Talk:Spider Rider (5e Subclass)

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Isn't this character concept easily achievable using the cavalier from X's Guide, with a spider mount? — Geodude671 (talk | contribs | email)‎ . . 19:35, 7 January 2018 (MST)

I'll have to check on that. This idea is based off the anime Spider Riders. So, hopefully, no. --Yanied (talk) 20:26, 7 January 2018 (MST)
Ok, it does not adhere to X's guide. --Yanied (talk) 20:39, 7 January 2018 (MST)

The spiders should be moved to separate creature pages. SirSprinkles (talk) 23:55, 22 December 2018 (MST)

Ok moved --Yanied (talk) 20:15, 23 December 2018 (MST)

Round Counting[edit]

Could the oracle transform thing at level 3 function without round counting? If not, would you mind placing a Design Note that this class uses a mechanic not common for 5e? ~ BigShotFancyMan 10:56, 8 May 2019 (MDT)

It can be without round counting, yep. I just put that there because giving it too many minutes sounded like too much.--Yanied (talk) 00:05, 9 May 2019 (MDT)

Cool! 1 minute is a pretty standard amount of time for features. ~ BigShotFancyMan 07:03, 9 May 2019 (MDT)


Could this be done better by doing it as a Paladin subclass? 09:02, 1 June 2024 (MDT)

Like as a warrior of the oracle? That's a good point.--Yanied (talk) 13:27, 1 June 2024 (MDT)
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