The World of Theous (5e Campaign Setting)

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Rating: Not-Rated / 5
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The World Of Theous[edit]

Theous is a setting inspired by classic Isekai themes and filled with plenty of anime tropes. This setting is a diverse world with an anthology of stories and campaigns ran and all in one setting. Below is all the information that you need to understand the world and the power system and the people of Theous!

Players Guide

A quick look at what classes are in your world and how they each fit in.
Various gear, goods, equipment and magical items available to characters.
Magic Affinity
Information on magic and the different kind of affinities towards magic you can gain.
Descriptions of the race within your world and how they interact with one another and the rest of the world.
Backgrounds specific to the world of Theous
Job Skills/Skills/Aura
Detailed information about the power system of the world of Theous

World of Theous

An examination of monsters and beasts in the world of Ethos and how they've adapted to the world
The magic in the world of Theous
World's interactions and connections with the broader multiverse and planes.
The World & Locales
The world of Theous and the nations cultures and peoples within it
The broad history of Theous, divided into general eras
A quick look at common societal trends and laws and customs in Theous

Dungeon Master's Guide

A general explanation of Theous and the general world building mindset, along with various outside resources and examples to use as references in developing a campaign or understanding the world. As well as a to-do list.
Artifacts of great power and importance
General maps for the DM's use.
Variant Rules
Optional rules for DMs to implement while playing a campaign in Theous, Some are required for some class features to work.
Adventures & Tables
Ideas for quests, dungeons, campaigns and conflicts. Also tables for random encounters and other things.
Adding to the world of Theous
A page for submitting ideas, advice and anecdotes from your campaigns for the development of the setting

Other Information[edit]

this page is a WIP

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