Talk:Intuitive Reflexes (3.5e Feat)

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Sounds Epic[edit]

This seems more powerful than the similar epic feats Dexterous Fortitude and Dexterous Will. I think it should be changed to an epid feat, and its prerequisites adjusted accordingly. --Rakankou 11:12, 17 June 2007 (MDT)

This feat is modeled after the PHB II Feat "Steadfast Determination" (Con for Wis in Will saves), which is non-epic.
In any case the Epic Feats are better: this feat here only switches ability scores, with the Epic feat you switch both ability score, base save, and any item that gives save/and or attribute bonus. So, while your Dex and Wis bonus might be 3 to 5 points apart, for an Epic character the difference between Reflex and Will save bonus might be 10, 20, 30 and even more points. --Mkill 11:39, 17 June 2007 (MDT)
Ah, I hadn't connected those points before. Still, though, is the part about not failing automatically on a natural 1 also in the PHBII feats? I would think that more up to the DM's preference than anything else. --Rakankou 15:36, 17 June 2007 (MDT)
Feats often give one, clear benefit. This one gives two. That much said, the second benefit is not worth a feat due to its rareness. The first part of the feat is clearly worth it, and doesn't need a kicker.
Much of what used to be "epic" is now non-epic. There's a general recognition that epic set the bar of feats too low. For all intensive purposes, Epic has been abandoned by WotC. They now benchmark everything against the 1-20 game. --Dmilewski 20:19, 17 June 2007 (MDT)
Since I can't post PHB II material here I suggest you check "Steadfast Determination" yourself.
As for "feats should only give one benefit", there are enough counterexamples like Improved Trip and others.
As for Epic feats, they range from really powerful like Automatic Quicken Spell to "it's a normal feat in Forgotten Realms" like Armor Skin. Epic was an interesting book because it was a good test on how far you can push the boundaries of the game, but for most campaigns levels 1-20 work fair enough. --Mkill 20:44, 17 June 2007 (MDT)
I changed it to be optional to allow you to use either since ability scores can change and I don't think players would want to be hampered by a poor reflex save if their wisdom score gets decreased. --Gd1 11:36, 10 March 2009 (Pacific Time)