Vasudan Weapons (Tiberium Rising Supplement)
Weapons Table Glossary[edit]
Weapons are described by a number of statistics, as shown on the Tables.
Damage: The damage the weapon deals on a successful hit.
Critical: The threat range for a critical hit. If the threat is confirmed, a weapon deals double damage on a critical hit or more, as indicated in the tables.
Damage Type: Weapon damage is classified according to type: bludgeoning, energy (of a specific type), piercing, or slashing. Some creatures or characters may be resistant or immune to some forms of damage.
Range Increment: Any attack at less than this distance is not penalized for range. However, each full range increment causes a cumulative –2 penalty on the attack roll. Ranged weapons have a maximum range of five range increments.
Rate of Fire: Firearms, which operate through many different forms of internal mechanisms, have varying rates of fire. The three possible rates of fire for handguns, longarms, and heavy weapons are single shot, semiautomatic, and automatic.
Single Shot: A weapon with the single shot rate of fire requires the user to manually operate the action (the mechanism that feeds and cocks the weapon) between each shot. Pump shotguns and bolt-action rifles are examples of firearms with single shot rates of fire. A weapon with the single shot rate of fire can fire only one shot per attack, even if the user has a feat or other ability that normally allow more than one shot per attack.
Semiautomatic (S): Most firearms have the semiautomatic rate of fire. These firearms feed and cock themselves with each shot. A semiautomatic weapon fires one shot per attack (effectively acting as a single shot weapon), but some feats allow characters armed with semiautomatic weapons to fire shots in rapid successions, getting in more than one shot per attack.
Automatic (A): Automatic weapons fire a burst or stream of shots with a single squeeze of the trigger. Only weapons with the automatic rate of fire can be set on autofire or be used with feats that take advantage of automatic fire.
Magazine: The weapon’s magazine capacity and type are given in this column. The amount of ammunition a weapon carries, and hence how many shots it can fire before needing to be reloaded, is determined by its magazine capacity. How the firearm is reloaded depends upon its magazine type. The number in this entry is the magazine’s capacity in shots; the word that follows the number indicates the magazine type: box, cylinder, or internal. A fourth type, belt-fed, has an unlimited capacity; for this reason the entry does not also have a number.
Box: A box magazine is any type of magazine that can be removed and reloaded separately from the weapon.
Cylinder: A revolver keeps its ammunition in a cylinder, which is part of the weapon and serves as the firing chamber for each round as well. Unlike box magazines, cylinders can’t be removed, and they must be reloaded by hand. However, most revolvers can be used with a speed loader. Using a speed loader is much like inserting a box magazine into a weapon. Without a speed loader, a firearm with a cylinder magazine must be loaded by hand.
Internal: Some weapons keep their ammunition in an internal space, which must be loaded by hand. This is the case with most shotguns, as well as some rifles.
Linked: Some machine guns use linked ammunition. The bullets are chained together with small metal clips, forming a belt. Typically, a belt holds 50 bullets; any number of belts can be clipped together. In military units, as the gunner fires, an assistant clips new ammunition belts together, keeping the weapon fed.
Size: Size categories for weapons and other objects are defined differently from the size categories for creatures. The relationship between a weapon’s size and that of its wielder defines whether it can be used one-handed, if it requires two hands, and if it’s a light weapon.
A Medium-size or smaller weapon can be used one-handed or two-handed. A Large weapon requires two hands. A Huge weapon requires two hands and a bipod or other mount.
A Small or smaller weapon is considered a light weapon. It can be used one-handed and, as a light weapon, is easier to use in your off hand.
Weight: This column gives the weapon’s weight when fully loaded.
Pital-class Weaponry[edit]
A Pital (pronounced PIT-all) is a gunpowder weapon, though the 'gunpowder' is actually a careful mixture of salt peter and Tiberium (though the Tiberium is in such small amounts that it cannot self-replicate). Pitals tend to be heavy calliber, though this is not due to a technical limitation, but the design philosophy of Vasudans. The Pitals evolved over the years, from crude revolvers to advanced automatic rifles. All Pitals require the Firearms Proficiency Feat.
Name | Damage | Critical | Damage Type | Range Increment | Rate of Fire | Magazine | Size | Weight | Era (Inventor) |
1399 Era Pitals | |||||||||
Mk. 1 Hand | 1d6 | 20/x2 | Piercing | 30' | Semiautomatic | 6 (Cylinder) | Medium | 4 Lbs. | 1399 (Nod) |
1412 Era Pitals | |||||||||
Mk. 1 Devastator | 1d12 | 19-20/x2 | Piercing/Bludgeoning (Half each) | 20' | Single | 8 (Internal) | Large | 16 Lbs. | 1412 (Nod) |
Mk. 1 Longshot | 1d10 | 20/x2 | Piercing | 750' | Single | 4 (Internal) | Large | 14 Lbs. | Mid. 1412 (Lenin) |
Mk. 2 Hand | 1d8 | 20/x2 | Piercing | 30' | Semiautomatic | 12 (Box) | Small | 3 Lbs. | 1412 (Nod) |
Mk. 2 Devastator | 1d12 | 19-20/x2 | Piercing/Bludgeoning (Half each) | 20' | Semiautomatic | 12 (Internal) | Large | 14 Lbs. | Late 1412 (Templar) |
1420 Era Pitals | |||||||||
Mk. 1 Auto | 2d8 (DC 15 Reflex for half damage) | N/A | Piercing | 30' Cone | Automatic | 60 (Box) | Large | 11 Lbs. | 1420 (Nod) |
Mk. 1 Devastator | 2d8 | 19-20/x3 | Piercing/Bludgeoning (Half each) | 20' | Semiautomatic | 16 (Internal) | Large | 16 Lbs. | 1420 (Templar) |
Mk. 1 Ultra-Cannon | 3d6 (Ignores Hardness, half damage to biological units) | 19-20/x3 | Bludgeoning/Piercing (Half each) | 120' | Semiautomatic | 1 (Box) | Huge | 24 Lbs. | Mid. 1420 (Templar) |
Firestorm Crisis Era Pitals | |||||||||
Mk. 1 Vulcan | 3d10 (DC 15 Reflex Save for Half Damage, Ignores hardness) | N/A | Piercing | 60' Cone | Automatic | N/A (Belt-Fed) | Huge | 26 Lbs. | Mid. Firestorm (GDI) |
1399 Era Pitals[edit]
Mk. 1 Hand Pital: The Mark 1 Hand Pital is the first Pital. Created by the Nod, this is a simple revolver. It is the only new firearm available in the 1399 era, and only to members of the then-secretive Brotherhood of Nod.
1412 Era Pitals[edit]
Mk. 1 Devastator Pital: The answer to the Hand Pital's lack of true stopping power, this shotgun-like weapon fires a heavy caliber slug, though too slowly to be so devastating as to cause immediate death. These weapons are meant to be used at close range; the range increment is the maximum range of the Devastator. These weapons were shared with the Templar during the expedition to reestablish contact with Leningrad in 1413. The knights loved the weapon, since it matched their credo of brute force over finesse.
Mk. 1 Longshot Pital: Perhaps the most advanced use of gunpowder at the time of 1414, this Pital has the power to propel a bullet up to 750 feet away, with only a -1 cumulative penalty for each range increment exceeded. While it doesn't have the raw power of the Devastator, the ability to eliminate a target from such a distance makes it perhaps the most powerful weapon of all time, remaining in service throughout the decades.
Mk. 2 Hand Pital: The second generation of the Hand Pital was upgraded to be more streamlined, as well as to have a larger ammunition capacity. Perhaps the most important upgrade to the design, though, was the so-called 'clip' of ammunition, which allowed the weapon to be reloaded in a single, seamless move. This allowed users to remain in fire fights longer and maintain the pressure on the enemies.
Mk. 2 Devastator Pital: After having stolen the second half of the Tacitus from the Nod in 1419, the Knights' Templar knew it would face steep odds against the Nod's superior numbers. They immediately began production of their own second generation Devastator Pitals. These new weapons supported a lighter design and a larger ammunition storage chamber, as well as an upgrade to the guns' previously pitiful rate of fire. The end result was a powerful slugger with the capability to sustain heavy fire, with less pauses for reloading.
1420 Era Pitals[edit]
Mk. 1 Auto Pital: During the time in which the Nod was supposedly destroyed, they worked to produce a rapid firing rifle, which they could use to supress Templar soldiers and cut through the typically dense formations of the knights. While weapon used copious amounts of ammunition (10 bullets per round), it was reliable and cheap to build.
Mk. 3 Devastator Pital: Though Tiberium levels were falling thanks to the discovery of the crystal's vulnerability to sonic attacks, sonic devices were too bulky to be carried by the average knight into battle against mutated creatures. The Templar instead upgraded the reliable Devastator with an even greater capacity to store ammunition and larger caliber ammunition, leading to a far greater chance of injuring vital areas in mutated monsters.
Mk. 1 Ultra-Cannon Pital: To counter the superiority of Nod vehicles, the Templar commissioned the Ultra-Cannon in 1421. This Pital uses 40mm armor-piercing shells, allowing it to easily penetrate the thick armor of the Brotherhood's tanks. Though it takes a full round to deploy the weapon, it can turn in a full circle, allowing it to react to the manueverability of the Nod buggies and the surprise ambushes of subterranean vehicles.
Firestorm Crisis Era Pitals[edit]
Mk. 1 Vulcan Pital: This weapon is devastating to infantry and vehicles alike. It was used by the Global Defense Initiative to counter Cabal's numerous cyborgs and suicide buggies. Like the Ultra-Cannon, it can be deployed in one round, and can turn in a full circle to target hostiles coming from any direction.
Energy Weaponry[edit]
An energy weapon is a device that focuses energy of some type to accomplish a military goal. Hetfire lasers focus raw magical energy stored in a CCMCD through a lense made of 'Red' Tiberium with such speed the radiation cannot counteract the magic and instead merges with the magic. The result is a red, bone-melting laser. A Banshee pulse uses a blast of force tempered with a light amount of Ionic Tiberium radiation, emitting a pulse of white-blue energy that bludgeons the target and electrifies them. An Ion Cannon replaces the 'Red' Tiberium lense of a Hetfire laser with one of Ionic Tiberium, as well as launching a shard of Ionic Tiberium with the beam, resulting in a white, electrified Hetfire beam that explodes upon encountering a solid. Neutrino-class weapons use low level Ionic Tiberium radiation to hamper the nervous system, eventually causing unconciousness with enough exposure. Each energy weapon requires a Firearm Proficiency (Exotic) feat to be handled proficiently.
Name | Damage | Critical | Damage Type | Range Increment | Rate of Fire | Magazine | Size | Weight | Era (Inventor) |
1420 Era Energy Weapons | |||||||||
Mk. 1 Hetfire Laser | 1d10 | 20/x3 | Energy (Fire | 20' | Single | 5 (Box) | Large | 18 Lbs. | 1420 (Nod) |
Mk. 1 Hand Neutrino | 1d6 (Non-Lethal) | 17-20/x2 | Energy (Electricity) | 30' | Semiautomatic | N/A (Internal Generator) | Small | 3 Lbs. | 1420 (Lenin) |
Mk. 1 Rifle Neutrino | 1d10 (Non-Lethal) | 19-20/x2 | Energy (Electricity) | 100' | Semiautomatic | N/A (Internal Generator) | Large | 14 Lbs. | Mid. 1420 (Lenin) |
Firestorm Crisis Era Energy Weapons | |||||||||
Mk. 1 Isis Laser | 3d6 (Ignores Hardness) | N/A (Auto-Targeting Computer) | Energy (Fire) | 100' | Single | N/A (Autoloading Tiberium Cores) | Huge | N/A (Not man-portable) | Firestorm (Cabal) |
Mk. 1 Banshee Pulse Rifle | 2d8 (Double Damage to Machines) | 20/x2 | Bludgeoning, Energy (Electricity) | 60' | Semiautomatic | 20 (Box) | Large | 17 Pounds | Mid. Firestorm (Lenin) |
1435 Era Energy Weapons | |||||||||
Mk. 1 Portable Ion Cannon | 2d6 (Ignores Hardness) | 20/x2 | Bludgeoning, Energy (Electricity, Fire) | 50' | Single | 3 (Internal) | Large | 15 Pounds | Mid. 1435 (Templar) |
Mk. 1 Ion Cannon | 10d6 (Ignores Hardness) | N/A (Auto-Targeting Computer) | Bludgeoning, Energy (Electricity, Fire) | Special | 1/60 minutes | N/A (Autoloading Tiberium Cores) | Huge | N/A (Not man-portable) | Mid. 1435 (Templar) |
Mk. 2 Hetfire Laser | 2d8 | 19-20/x2 | Energy (Fire) | 30' | Semiautomatic | 15 (Box) | Medium | 7 Pounds | 1435 (Nod) |
1420 Era Energy Weaponry[edit]
Mk. 1 Hetfire Laser: The Brotherhoods first experiment with Energy weaponry, the first Hetfire lasers a bulky and cumbersome. While the CCMCDs used as ammunition for this device are expensive, this laser excels at starting fires and striking fear into enemies.
Mk. 1 Hand Neutrino: With the invention of the Neutrino, the Empire were capable of defending convoys through dangerous regions where Tiberium prevented the use of magic, without giving up their strict, anti-murder beliefs. It's light weight and no need to reload also made it a popular sidearm for many brothers and knights.
Mk. 1 Rifle Neutrino: An upgrade to the handheld Neutrino creates a weapon with a greater ability to defend ability. Despite its longer range than most Pitals, most knights and brothers eschew the relatively weak Neutrino
Firestorm Crisis Era Energy Weapons[edit]
Mk. 1 Isis Laser: An upgraded version of the Hetfire Laser, Cabal used these stationary platforms to defend various chokepoints and facilities.
Mk. 1 Banshee Pulse Rifle: With Cabal threatening vital areas such as Rome, the Empire created a weapon for both the Brotherhood and Templar. Essentially a high-powered Neutrino with a CCMCD to add force effects to the electrical blasts, the CCMCD proved highly effective against Cabal's Cyborgs
1435 Era Energy Weapons[edit]
Mk. 1 Portable Ion Cannon: With the Nod's resurgence, and heavy reliance on vehicles, the Church's researchers created a mobile version of the Ion Cannon. The Portable Ion Cannon provided knights with an effective counter to the Nod, though it was less useful against infantry. The Portable Ion Cannon also proved effective against heavily armored Scrin targets, too
Mk. 1 Ion Cannon: The Ion Cannon was a large weapon, used to project a high-powered surge of energy almost anywhere on the planet. A member of the Order of the Star casts an extended range Jess' Twin Portals, one above the Ion Cannon's firing aperture, another above the targeted area. Knights then have 1 round to evacuate the area, or become collateral damage as the blast scorches the area of life.
Mk. 2 Hetfire Laser: A more portable and deadly form of the Hetfire laser, partially based off of Cabal's Isis Laser
Tiberium Weaponry[edit]
A Tiberium weapon uses Tiberium as the primary method of attack, making use of it's radiation, density and explosiveness. Nonmutants fear these weapons, as they invariably deliver some amount of Tiberium radiation, though nonmutants also fear such weapons for their ability to slice through the thickest hide. On a natural attack roll of 1, a character must make a DC 15 Reflex save or expose themselves to a dosage of Tiberium radiation.
Name | Damage | Critical | Damage Type | Range Increment | Rate of Fire | Magazine | Size | Weight | Era (Inventor) |
1412 Era Tiberium Weapons | |||||||||
Mk. 1 Tiberium Longsword | 1d8 + 100 TREM | 19-20/x2 | Slashing, Energy (Tiberium) | N/A | N/A | N/A | Small - Medium | 4 Pounds | Mid. 1412 (Lenin) |
1420 Era Tibrium Weapons | |||||||||
Mk. 2 Tiberium Longsword | 1d12 + 200 TREM | 20/x2 | Slashing, Energy (Tiberium) | N/A | N/A | N/A | Small - Medium | 5 Lbs. | 1420 (Forgotten) |
Mk. 1 Shrapnel Grenade | 4d6 (20' Radius, DC 15 Reflex for half damage) + 200 TREM | N/A | Slashing, Enery (Tiberium) | 50' | N/A | N/A | Tiny | 1 Pound | 1425 (Templar) |
Mk. 1 Shaped Explosive | 2d6 | N/A | Bludgeoning | N/A | N/A | N/A | Tiny | 1 Pound | Mid. 1420 (Nod) |
Firestorm Crisis Era Tiberium Weaponry | |||||||||
Mk. 1 Shrapnel Launcher | 3d6 (10' Radius, DC 15 Reflex for half damage) + 500 TREM | N/A | Energy (Fire) | 30' | Single | 1 (Internal) | Large | 7 Lbs. | Firestorm Crisis (Templar) |
Mk. 1 Radiation Gun | 1,000 TREM (Fortitude DC 20 half, Fortitude DC 10 quarter) | N/A | Energy (Tiberium) | 50' (Maximum) | Single | N/A (Internal Generator) | Large | 12 Lbs. | Firestorm Crisis (Cabal) |
1435 Era Tiberium Weaponry | |||||||||
Mk. 3 Tiberium Longsword | 2d10 + 600 TREM + Stunned for 1 round (DC 25 Fortitude negates, 2 rounds on critical) | 19-20/x3 | Slashing, Energy (Tiberium, Electricity) | N/A | N/A | N/A | Small - Medium | 4 Lbs. | 1435 (Templar) |
1412 Era Tiberium Weaponry[edit]
Mk. 1 Tiberium Longsword: While the Empire created the method for limiting the radiation of a Tiberium shard, mutants are credited with first using the crystals as weapons. While knights initially considered Tiberium weaponry an anathema, many grudgingly acknowledged Tiberium's superiority to standard steel and iron.
1420 Era Tiberium Weaponry[edit]
Mk. 2 Tiberium Longsword: By this time, the Forgotten was organized enough so that they could actually create Tiberium weaponry. Tiberium's crystalline structure can be made to be serated, thus causing more devastating injuries and imparting more radiation.
Mk. 1 Shrapnel Grenade: A devastating anti-personel weapon, the Templar made this weapon specifically for the Madagai expedition, to deal with dangerous mutated animals
Mk. 1 Shaped Explosive: A focused explosive developed by the Nod for the Madagai expedition, these can easily destroy any obstructions in the expedition's path. During the Firestorm Crisis, Shaped Explosives proved vital in destroying Cabal's outposts. Shaped explosives cannot be used as thrown weapons, but a player may take an attack action to plant it on a target. It then detonates in 5 rounds
Firestorm Crisis Era Tiberium Weaponry[edit]
Mk. 1 Shrapnel Launcher: The Church created this weapon to deal devastating damage across a large area. This weapon is credited with allowing the Steel Talons' to successfully defend Rome
Mk. 1 Radiation Gun: Considered the most reviled weapon in Vasudan history, Cabal deployed this weapon to create mutants of the Templar and Nod armies
1435 Era Tiberium Weaponry[edit]
Mk. 3 Tiberium Longsword: The last Tiberium weapon to have been developed by the Forgotten, significant advances in the understanding of knowledge Tiberium allow this weapon to create a powerful burst of Tiberium energy to overload a Tiberium mutant's nervous system
DM's Note[edit]
All of these weapons are designed to provide characters new weapons in a world without magical enchantments. These weapons, while seeming overpowered at first look, are designed for higher levels. The most powerful weapons exist in eras where Tiberium has become so far spread that magical enchantments cannot be used to upgrade weapons. Other methods to keep the weapons on edge with more powerful monsters include alternate ammunition and CCMCD upgrades, located in the Miscellaneous section of Gear and Equipment.
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