Talk:Early Genetic Experiment (5e Race)

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A very interesting race. I wonder if it's balanced? 04:28, 20 October 2024 (MDT)

I have a major complaint, and that's about the recustomization trait. Not only is this machine suddenly mentioned when it was never brought up before anywhere in the text of the race (if it's so important to the process of their creation, the whys and hows really should be explained in the lore rather than appearing in a racial trait with no context), but there are no guidelines for how easily a player should be able to expect to find one, where a DM would put them in their world, etc.
Also the idea that DNA encoding or genetic experimentation could create "cyborgs, robots, androids or constructs" in your words is completely absurd and illogical even by the standards of a fantasy/sci-fi game. 2601:285:4100:14B0:FB1:480D:FD67:E752 05:04, 20 October 2024 (MDT)
Actually, concept just changed faster than page name did. That stats would be used for any artificial creature - be it genetic experiment, robot, construct, or genetic experiment cyborg. New name would more logically be "Early Artificial Experiment". 13:41, 20 October 2024 (MDT)
Recombination can be removed if that's so problematic. 13:42, 20 October 2024 (MDT)
How easily could be found? At that point in future, all "normal" people are like that, as everyone get augmented. That's not counting super-units, what are a lot more expensive and powerful (not "Early" guys). 13:44, 20 October 2024 (MDT)
Also, our DnD database didn't yet have a race what would allow to just "distribute Musicus points however you want and be what you want". All previous races were too limited. This one isn't. 13:47, 20 October 2024 (MDT)
OK. I did Early Artificial Experiment (5e Race) - now it makes more sense? 13:53, 20 October 2024 (MDT)
Sorry, i don't know how to re-name pages. 13:55, 20 October 2024 (MDT)
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