Uraume (Jujutsu Kaisen Supplement)

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medium humanoid (Cursed Vessel), chaotic evil

Armor Class 29 (Unarmored Defense)
Hit Points 525 (42d8 + 336)
Speed 85 ft

16 (+3) 24 (+7) 26 (+8) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 26 (+8)

Saving Throws Dex +14, Cha +15
Skills Acrobatics +14, Arcana +12, Deception +15, History +12, Intimidation +15, Perception +12, Stealth +14
Tools Cooking Utensils
Proficiency Bonus +7
Senses passive Perception 22
Challenge 21 (33,000 XP)

Cursed Energy. Uraume has 83 cursed energy that they can use to fuel their abilities. All of their cursed energy is replenished at the end of a long rest.

Curse Energy Recovery. Uraume regains 1 cursed energy at the beginning of their turns.

This Body Is Mine. Uraume has advantage against effects that would alter their form.

Cling on to Life (1/Long Rest). Whenever Uraume is reduced to 0 hit points, but not killed outright, they may choose to be reduced to 1 hit point instead.

Cursed Armor. Uraume can spend up to 8 cursed energy to give themselves temporary hit points equal to the cursed energy spent times 20 for 1 minute. Uraume can only benefit from this feature again after 1 minute or having its temporary hit points reduced to 0.(No action required)

Cursed Strikes. Uraume can spend up to 7 cursed energy when making an Unarmed Strike in order to add 1d12 necrotic damage to their attack per Cursed Energy spent. They can also use this in response to rolling a natural 20 on an attack roll with an unarmed strike instead of beforehand. On a miss, the energy used remains until they hit a target or until 1 minute passes.

Curse-Empowered Strikes. Uraume's unarmed strikes are considered magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances, and deal 2d12 extra necrotic damage (already included).

Evasion/Endurance Whenever Uraume makes a Dexterity or Constitution saving throw, they take half as much damage on a failure and no damage on a success.

Maximum Output. Uraume may use Maximum Output on any of the following techniques: Ice Formation, Ice Fall, Frost Calm.

Cold Cursed Energy Uraume's Curse-Empowered Strikes, Cursed Strikes, Cursed Weapon Enhancement, and Cursed Tools damage can be changed to Cold instead of Necrotic. Additionally, when using Cursed Armor, Uraume has resistance to Cold damage, and if somebody tries to grapple Uraume while they have Cursed Armor active they will receive the effects of Extreme Cold without having to make a saving throw.

Created Ice Whenever Urarume uses their technique, a quantity of ice is created. The ice occupies the space it was used in (10 ft cone range = 10 ft cone of ice with 10 ft of height). The ice has an AC of 23 and has 168 hit points. The ice is vulnerable to all damage but psychic and poison, as it has immunity to those types. Creatures reduce the total hit points of the ice by 1/4 when they break out of it. All ice created by Uraume's technique will last until they end it at will, it breaks, or they receive the poisoned, envenomed, paralyzed, stunned, petrified or unconscious conditions.

  • Uraume may spend an additional 4 Cursed Energy when using a Lapse or Extension technique to harden their ice. This hardened ice has 336 hit points, is no longer vulnerable to bludgeoning and fire damage, and has an AC of 31

Cold Environment Whenever a creature is within 50 feet of ice created by Uraume's technique, they suffer the following effects:

  • Extreme Cold. At the end of each round, they must make a DC 23 Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they receive the effects of extreme cold. If they fail by 5 or more, they become Chilled. After they've left the area of ice, the creature can remake the Constitution save at the beginning of their turns to end the condition.
  • Freezing Winter. Any creatures within 50 feet of your ice than don't have cold resistance or immunity have their movement speed reduced by 100 feet.
  • Frozen Coffin. Creatures have disadvantage on Strength saving throws to get out of your ice unless their Strength score is higher than your Cursed Energy DC.
  • Cold Death. Whenever a creature takes cold damage from being Frozen or Half Frozen by this technique, the damage is maximized.

A creature can only receive these effects from one ice at once, even if there's more than one ice within range.

Telepathic Connection Uraume can use their technique originating from any ice within 100 ft of them as if they were there instead. Creatures with a passive perception smaller than Uraume's Cursed Energy DC make their saving throws with disadvantage and Uraume makes their cursed energy attack rolls with advantage.

Frozen Death Cold damaged caused by Uraume ignores resistances but not immunities. Also, Uraume's ice isn't vulnerable to fire damage anymore. Whenever a creature breaks out of your ice they take piercing damage depending on their size.

  • Tiny - 10 Piercing damage.
  • Small - 20 Piercing damage.
  • Medium - 30 Piercing damage.
  • Large - 40 Piercing damage.
  • Huge - 50 Piercing damage.
  • Gargantuan - 60 Piercing damage.

Improved Reverse Cursed Technique Uraume has a healing pool of 1680 that they can use with their reverse cursed energy. If they are suffering from a physical effect injury such as a concussion or something similar, one of these effects can be healed for every 10 hit points healed with reverse cursed technique. If you're not using the Limb System variant rule, Uraume regrows back limbs for every 20 hit points they regain. Uraume can use their RCT until their healing pool ends before getting burnout, during which they can't use RCT until their healing pool recovers. At the beginning of their turns while in a combat where their life is at risk, they regains 10 hit points of their healing pool back. Their healing pool automatically goes back to full at the end of a long rest.

Cursed Enhanced Body. As long as Uraume has 1 cursed energy or more, they may add 4 to their attack and damage rolls with unarmed strikes or weapons they are proficient with (already applied).


Multiattack. Uraume makes 3 attacks.

Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (1d12 + 11) bludgeoning damage and 13 (2d12) cold damage.

Ice Formation (2 Cursed Energy) Uraume makes a Ranged Cursed Energy Attack roll against a creature within 10 ft. of them. On a hit, they take 11d10 Cold damage and must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they are restrained. On a success, they are not restrained. After the Strength saving throw they must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they become Chilled. On a success, they are not Chilled. If they fail by 5 or more, they are also Half Frozen. The creature can remake the Strength saving throw at the beginning of their turns, breaking out of the ice on a success. If they have failed the Constitution saving throw, they may only start remaking it at the beginning of their turns once they're out of your ice.

Ice Fall (6 Cursed Energy) Uraume crouches down and releases ice, making a Ranged Cursed Energy Attack roll against every creature of your choice within 30 ft of them. On a hit, they take 24d10 cold damage and are restrained and must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are also Half Frozen. On a success, they receive no additional effects. If they fail by 5 or more, they are Frozen instead. The creature can make a Strength saving throw at the beginning of its turns, ending the restrained condition early on a success. Hitting or missing, giant spikes of ice will fall from the sky on top of the targeted creatures, forcing them to make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, they take 24d8 piercing damage. On a success, they take half as much damage.

Frost Calm (10 Cursed Energy) Uraume can send a cloud of freezing mist to a spot within 60ft. of them. Every creature of your choice in a 30ft by 30ft. square in that spot must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, they take 20d12 cold damage and are both restrained and Half Frozen by the ice layer formed in the square. On a success, they take half as much damage and are not restrained or Half Frozen. After the Strength saving throw, they must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, they are Frozen if they failed the Strength saving throw, or Half Frozen if they passed the Strength saving throw. On a success, they don't receive any additional effects. The creature may make a Strength saving throw at the beginning of it's turns to break the ice and end the restrained condition.

If Maximum Output is used on this technique you may choose a spot within 300ft. of you to release the mist, and it will now target all creatures of your choice within a 100ft. circle.


Martial Arts. When Uraume uses their action to make an unarmed strike, as a bonus action they can make another one or a one-handed weapon attack.

Cursed Blast of Blows. After taking the Attack action on their turn, Uraume can spend 3 Cursed Energy to perform two unarmed strikes as a bonus action.

Cursed Patient Defense. Uraume can spend 3 Cursed Energy to take the Dodge action as a bonus action on their turn.

Cursed Wind Step. Uraume can spend 3 Cursed Energy to take the Disengage or Dash action as a bonus action on their turn, and their jump distance is doubled until the end of their turn.

Improved Reverse Cursed Technique Uraume spends any amount of Cursed Energy, regaining 20 hit points for each energy they spend, and removing the same amount of healing from their healing pool.


Cursed Enhanced Body (1-7 Cursed Energy). Whenever Uraume makes a Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence or Wisdom saving throw, they may add the number of energy spent as a bonus to the saving throw.

Cursed Energy Reinforcement Whenever Uraume makes a Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, or Wisdom saving throw, they may spend up to 8 Cursed Energy as a reaction to add the number of energy spent as a bonus to the saving throw. They also have an extra reaction specifically for this feature.

Improved Reverse Cursed Technique When Uraume receives damage, they may use their Reverse Cursed Technique.

Urarume's first appearance, inside of Dagon's Domain, [[1]]

Urarume is a devout follower of Sukuna, and a reincarnated sorcerer from the Heian Era. They possess a powerful innate technique that allows them to create and manipulate ice.

Jujutsu Sorcerer.

Urarume has 21 levels in the Jujutsu Sorcerer class.

Tokyo Jujutsu High

Design Note: These features aren't applied to the statblock, as it is up to the GM what would be best for the npc

Uraume knows three enhancements in which they can apply to their cursed technique. A technique cannot have multiple enhancements, nor can one enhancement be applied to multiple techniques.

  • Power Enhancement. Uraume can now spend up to 7 additional cursed energy on the technique to add an additional damage die to the technique per cursed energy spent.
  • Cursed Energy Economy. The cursed energy cost of the technique is now reduced by 7 (to a minimum of 1 cursed energy).
  • Distance Enhancement. Uraume can spend up to 7 additional cursed energy on the technique to add 10 feet to the range per cursed energy spent.

At the end of a short rest or long rest, Uraume may reallocate his enhancements.

Specialized Technique

Design Note: This feature isn't applied to the statblock, as it is up to the GM what would be best for the npc

One of Uraume's cursed techniques will gain all of the following benefits:

  • Increased Damage Output. Its damage dice number will increase by 8.
  • Increased Reach. Its range will increase by 30 feet.
  • Optimized Technique. Its cursed energy cost will be halved (rounded up, minimum 1).
Technique Alteration

Design Note: These features aren't applied to the statblock, as it is up to the GM what would be best for the npc

Uraume knows one technique alteration they can put on their cursed techniques. They can put an alteration on only one of their techniques.

  • Massive Range. As part of using their technique, Uraume can spend 10 extra cursed energy. Their technique’s range, width, and radius increase by 220 feet. If it has a range of touch, its range instead becomes 105 feet.

Uraume may change their alterations at the end of a long rest.

Cursed Techniques.

When a feature refers to Uraume's cursed techniques, it refers to Ice Formation, Ice Fall, and Frost Calm.

Cursed Energy Reinforcement

Uraume is constantly reinforcing their body with cursed energy, granting themself the following benefits as long as they have at least 1 Cursed Energy:

  • When Uraume makes a Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence or Wisdom ability check, they may add their Charisma mod to it.
  • When calculating their jump distance and height, Uraume may add their Charisma score when calculating distance and modifier when calculating height. Additionally their jump distance and height are doubled.
  • Uraume may add their Charisma score when determining their carrying capacity. Their carrying capacity (including maximum load and maximum lift) is also doubled.

Uraume's Feats.

50 Meters In 3 Seconds!

Ice Hardener

Immense Cursed Energy, Overflowing Cursed Energy, Dense Cursed Energy

Cursed Energy Manipulator, Cursed Enhanced Body, Cursed Energy Reinforcement, Improved Cursed Energy Output

Reverse Cursed Technique, Improved Reverse Cursed Technique

Chef (5e Feat)

Improved Durability.

This creature uses the Improved Durability rule.

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