Talk:Iai Swordsman (5e Class)

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Nice, i love sword related stuff. Just a couple of suggestions though:

1. Your class has two "good" saves. What does that mean? Dexterity, Constitution and Wisdom saving throws (the good saves) are more common than Strength, Intelligence and Charisma (the bad saves). So, a class should have one good save and one bad save in order to balance out.

2. The general organization of the features in the article are a bit confusing. The features should be described in the article in order you gain them. Iai Dice could be mentionend on the "Iai Quickdraw" techniques, so could focus, since both of those features are actually components of your quickdraw techniques.

3. Minor thing, "Iai Quickdraw" is a bit of a redundancy, because Iai already imply the technique of drawing the sword. Could be just "Iai Technique" or "Quickdraw Technique" or even "Iaijutsu"

Other than that, keep the good work! If i have any other suggestion, i'll post here later. Anastacio (talk) 13:44, 1 October 2020 (MDT)

First of all, thank you! That is so nice of you.

And second... Someone actually read the class I made like 2-3 days ago already. Holy shhh. How did you find this? Is there like a "new things" tab on the wiki that I have overlooked.

Thanks a lot for the suggestions. I guess the "good save/bad save" makes sense from an in-game perspective. I'll try to balance that.

The entire thing might be a bit messy, I'm new to editing on the wiki, but I am slowly making it better and better. For example, today I've done some damage calculation and playtesting with a friend. And I found some completely busted stuff and fixed it, and buffed some underwhelming features, and added some new ones, AND got rid of some.

Reducing the wordiness might be a good idea, but it's also for the people that don't know what Iai means. Maybe if I added a section under the "class lore" part, explaining what Iai is. --Quel (talk) 15:19, 1 October 2020 (MDT)

There's a "Recent Changes" button on your top left corner, just bellow the site logo. All recent stuff appear that, and because i'm into martial arts, i take notice of your class. That's no need to thank bro, that's the whole purpose of this community, collaborative creation! :D
"Maybe if I added a section under the "class lore" part, explaining what Iai is." This would be a good idea. Usually the class descriptions are divided in topics, if you look at the official ones, explaining what they do and what's they role on the world. Would be cool something under the description/lore section explaining a bit about iaijutsu, to give this class more flavor. And it is good to know you are playtesting, is the best way to judge balance.
Now, one question: Why did you left two levels empty of features?

Anastacio (talk) 10:12, 12 October 2020 (MDT)

I left two levels empty because it fits better with the balance and guidelines for the class/class creation. You also gain more focus at those levels, but there is nothing else significant at those two levels.
I tried switching it up a bit, but during playtesting, this is the result that made the most sense... I've been playtesting by doing encounters at different levels with and without support, and also comparing + some multiclass shenanigan's. Long story short, I like the way it is now, but thanks for the interest! I'll probably add some utility features so it doesn't look empty, but ultimately doesn't have a big impact on gameplay.
I don't know a lot about Iaijutsu, so it's going to take some effort to research and stuff, but that's actually a great idea (adding lore)... I'm scarred it would narrow it's possibilities a bit though, because I tried to make the backstory very open, so other people's characters could choose their own angle on the class (maybe more related too their characters backstory for example than a set of rules or history). But then I guess it actually makes more sense too call it something other than "Iai". But the class definitely needs more lore, it's just a lot of effort to make it fit with both Iaijutsu and what i had envisioned. I'll be working on it :-)!

--Quel (talk) 16:05, 12 October 2020 (MDT)

Nvm... I got a good idea after reading your message, and I wrote some lore already... It doesn't contain close to any real life Iaijutsu history wise. It's just something I made up real quick. Might add/remove/change some things about it later. --Quel (talk) 17:06, 12 October 2020 (MDT)