Talk:Stone Wielder (5e Class)
There are some incomplete features, that need a better explanation:
- Stones Are Friends, Not Food
Its not clear what type of weapon a stone or rock is. It is a spell ranged attack? A ranged weapon? A melee weapon with the thrown property? This should be clarified. What is the type of damage caused by the stone? I assume is bludgeoning, but you should write it down.
- Talk to Stone and other spells
It is not stated what is the spellcasting ability of the stone wielder. I assumed Wisdom as i was reading and editing it, but i can be wrong. Another thing...why just don't give this class a half or third casting progression and select stone/earth related spells?
- Walled In
6th level is too soon to give a 5th level spell for a character.
- Elemental Stone
Stones don't already deal bludgeoning damage? But, again, this is why the type of damage of the 1st level feature should be specified.
- One With The Stons
Too weak for a 11th level feature. 11th level is the level where a class gain a tier upgrade.
- King Of Stone
"In addition, the stones look at you as their king, and the stones will give you information and offerings" what this means, in mechanical terms?
Sling Master[edit]
- David Strike
You don't explain what it takes to perform the extra attack? Is an extra attack without taking an action? When you take the Attack action? When you take any action? As a bonus action? I assume that this is an extra attack when you take the Attack action, but it should be explained.
- Sling Master
This makes your class feature that give advantage with stone attacks basically useless.
Stone Spell Caster[edit]
- Stone Fist
underpowered since this is the level for a tier upgrade, since the 5th level feature on the base class is underpowered too.
- Stone Smith
Any type of weapon? any type? any quantity? This doesn't explain nothing about the power.
- Call Stones
What this stones do to the creatures in their path? Does anything at all? It is not explained.