User:Guy/Splat/Spells/Quick Fingers

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Quick Fingers[edit]

1-point transmutation (enhancement)
Casting time:  action
Range:  touch
Components:  S, M (alchemist's tools)
Duration:  1 minute
An alchemical substance you supply to yourself or a willing creature you touch instills fingers with abnormal quickness and nimbleness. For the duration, the target has advantage on Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) checks, can Use an Object as a bonus action on each of its turns, and re-rolls any Dexterity attack roll if the d20 lands on a 1.
Upcast. You can upcast this spell by expending extra spell points when you cast it. Expending 1 extra point increases the duration to 10 minutes, and expending 2 extra points increases the duration to 1 hour.