Talk:Natalupes (3.5e Race)

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personality: Confusing. Needs rewrite.

digitigrade: [1] Digitigrade — I had to look this one up. Merriam-Webster suggests feet are digitigrade, not legs, and the quality of walking on one’s digits would not a quality that lends itself to ‘somewhat’. Either they are digitigrade, or they are not digitigrade.

language: The idea of divetongue is interesting. The feat that they can take should be entered as a feat.

Miscellaneous: I don't see why water-adapted creature would get a racial bonus to Climb checks. A racial penalty, sure, but a bonus?

The racial bonus to Swim should be higher — +8 or +10.

Should have only one favored class. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Roszlishan (talkcontribs) 22:26, 17 December 2007 (MST). Please sign your posts.

Odd formatting threw me off for a second. Anyway.... Personality, you say it is confusing. Could ou elaborate, I don't see the problem. Touche on the digitigrade part, I suppose you can't be half digitigrade. What I was trying to get across was that the majority of their leg was the usual angle like a human, and not like a chicken leg (where is appears like the leg is bent backwards, though I know that's actually their foot). Though since they DO walk on their toes they would have to be digitigrade. Do you know if a better way to express this? ...I'd provide pictures if needed.
The divetongue feat will be put in eventually. I'm glad you like it. As for climb, it was part in due to their large hands and claws. Its not unheard for them to build a colony on a cliffside, where they can scale the wall to drier land when they aren't swimming for food. I was wondering about the swim racia bonus... I'd be happy to improve it, but it seems almost needless since the primary aspect for swim checks (being able to swim) is rendered negated by the fact they have a swim speed and don't require swim checks in the first place. Maybe I missed something though, so it is doesn't unbalance it I'll change that tomorrow (or you can).
And the last bit was... mostly my habit (since I shun the favored class concept) and as a rule of thumb I always try to build my races with two favored classes. Anyway, thanks for the comments, I'll get to work on that feat soon. -- Eiji 23:38, 17 December 2007 (MST)
The personality section is written confusingly, with the intent and meaning jumping all over the place. It doesn't seem cohesive, and I didn't think I understood the intent well enough to redo it myself.
Digitigrade — I'm not trying for a ‘touchè’ and if in any way shape or form I suggested I am, than I apologize. Such is absolutely not my intention. If I didn’t like what I was reading, I just wouldn't comment. I had to look ‘digitigrade’ up to check the spelling, and from m-w it appeared that it’s not the word you're looking for, or, more accurately, not entirely what you're looking for. The reason digitigrade legs look like they're bent backwards is that the wrist joint is confused with the actual knee — the ‘lower part’ of the ‘leg’ is really a modified ‘hand’. I'm not sure how you want to resolve that anatomical difficulty. I suppose you could rule the wrist joint as not present.
I understand your issue with favored class, but IMHO it's a balancing factor, and a very important one. Certainly, one can still build brokenly powerful characters within the strict rules of favored classes, but it's harder. Giving a race like this two favored classes really undoes the balancing favored class adds. Roszlishan 09:04, 18 December 2007 (MST)
Huh? No offense taken, touche isn't insulting. You caught me on a goof fair and square, it's cool. Anyway, making some edits now...
And there, all I'm missing though now is how to describe the legs... -- Eiji 14:35, 18 December 2007 (MST)