Talk:Netbook of Alignment (3.5e Variant Rule)
This looks amazingly like the Tomes by Frank & K. I know it is a variant rule but shouldn't this also be in Sourcebooks?--Milo High-Hill 17:21, 27 November 2010 (MST)
I've a custom Alignment system, its easy to understand and explain, doesn't make radical changes to the world but still SEEMS better than core; Cartesian alignment is a pair of x and y co-ordinates for a Cartesian plane that measures -30 to 30 on both X and Y axis. x axis is Law-chaos, with -30 being supremely lawful(The Inevitables). y axis is good-evil, with -30 being supremely evil(Archfiends). Players decide 'how good', 'how evil', 'how lawful' or 'how chaotic' they are and pick a point that co-incides on the chart.
Detect Alignment? Detect alignment typically shows not only whether something is an alignment but also its hit die above the caster's, Which seems bizarre. In this variant when detecting an alignment, the value connected to said alignment is divided by 3 and rounded up, giving a scale of 0-10. 0 only occurs when the value being divided is 0, if the value is 1 then the detection is 1. values on the opposite side of 0 don't detect at all e.g. an archfiend detects as 10 with detect evil, a tyrant may detect as 7(-19y, -20y or -21y).
This system gives the whole thing a very gray scale feel, rather then black, white and gray. The chart can even be overlayed on the typical alignment 3x3 grid, for easy comparison.(-)11 is 'technically' an alignment