Talk:Entityborn (5e Race)

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Really empty flavor and fluff to help integrate the race. What else can be said about the Entity? Even someone like Azathoth (5e Deity) has more information. These also sound more like aberrant monsters than creatures for players.

  • This blindsense isn't quite written out and negates a lot of DM sneak attempts
  • Full control basically confirms this wasn't made for players. it is stronger than first-party tinker abilities and lets you control and summon actual monsters in contrast to the limited find familiar. This is incredibly strong even for a CLASS at level 1, let along a race. Also, you start with 10 at level 1 and can get (19/2)*5 = 42 control points by level 20?? Are you kidding me? So you can control a CR30 Tarrasque from race alone? Forget needing a class then. that just adds to how strong this already is.
  • Auto-magic unarmed strike that has a whopping 2d6 damage out the gate
  • Grasp is not how saving throws work.

Overall this thing is really busted. It reads so much more as an evil avatar class of some god than a race. --Yanied (talk) 20:36, 26 June 2023 (MDT)

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