User:JWhitt433/HQ/Nalmir Silvertongue

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Player: Justin

Character Name: Nalmir Silvertongue

Race: Half-elf

CL/Class(es): 2 (1 Ardent (CP, pg. 5), 1 Ninja (CA, pg. 5))

Experience: 1,000

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Deity: None (Spiritual)

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 120

Eyes: Green

Hair: Brown

Skin: Pale

Size: Medium

Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic, Goblin, Giant


11 13 12 17 16 15
0 1 1 3 3 2

HP: 11

AC: 13 (Base 10 + Misc. 3), Touch 13, Flat-footed 12

Speed: 40

Initiative Modifier: 5 (DEX Mod. 1 + Misc. Mod. 4)

Base Attack Bonus: 0

Spell Resistance: 0%

Grapple Modifier: 0

Saving Throws[edit]

Saving Throw Total Base Ability Mod. Misc. Mod.
Fortitude 1 0 1 0
Reflex 3 2 1 0
Will 7 2 3 2


Skill Skill Mod. Ability Mod. Ranks Misc. Mod.
Appraise 3 INT 3 0 0
Balance 1 DEX 1 0 0
Bluff 7 CHA 2 5 0
Climb 0 STR 0 0 0
Concentration 3 CON 1 2 0
Craft 3 INT 3 0 0
Decipher Script* 3 INT 3 0 0
Diplomacy 12 CHA 2 4 6
Disable Device* 3 INT 3 0 0
Disguise 4 CHA 2 0 2
Escape Artist 2 DEX 1 0 1
Forgery 3 INT 3 0 0
Gather Information 5 CHA 2 1 2
Handle Animal* 2 CHA 2 0 0
Heal 7 WIS 3 4 0
Hide 1 DEX 1 0 0
Intimidate 4 CHA 2 0 2
Jump 4 STR 0 0 4
Knowledge (Local)* 7 INT 3 4 0
Listen 4 WIS 3 0 1
Move Silently 1 DEX 1 0 0
Open Lock* 1 DEX 1 0 0
Perform* 2 CHA 2 0 0
Profession* 3 WIS 3 0 0
Ride 1 DEX 1 0 0
Search 4 INT 3 0 1
Sense Motive 8 WIS 3 5 0
Sleight of Hand* 3 DEX 1 0 2
Spellcraft* 3 INT 3 0 0
Spot 4 WIS 3 0 1
Survival 3 WIS 3 0 0
Swim 0 STR 0 0 0
Tumble* 1 DEX 1 0 0
Use Magic Device* 2 CHA 2 0 0
Use Rope 1 DEX 1 0 0
Autohypnosis* 5 WIS 3 2 0
Psicraft* 3 INT 3 0 0

Skill Points: 29/29


Improved Initiative


Special Abilities[edit]

Immunity to sleep spells and similar magical effects, and a +2 racial bonus on saving throw against enchantment spells or effects.

Low-Light Vision

Elven Blood: For all effects related to race, a half-elf is considered an elf. Half-elves, for example, are just as vulnerable to special effects that affect elves as their elf ancestors are, and they can use magic items that are only usable by elves.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Proficient with all simple weapons, hand crossbow, kama, kukri, nunchaku, sai, shortbow, short sword, shuriken, and siangham; all types of armor (heavy, medium, and light); and shields (except tower shields).

AC Bonus (Ex): A ninja is highly trained at dodging blows, and she has a sixth sense that lets her avoid even unanticipated attacks. When unarmored and unencumbered, a ninja adds her Wisdom bonus (if any) to her Armor Class. This ability does not stack with the monk’s AC bonus ability (a ninja with levels of monk does not add the bonus twice). In addition, a ninja gains a +1 bonus to AC at 5th level. This bonus increases by 1 for every five ninja levels thereafter (+2 at 10th, +3 at 15th, and +4 at 20th level). These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when a ninja is flat-footed. The character loses these bonuses when she is immobilized or helpless, when she wears any armor, when she carries a shield, or when she carries a medium or heavy load.

Ki Power (Su): A ninja can channel her ki to manifest special powers of stealth and mobility. She can use her ki powers a number of times per day equal to one-half her class level (minimum 1) plus her Wisdom bonus (if any). Ki powers can be used only if a ninja is wearing no armor and is unencumbered. As long as a ninja’s ki pool isn’t empty (that is, as long as she has at least one daily use remaining), she gains a +2 bonus on her Will saves.

Sudden Strike (Ex): If a ninja can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage. Whenever a ninja’s target is denied a Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), the ninja deals an extra 1d6 points of damage with her attack. This extra damage increases by 1d6 points for every two ninja levels thereafter. A ninja can’t use sudden strike when flanking an opponent unless that opponent is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC. This damage also applies to ranged attacks against targets up to 30 feet away. Creatures with concealment, creatures without discernible anatomies, and creatures immune to extra damage from critical hits are all immune to sudden strikes. A ninja can’t make a sudden strike while striking the limbs of a creature whose vitals are out of reach. A ninja can’t use sudden strike to deliver nonlethal damage. Weapons capable of dealing only nonlethal damage don’t deal extra damage when used as part of a sudden strike. The extra damage from the sudden strike ability stacks with the extra damage from sneak attack whenever both would apply to the same target.


Quick Drawback: Subtract 1 from your hit points gained at each level, including 1st (a result of 0 is possible).

Skinny Drawback: -2 penalty on Strength checks to avoid being bull rushed or overrun.

Vulnerable: You take a −1 penalty to Armor Class.


Spells/Powers Known 2/2

Power Points: 3 (Psionically focused: Yes)

Ki Pool: 4 (+2 Will save if not empty)

First Mantle: Mental Power (+2 WIS toward PP)

Mind Thrust

Second Mantle: Pain and Suffering (Immediate action: expend psionic focus to share pain of next melee attack against you. Attacker takes damage equal to half.)



Short sword, Attack Bonus 0, Damage 1d6, Critical 19-20/x2, Type Piercing

Shortbow, Attack Bonus 0, Damage 1d6, Critical x3, Range 60ft., Type Piercing

Bow blade, Attack Bonus 0, Damage 1d4, Critical x3, Type Piercing

Sleeve blade (left), Attack Bonus 0, Damage 1d4, Critical 19-20/x2, Type Piercing/Slashing

Sleeve blade (right), Attack Bonus 0, Damage 1d4, Critical 19-20/x2, Type Piercing/Slashing



Carrying Capacity: 24/38 Light, 24/76 Medium, 24/115 Heavy

Backpack, 0

Ration box (Common), 0

Bedroll, 5

Flint and steel, 0

Torches (5), 5

Traveler's outfit, 0

Mirror (small steel), 0.5

Healer's kit (10/10), 1

Short sword, 2

Shortbow, 2

Quiver with arrows (20), 3

Bow blade, 0.5

Sleeve blades (2), 2

CP: 0

SP: 9

GP: 38

PP: 245


Character Traits/Character Flaws[edit]



