Talk:Litwick (5e Creature)

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Requested review:

  • I'm interested how a CR 1/4 has such high stats. It has very high stats compared to any other official 1/4 CR.
  • I feel as a ghost type it could have darkvision. Otherwise it looks ok. Might be a bit stronger than 1/4 CR.--Yanied (talk) 10:27, 26 January 2020 (MST)
According to the table in the DMG, this creature deserves to be CR 1/2. If you do make that change, I'll also recommend raising its hit points as I feel it's a bit on the fragile side for a CR 1/2. The Charisma is rather high for such a low-level monster, though the CR 2 Will-O-Wisp has a 28 Dex so it's not entirely without precedent. — Geodude Chatmod.png (talk | contribs | email)‎‎ . . 11:05, 26 January 2020 (MST)