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5-point transmutation (morph)
Casting time:  action
Range:  30 feet
Components:  V, S
Duration:  concentration, up to a variable amount
You attempt to turn a creature to stone with a horrific flash from your eyes. A creature in range that you can see, other than a construct or elemental, must make a Constitution saving throw.
 On a success of 10 or more, this spell ends with no other effect.
 On a success of less than 10, the target's speed is halved until the end of your next turn as its body momentarily stiffens. On your next turn, you can use an action to force the creature to repeat this saving throw, but it does so with advantage. If you don't use this action by the end of that turn, the spell ends.
 On a failure of less than 10, the target becomes restrained until the end of your next turn. On your next turn, you can use your action to force the target to repeat this saving throw, but it does so with disadvantage. If you don't use this action by the end of that turn, this spell ends.
 On a failure of 10 or more, the target turns fully to stone and becomes petrified for 1 minute. Each time the creature takes damage while petrified within this minute, it can repeat this saving throw, and on any success becomes no longer petrified. If you maintain concentration on this spell for the full minute and at the end the creature remains petrified, it becomes petrified permanently.
Ultimate Spell. Once you cast this spell, you can't cast it again nor cast any other ultimate spell until you finish downtime.