ft. circle, making every creature in that range make a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 1d12 + a number of additional dice equal to the amount spent in necrotic damage, and half as much on a success. Cursed Nature. Gojo devours a corpse within his reach, regaining cursed energy up to his maximum equal to the corpse’s Jujutsu Sorcerer level (minimum 1) unless that creature was Heavenly Restriction. Innate Domain (1 Cursed Energy.) Gojo manifests his innate domain in an enclosed space. His innate domain fills the space and lasts until it is dispelled (which he can do at will with no action required), he falls unconscious, or he dies. The area of his Innate Domain cannot overlap with the area of a Domain Expansion. Defensive Falling Blossom Emotion (5 Cursed Energy, 1 without eye protection.) Gojo shrouds yourself in cursed energy for 1 minute. The sure-hit feature of the Domain Expansion is negated. This prevents any Cursed Energy attack rolls from automatically hitting him and prevents him from automatically failing any Cursed Energy saves caused by the Domain Expansion. Gojo gains a special damage reduction of 112 that applies to the sure hit effect for the duration of this technique. If the damage from the Domain Expansion does not exceed the damage reduction, its damage will be negated and any effects it would apply are negated as well. This feature cannot prevent the effects or damage of anything non-physical, such as a mental attack which does psychic damage. Offensive Falling Blossom Emotion (1 Cursed Energy.) Gojo may also use this technique offensively. He can surround himself with cursed energy and prepare to make counterattacks for the next minute. When he receives an attack roll, he can use his reaction to make one melee weapon attack with an advantage. On a hit, the attack is considered as a critical hit and will deal its damage as necrotic damage. Once Gojo has used this technique, he must use an action to prepare it before using this special attack again. If your cursed energy alters damage types for features, it can also alter the damage type for Falling Blossom Emotion. Infinity (1 Cursed Energy). Gojo encases himself in a gravitational field for 1 minute. Whenever he is targeted by a weapon, spell, melee cursed energy attack roll, ranged cursed energy attack roll or any saving throws from sources outside your body, he may use a Reaction to spend 1 Cursed Energy and roll a d20. On a 4 or higher, any attacks or spells made against him automatically fail to hit or harm you in any physical way. Additionally, he gains a 11 additional reactions that can be used exclusively for this feature. When Gojo takes the Dodge action while Infinity is activated, he may use your Infinity Reactions to defend up to 2 creatures within his reach with infinity, alongside himself. Regardless of level, this feature only works on things that travel and can be stopped. Abilities that do not physically travel will not be stopped by Infinity. For example, Eye contact, mind control, basilisk stare, making things explode with your mind, etc. Infinity works against poisons. Blue (1 Cursed Energy.) Gojo may cause gravity to bend within 60 ft of him causing a blue sphere with a 10 ft. circle radius to draw everything towards it for 1 minute. All creatures within this area must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take 76 (17d8) force damage, are restrained until the beginning of their next turn, and are pulled to an open space closest to the center of the sphere. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not restrained or pulled. A creature can retry this saving throw at the beginning of each of their turns. If they succeed, they take half the damage and exit the sphere. If they fail, they remain there without being able to move and retake the damage. Any creatures that enter the sphere's range must also make the Strength saving throw. Gojo can dispel this technique as a free action. Whenever a projectile, ranged attack roll, or spell/technique with a line area passes through Blue's area of effect, it is attracted to the center of the sphere. If said technique or attack would deal less damage than Blue, it is pulled in and stopped completely, missing its target in the case of an attack and being cut short in case of a line effect. If it is a projectile, it also takes Blue's damage. In the case of a line effect, it now changes its trajectory, with its area starting from the first point where it entered Blue's area of effect and ending at the center of the sphere. If any other creatures are in that area, they are affected by the line effect as normal. If the attack or line effect would deal more damage than Blue, it ignores this and works as normal, but its damage is reduced by Blue's damage. Blue Manipulation (1 Cursed Energy.) Gojo can precisely manipulate his Blue in order to cast telekinesis. Any adjustments used to enhance Blue besides effects that increase his damage dice also apply to this (including range increases and Cursed Energy cost reductions), and he can move anything he's grabbed up to 50 ft.. If he attempts to throw an object at someone in its range, the object may be treated as if it is under the effects of the Animate Object spell, dealing damage respective to its size; additionally, objects he manipulates that otherwise lack stat blocks can use these stat blocks if someone should attack them. For the purposes of commanding gargantuan objects (something normally impossible with Animate Objects), you can refer to this stat block: HP: 120 - AC: 8 If he attempts to throw a person at another person or object, they will be treated as a medium object regardless of size, and the damage dealt will be dealt back onto them. Additionally, for every 10 feet an object travels whilst closing the distance to its target, it gains an additional d8 of damage, up to a maximum of 12d8. This can be used out of combat to freely manipulate tiny objects at no cost. Space Manipulation (5 Cursed Energy, 1 without eye protection.) Gojo can cast teleport, he always gets the exact location he wants to go and the range is the planet. Exorcise. Gojo automatically destroys a cursed spirit within 30 ft. of him that he can see that has a CR of 2 or lower. Revealing Hand. While Gojo is within 40 ft. of a creature that can hear him, he can explain how his cursed technique works. After Jujutsu explains it, his cursed technique features will gain the following benefits when used against creatures who heard it:
Domain Expansion: Unlimited Void (25 cursed energy, 20 without eye protection.) Gojo opens his domain expansion as an action. (He does not start with his domain, it must be unlocked through his "I Truly Am a Curse" feature or through other means. BONUS ACTIONSMartial Arts. Whenever Gojo makes one unarmed strike on his turn, he can make one unarmed strike as a bonus action. Advanced Regeneration. For every 1 cursed energy spent, Gojo regains 15 hit points. If he is suffering from a physical effect such as a concussion or something similar, one of these effects can be healed for every 5 hit points healed with regeneration and every 10 health healed fully heals one of his limbs by one damage stage, regardless of how much health it would’ve normally recovered. Gojo cannot use this feat until the start of your next turn after taking radiant damage. Infinity Pressure. While Infinity is active or while he activates it, Gojo may spend Cursed Energy up to 7 cursed energy to increase its density and sheer force. Every creature that starts their turn within 5ft. of him must make a DC 21 Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are pushed back 5 ft. and are knocked prone. On a success, they are not pushed back and they do not become prone. If knocked against a wall of stone or into a solid surface (consult your GM), their saving throw becomes against taking 1d12 force damage for every cursed energy spent, and being restrained, as they are crushed against the wall, and for every damage the creature suffers the object or wall behind it suffers the same damage in either situation on failure. Gojo must spend a number of Cursed Energy equal to the amount spent on activation at the beginning of your turns to keep this form of Infinity active. While infinity pressure is active, his movement speed is reduced to 10ft, and he cannot make melee attack rolls. In addition, if a creature is using Domain Amplification in order to negate infinity, infinity will not be nullified if Gojo have spent a greater amount of cursed energy on infinity pressure than they have spent on domain amplification. Blue Augmented Speed. By spending up to 8 Cursed Energy Gojo can increase his movement speed by 10 ft per energy spent. This lasts for 8 rounds. Cursed Energy Tracker. Gojo can focus on one creature for 1 minute, seeing the “sparks” of cursed energy that always happen before cursed technique usage. For that minute when that creature forces him to make a save using their cursed technique or makes a cursed energy attack roll against him using their cursed technique they must roll Stealth, Charisma instead of Dexterity, against his Perception. If he wins he get advantage on the saving throw, or the attack roll is made with disadvantage. Blue Maximum Output Movement. When Gojo use his blue technique in its Maximum Output form he may spend a bonus action to move the sphere anywhere within 30 ft. of the original place. All creatures currently stuck in the sphere will be moved as well, and any creatures caught in the range of the sphere moving must do the saving throw. Six Eyes Focus (1 Cursed Energy). Gojo extends the range of his Truesight to 120 ft. for 1 minute. Cursed Blast of Blows (1 Cursed Energy). Immediately after taking the attack action, Gojo can make two unarmed strikes or two weapon attacks. Cursed Patient Defense (1 Cursed Energy). Gojo can take the Dodge action. Cursed Wind Step (1 Cursed Energy). Gojo can take the dash or disengage action as a bonus action on his turn. REACTIONSAdvanced Regeneration. As a reaction to taking damage, Gojo uses his Advanced Regeneration. Defensive Falling Blossom Emotion (5 Cursed Energy, 1 without eye protection.) As a reaction to being hit by the sure hit of a domain, Gojo may activate his Defensive Falling Blossom Emotion. Teleport Technique (1 Cursed Energy.) When Gojo is targeted by an attack, spell, melee cursed energy attack roll, ranged cursed energy attack roll, or any saving throws, he may teleport up to an empty space up to 50 ft., causing the attack or effect to miss if he teleports out of it's range or area. He can only use one teleport feature per round. Infinity (1 Cursed Energy.) As a Reaction to being targeted by an attack or effect that would cause him damage that he can see, Gojo may activate his infinity. Infinity Pressure. As a reaction to a creature hitting him with a melee attack roll while they have domain amplification is active, Gojo may use Infinity Pressure. Domain Expansion: Unlimited Void. In response to a domain opening Gojo opens his own to clash. |
Innate Domain: VoidGojo's innate domain is a void that is completely absent of light, any creature that is unable to see through magical darkness will be blinded whilst inside it. Domain Expansion: Unlimited VoidGojo's domain shows the Unlimited Void to opponents. It creates a void in space that causes victims to receive all kinds of stimuli and information endlessly, restricting their thought processes and actions. Every creature caught in the Domain Expansion that is not touching him must attempt a DC 21 Intelligence saving throw at the beginning of their turns. On a failure, they take 20d8 psychic damage and have their Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores become 1 and are unable to cast spells, attack, use magic items, understand language, or communicate in any intelligible way, and fall unconscious for 1 minute. On a success, they take 10d8 psychic damage and are incapacitated until the beginning of their next turn, and don’t need to make their next saving throws against this use of Unlimited Void. At the end of every minute, the creature can repeat this saving throw, ending these effects on a success. This feature can also be ended by greater restoration or wish.
Gojo's domain refinement points are 200. Domain Durability. His domain has 900 hit points. Technique Efficiency. While inside his domain, Gojo may use his Blue for 0 Cursed Energy. Jujutsu Sorcerer. Gojo has 14 levels in the Jujutsu Sorcerer class.
Design Note: These features are applied to the statblock and their costs and damage dice have been changed accordingly Gojo knows three enhancements in which he can apply to his cursed technique. A technique cannot have multiple enhancements, nor can one enhancement be applied to multiple techniques.
At the end of a short rest or long rest, Gojo may reallocate his enhancements.
Design Note: This feature is applied to the statblock One of Jujutsu's cursed techniques will gain all of the following benefits: Increased Damage Output. Its damage dice number will increase by 8. Increased Reach. Its range will increase by 30 feet. Optimized Technique. Its cursed energy cost will be halved (rounded up, minimum 1). Cursed Techniques. When a feature refers to Gojo's cursed techniques, it refers to his features using blue or teleportation. Feats. Colossal Physique, 50 Meters In 3 Seconds!, Regeneration, Advanced Regeneration. Immense Cursed Energy, Cursed Energy Tracker. Cursed Enhanced Body, Falling Blossom Emotion (Damage Threshold: 112.) Improved Durability. This creature uses the Improved Durability rule. |
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