Talk:Mithral Form (5e Feat)

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Help me to understand what the problem is. First off, I changed it to get rid of the ASI, then you promptly changed it back and stated it was still a problem. How can someone fix it, if (whoever is making a complaint) won't allow changes? Second, if offers a few monk abilities, something SEVERAL approved feats do. Mithril spirit for 1 has 6 additional abilities, an ASI, and incluse a saving throw proficiency. That's ok, but this isn't. This is homebrew right?? —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Dariusdracos (talkcontribs) . Please sign your posts.

Firstly I will address the ASI change. I will admit that at first I did not see the change - I assumed you had merely removed the template and made no other modification. That's on me. However, the feat is still not exactly balanced, and the existence of other unbalanced feats does not excuse this one. With the change you made, the core of the problem remains - the fact that this feat is, in essence, a combination of the Monk's movement speed increase and their Martial Arts dice, capped off with an additional point of AC. Let me again restate that the presence of other overpowered pages does not excuse the creation of yet more of them. We here at D&D Wiki strive to create fun, unique, and above all, balanced and playable content. Yes, it is homebrew, but no sane DM would allow obviously broken content in their games, and if the content is not usable, there's no point for it to be on the wiki in the first place. --Nuke The Earth (talk) 08:13, 6 February 2021 (MST)

Class Specific Feats[edit]

On a side note, feats shouldn't be class specific in 5e.Anastacio (talk) 14:25, 5 March 2021 (MST)

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