Talk:Suffocate (5e Spell)

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Okay, quick question. If this spell “forces” the creature’s lungs to empty, why does it force the creature to hold its breath? Based on the flavor text and name of the spell, there isn’t any breath left to hold. I feel like this spell should cause the target creature to actually start choking. This would make the spell a lot more powerful, of course, but I feel that the easiest way to fix this is to make the spell’s level higher. That way the flavor text and name of the spell fits the effect.
EpicBoss99 (talk) 07:47, 8 August 2018 (MDT)

Cotsu's edit effectively made this spell a "save or die" for any creature with a Constitution score of 11 or lower. My edit sought to prevent a 6th level save-or-die spell in an edition which, seemingly by design, has virtually no save-or-die spells.
If someone wants to revert my edit, or change it back to a version that just does damage instead, I'm not going to stop it. - Guy 08:13, 8 August 2018 (MDT)
How about a fall prone choking type thing, maybe make it a lower level spell but one that just keeps the creature incapacitated instead of doing damage? Cotsu Malcior (talk) 09:41, 8 August 2018 (MDT)