Ultra Divine Water (5e Equipment)

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Ultra Divine Water[edit]

Wondrous Item, Legendary

The Ultra Divine Water (超神水 Chōshinsui, lit. "Super God/Divine Water") is a magic water that will draw out all of the drinker's potential if they can survive its poisonous and painful effects. Thus, if a drinker has already obtained their full potential, it will have no effect. It's hold in a small kettle and a cup carrying it. Fourteen people drank this water and only one survived.

When ingested, this water can bring out a creature's full potential if it can survive it. A Creature that drinks atleast a full cup from this water, it is bring to 0 Hit Points and must roll Death Saves as normal, if have three sucess the creature it's stabilised gain it's level + Constitution Modifier in Hit Points.

If a creature that has ingested Ultra Divine Water succeeds and survived, it has its Strength, Dexterity and Constitution scores increased by +4, this increase can go beyond maximum scores.

A Creature can suffer the effects from Ultra Divine Water once in it's life, as once the potential it can draw out of a creature has been drawn out, only other methods can do the same.

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