Variant Rules (Chainsaw Man Supplement)
Variant Rules[edit]
The following are writeups and links to various variant rules this campaign should use.
Additional Status Conditions[edit]
These rules serves to make using different types of attacks being worth it, instead of just using the same attacks over and over again.
Improved Durability[edit]
This optional rule is intended to provide a boost to the character's durability and endurance considering the nature of the Chainsaw Man Supplement reflects huge damage numbers and significant bonuses that can occur every turn within a combat encounter. This optional rule may mitigate that issue by improving characters' hit points and their maximums.
Starting at 1st level when a player gains an additional hit die to their hit die total. This additional hit die will provide extra hit points equal to the die's maximum rolled result + your Constitution modifier. For every level you gain an additional hit die towards your hit die total. The additional hit die then provides as if you gain a level in your class.
For example, a Devourer that benefits from this rule will begin with 2 hit die as opposed to 1 at 1st level. Their starting hit points are increased by the maximum rolled result of their hit die (d8 = 8) + their Constitution modifier. When this creature reaches 2nd level, they gain an additional hit die to their total and their hit point maximum increases by their Hit Points at Higher Levels found in the Hit Point section within the class description. If they had, say, Unrelenting Body, that increase would be applied as well.
Limbs System[edit]
In the Chainsaw Man series, limbs are constantly lost due to the sheer amount of damage creatures can receive at once. This system is here so that we can have that in dnd.
More Actions[edit]
This rule serves to give more variety in what you can do on your turn.
Tiny Player Characters[edit]
This rule will be used for smaller devils such as the war or chicken devil.
Blood System[edit]
Blood is a fundamental attribute within the chainsaw man series, this system is here to represent that attribute so we can have the most accurate chainsaw man experience.
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