Talk:Path of the Immortal (5e Subclass)

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So the reason why I changed the subclass drastically is because its clearly overpowered and unbalanced. Not only do you gain the benefits of the Tough feat but also all encompassing damage reduction, better AC Score, temp HP when raging that evolves to HP by a huge amount, an increased amount of Rage uses (I am guessing that's what Fury is), increased death saving throws, HP regen, and Bear Totem resistances. Two or three of these features would already make this subclass strong, but all of them just breaks balance altogether and I haven't even mentioned the attack and damage bonuses and the other features that go beyond the Barbarian's subclass level of 14. So yeah, this is why I changed most if not everything in the subclass while trying to stay true to its roots hopefully. --DonMafia (talk) 22:13, 13 December 2022 GMT+8